This book has two chapters. The first is a modern or contemporary account of stability theory. A focus is on the local (formula-by-formula) theory, treated a little differently from in the author's book Geometric Stability Theory. There is also a survey of general and geometric stability theory, as well as applications to combinatorics (stable regularity lemma) using pseudofinite methods.
The second is an introduction to "continuous logic" or "continuous model theory," drawing on the main texts and papers, but with an independent point of view. This chapter includes some historical background, including some other formalisms for continuous logic and a discussion of hyperimaginaries in classical first order logic.
These chapters are based around notes, written by students, from a couple of advanced graduate courses in the University of Notre Dame, in Autumn 2018, and Spring 2021.
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Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Stability Theory
- Preface
- Stability Theory:
- Introduction
- Preliminaries
- Stability
- Continuous Logic:
- Introduction
- Background
- "Official" Continuous Logic
- Stability in Continuous Logic
- Index
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in mathematics and related subjects interested in model theory and its applications.
Anand Pillay is William J Hank Family Chair of Mathematics at the University of Notre Dame, USA. His research is in model theory, as well as its applications in areas such as algebra, geometry, and number theory.
His Honours include an invited talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Zurich, 1994), the Humbolt Foundation Research Prize (2001), the Tarski lectures (UC Berkeley, 2009), and the Godel Lecture (Barcelona, 2011). In addition, he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Waterloo in 2018, and was the Inaugural Simons Distinguished Visitor at the Fields Institute in 2021. He is an Inaugural Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
He is the (joint) Editor-in-Chief of the Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, an Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, and is also on the editorial boards of Algebra and Number Theory, the de Gruyter series in Logic and Applications, and the Illinois Journal of Mathematics.
He has published two other books: Introduction to Stability Theory (Oxford University Press, 1983), and Geometric Stability Theory (Oxford University Press, 1996), and has edited several other volumes.