This book provides an introduction to mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics. It will help prepare students for advanced study in set theory and mathematical logic as well as other areas of mathematics, such as analysis, topology, and algebra. The presentation of finite state and Turing machines leads to the Halting Problem and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, which have broad academic interest, particularly in computer science and philosophy.
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Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Preface
- About the Authors
- Introduction
- Propositional Logic
- Predicate Logic
- Models of Predicate Logic
- Boolean Algebras
- Computability
- Decidable and Undecidable Theories
- Algorithmic Randomness
- Nonstandard Numbers
- Foundations of Geometry
- Bibliography
- Index
Readership: Advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students interested in mathematical logic, mathematics, computer science, and philosophy.
Douglas Cenzer is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Florida, where he was Department Chair from 2013 to 2018. He has to his credit more than 100 research publications, specializing in computability, complexity and randomness. He joined the University of Florida in 1972 after receiving his PhD from the University of Michigan.
Jean Larson is Emeritus Professor at the University of Florida, specializing in combinatorial set theory. She received her PhD in Mathematics from Dartmouth University in 1972 and was E R Hedrick Assistant Professor at UCLA from 1972 to 1974, before joining the University of Florida in 1974.
Chris Porter is Associate Professor and Chair of Computer Science, and also holds a position in Mathematics, at Drake University, specializing in computability theory, algorithmic randomness, and the philosophy of mathematics. He received his PhD in mathematics and philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2012, was an NSF international postdoctoral fellow at Université Paris 7 from 2012 to 2014, and a postdoctoral associate at the University of Florida from 2014 to 2016.
Jindřich Zapletal is Professor of Mathematics at University of Florida, specializing in mathematical logic and set theory. He received his PhD in 1995 from the Pennsylvania State University, and held postdoctoral positions at MSRI Berkeley, Cal Tech and Dartmouth College, before joining the University of Florida in 2000.