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The proceedings of MG16 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 46 plenary presentations, 3 public lectures, 5 round tables and 81 parallel sessions arranged during the intense six-day online meeting. All talks were recorded and are available on the ICRANet YouTube channel at the following link: http://www.icranet.org/video_mg16.
These proceedings are a representative sample of the very many contributions made at the meeting. They contain 383 papers, among which 14 come from the plenary sessions.
The material represented in these proceedings cover the following topics: accretion, active galactic nuclei, alternative theories of gravity, black holes (theory, observations and experiments), binaries, boson stars, cosmic microwave background, cosmic strings, dark energy and large scale structure, dark matter, education, exact solutions, early universe, fundamental interactions and stellar evolution, fast transients, gravitational waves, high energy physics, history of relativity, neutron stars, precision tests, quantum gravity, strong fields, and white dwarf; all of them represented by a large number of contributions.
The online e-proceedings are published in an open access format.
The following sections are included:
We experience a golden era in testing and exploring relativistic gravity. Whether it is results from gravitational wave detectors, satellite or lab experiments, radio astronomy plays an important complementary role. Here one can mention the cosmic microwave background, black hole imaging and, obviously, binary pulsars. This talk will concentrate on the latter and new results from studies of strongly self-gravitating bodies with unrivalled precision. This presentation compares the results to other methods, discusses implications for other areas of relativistic astrophysics and will give an outlook of what we can expect from new instruments in the near future.
We review and analyze four specific general-relativistic problems in which gravitomagnetism plays the important role: the dragging of magnetic fields around rotating black holes, dragging inside a collapsing slowly rotating spherical shell of dust, compared with the dragging by rotating gravitational waves. We demonstrate how the quantum detection of inertial frame dragging can be accomplished by using the Unruh-DeWitt detectors. Finally, we shall briefly show how “instantaneous Machian gauges” can be useful in the cosmological perturbation theory.
SN are one of the most powerful explosions in the universe and astronomers have invoked the collapse of a stellar core down to a neutron star as a potential power source behind these cosmic blasts. The current paradigm behind core-collapse SN relies on convection in the region just above the newly formed neutron star. This engine was driven and confirmed by observations. We review this observational evidence, and the potential for further observational constraints in this paper.
The IceCube neutrino telescope discovered PeV-energy neutrinos originating beyond our Galaxy with an energy flux that is comparable to that of GeV-energy gamma rays and EeV-energy cosmic rays. These neutrinos provide the only unobstructed view of the cosmic accelerators that power the highest energy radiation reaching us from the universe. We will review the results from IceCube’s first decade of operations, emphasizing the measurement of the diffuse multiflavored neutrino flux from the universe and the identification of the supermassive black hole TXS 0506+056 as a source of cosmic neutrinos and, therefore, cosmic rays. We will speculate on the lessons learned for multimessenger astronomy, among them that extragalactic neutrino sources may be a relatively small subset of the cosmic accelerators observed in high-energy gamma rays and that these may be gamma-ray-obscured at the times that they emit neutrinos.
Dark matter, an invisible substance which constitutes 85% of the matter in the observable universe, is one of the greatest puzzles in physics and astronomy today. Dark matter can be made of a new type of fundamental particle, not yet observed due to its feeble interactions with visible matter. In this talk, we present the first results of PandaX-4T, a 4-ton-scale liquid xenon dark matter observatory, searching for these dark matter particles from deep underground. We will briefly summarize the performance of PandaX-4T, introduces details in the data analysis, and present the latest search results on dark matter-nucleon interactions.
The X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) is a JAXA/NASA X-ray observatory with collaboration from ESA and several institutes and academic institutions worldwide. It is proposed to fulfill the promise of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with imaging once realized but unexpectedly terminated by a mishap of ASTRO-H/Hitomi. XRISM carries two sets of X-ray Mirror Assemblies and is equipped on the focal plane with a 6 × 6 pixelized X-ray micro-calorimeter array and an aligned X-ray CCD camera. With the combination of high-resolution spectroscopy imaging and the broader field of view, XIRSM is expected to pioneer a new horizon of the Universe in X-ray astrophysics. Aiming to launch the satellite in the Japanese Fiscal Year 2022, we fabricate the instruments and test for the satellite integration starting at the beginning of 2022. The paper reports the development status, reviewing the science objectives and the operation plan.
The Sino-French space mission SVOM is mainly designed to detect, localize and follow-up Gamma-Ray Bursts and other high-energy transients. The satellite, to be launched mid 2023, embarks two wide-field gamma-ray instruments and two narrow-field telescopes operating at X-ray and optical wavelengths. It is complemented by a dedicated ground segment encompassing a set of wide-field optical cameras and two 1-meter class follow-up telescopes. In this contribution, we describe the main characteristics of the mission and discuss its scientific rationale and some original GRB studies that it will enable.
A procedure to derive a unitary evolution law for a quantised black hole has been proposed by the author. The proposal implies several assumptions, which seem almost unavoidable to this author. We start off with the question how to describe the energy eigenstates of a black hole. The background metric required for this cannot be the Vaidya metric let alone the metric proposed by Hawking, who included the effect of the final evaporation of the black hole. This however leads to the formation if firewalls at both the future and the past event horizon, unless one anticipates the effects that the firewalls have. These effects can be handled as new boundary conditions at the horizons, describing the flow of the participating particles. It is subsequently explained how these boundary conditions must involve the antipodes of the outside world. Imposing unitarity and continuity then automatically leads to a unique, unitary evolution operator. We exhibit the resulting, quite coherent picture.
There is much talk of a “mysterious form of energy”, called “dark energy” that forms the bulk of the energy content of the Universe. Perhaps the most mysterious aspect of it is why it should be regarded as mysterious in the first place. This question is discussed in the context of the development of relativity and relativistic cosmology. It will be argued that there is no good reason to treat it as other than Einstein’s cosmological constant.
We reveal three new discoveries in black hole physics previously unexplored in the Hawking era. These results are based on the remarkable 1971 discovery of the irreducible mass of the black hole by Christodoulou and Ruffini, and subsequently confirmed by Hawking.
1. The Horizon Mass Theorem shows that the mass at the event horizon of any black hole: neutral, charged, or rotating, depends only on twice its irreducible mass observed at infinity.
2. The External Energy Conjecture proposes that the electrostatic and rotational energy of a general black hole exist completely outside the horizon due to the nature of the irreducible mass.
3. The Moment of Inertia Property shows that every Kerr black hole has a moment of inertia. When the rotation stops, there is an irreducible moment of inertia as a result of the irreducible mass.
Thus after 50 years, the irreducible mass has gained a new and profound significance. No longer is it just a limiting value in energy extraction, it can also determine black hole dynamics and structure. What is believed to be a black hole is a physical body with an extended structure. Astrophysical black holes are likely to be massive compact objects from which light cannot escape.
We study the non-linear structure formation in cosmology accounting for the quantum nature of the dark matter (DM) particles in the initial conditions at decoupling, as well as in the relaxation and stability of the DM halos. Differently from cosmological N-body simulations, we use a thermodynamic approach for collisionless systems of self-gravitating fermions in General Relativity, in which the halos reach the steady state by maximizing a coarse-grained entropy. We show the ability of this approach to provide answers to crucial open problems in cosmology, among others: the mass and nature of the DM particle, the formation and nature of supermassive black holes in the early Universe, the nature of the intermediate mass black holes in small halos, and the core-cusp problem.
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) has recently published the first results, including the discovery of 12 ultrahigh-energy gamma-ray sources (with emission above 100 TeV) above 7σ confidence level and a detailed analysis of Crab Nebula. This contribution gives a brief introduction to the LHAASO experiment and its recent discoveries.
On Monday July 5, 2021 took place the official ceremony for the attribution of the 4 MG16 Individual Awards to Demetrios Christodoulou, Gerard ’t Hooft, Tsvi Piran and Steven Weinberg, as well as for the attribution of the 3 MG16 Institutional Awards to the Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) mission of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE), of the Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and of the S.A. Lavochkin Association. The MG Awards consist in a silver casting of the TEST sculpture by the artist Attilio Pierelli. The MG16 Awards were presented to the Awardees by Prof. Roy P. Kerr.
Following the GRB 170817A prompt emission lasting a fraction of a second, 108 s of data in the X-rays, optical, and radio wavelengths have been acquired. We here present a model that fits the spectra, flux, and time variability of all these emissions, based on the thermal and synchrotron cooling of the expanding matter ejected in a binary white dwarf merger. The 10-3M⊙ of ejecta, expanding at velocities of 109 cm s-1, are powered by the newborn massive, fast rotating, magnetized white dwarf with a mass of 1.3M⊙, a rotation period of ≳12 s, and a dipole magnetic field ∽ 1010 G, born in the merger of a 1.0 + 0.8M⊙ white dwarf binary. Therefore, the long-lasting mystery of the GRB 170817A nature is solved by the merger of a white dwarf binary that also explains the prompt emission energetics.
Astrophysical problems such as modelling of core-collapse supernovae, collapse of protostellar clouds as well as other processes, involving collapsing matter, deal with regions (e.g. protostars, protoneutron stars), where a speed of sound has much larger values, than in remaining parts of a computational domain. A time-step in explicit numerical schemes, thus, has to be bounded by acoustic Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition, due to high speed of sound in these compact regions. In some cases, this condition can be very restrictive, and (semi-) implicit numerical schemes may outperform the explicit ones. We propose a semi-implicit solver on a collocated mesh for self-gravitating gas dynamical flows, in which only acoustic waves are treated implicitly. We use an operator-difference approach to construct difference analogues of vector differential operators on unstructured meshes in two and three dimensions, which allows us to save the conjugacy properties of the operators. A Rusanov-type dissipation was used to get monotonic flow profiles and usual linear flux reconstruction to improve an order of spatial approximation. Results of test calculations are presented.
Many neutron stars propagate through the interstellar medium with supersonic velocities, and their magnetospheres interact with the interstellar medium (ISM), forming bow shocks and magnetotails. Using numerical MHD simulations, we investigated the propagation of a magnetized neutron stars through a non-uniform ISM, the interaction of the magnetospheres with the ISM and the influence of ISM density on the shape of the magnetosphere tail. We consider the interaction of magnetized neutron stars with small-scale and large-scale inhomogeneities in the ISM. We conclude that the inhomogeneities in the ISM can change the shapes of the bow shocks and magnetotails at different values of the magnetization.
A solution of the Boltzmann equation is obtained for a magnetized plasma with arbitrary degenerate electrons and nondegenerate nuclei. For the arbitrary and non-degenerate electrons kinetic coefficients are obtained by solving Boltzmann equation by Chapman-Enskog method of successive approximations. The expressions have a considerably more complicated dependence on magnetic field than analogous dependences derived in previous publications on this subject.
The evolution of the accretion discs surrounding different compact objects (such as white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes) is closely connected with the magnetic fields and their features. It is highly likely that the magnetic field generation is connected with the dynamo action. As for the dynamo, we have a lot of specific models which have been constructed for different astrophysical objects. For accretion discs we can take the approaches that were used for galactic discs which have nearly the same shape. There are two main models. The first one is connected with no-z approximation which is based on the fact that the discs is quite thin. RZ-model describes the discs with large half-thickness and can be used for the objects where we should study the vertical structure of the magnetic field. Here we show the results obtained for the accretion discs which used both of these approaches and compare the results.
We consider agglomerates of misaligned tori orbiting a supermassive black hole. The aggregate of tilted tori is modeled as a single orbiting configuration by introducing a leading function governing the distribution of toroids (and maximum pressure points inside the disks) around the black hole attractor. The orbiting clusters are composed by geometrically thick, pressure supported, perfect fluid tori. This analysis places constraints on the existence and properties of tilted tori and more general aggregates of orbiting disks. We study the constraints on the tori collision emergence and the instability of the agglomerates of tori with general relative inclination angles, the possible effects of the tori geometrical thickness and on the oscillatory phenomena. Some notes are discussed on the orbiting ringed structure in dependence of the dimensionless parameter ξ representing the (total) BH rotational energy extracted versus the mass of the BH, associating ξ to the characteristics of the accretion processes.
The origin of hydrodynamical instability and turbulence in the Keplerian accretion disk is a long-standing puzzle. The flow therein is linearly stable. Here we explore the evolution of perturbation in this flow in the presence of an additional force. Such a force, which is expected to be stochastic in nature hence behaving as noise, could result from thermal fluctuations (however small be), grain–fluid interactions, feedback from outflows in astrophysical disks, etc. We essentially establish the evolution of nonlinear perturbation in the presence of Coriolis and external forces, which is the modified Landau equation. We obtain that even in the linear regime, under suitable forcing and Reynolds number, the otherwise least stable perturbation evolves to a very large saturated amplitude, leading to nonlinearity and plausible turbulence. Hence, forcing essentially leads a linear stable mode to unstable. We further show that nonlinear perturbation diverges at a shorter time-scale in the presence of force, leading to a fast transition to turbulence. Interestingly, the emergence of nonlinearity depends only on the force but not on the initial amplitude of perturbation, unlike the original Landau equation-based solution.
We consider a static and axially symmetric metric containing two quadrupole parameters. In the present contribution, we study the quadrupole moments constraints on the properties of the relativistic accretion disc models, also explore the relation of oscillatory frequencies of charged particles to the frequencies of the twin high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in some microquasars. We also compare the results with Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics.
We generalize the relativistic accretion thick disc model to the background of a spinning charged accelerating black hole described by the C-metric to study the effects of this background on the disc model. We show the properties of this accretion disc model and its dependence on the initial parameters. This background can be distinguishable from the Kerr space-time by analyzing the observing features of accretion discs.
In this work, without any claim to completeness, I will review the zoo of binary systems emitting X radiation, the multi-frequency behaviors of high-mass X-ray systems (HMXBs), with particular emphasis on the X-ray/Be system A 0535 + 26/HDE 245770, which for a favorable series of concomitant causes it is the most studied system. I will also discuss the time lag between events occurring in the high-energy and low-energy bands in galactic accreting systems.
The first image of the black hole (BH) M87* obtained by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has the shape of a crescent extending from the E to WSW position angles, with a tentative ‘ESE hotspot’. Assuming that the BH spin vector is aligned with both the inner accretion axis and the projected direction of the kpc-scale relativistic jet, the position of the ESE hotspot is inconsistent with the axisymmetric accretion flow. Recent polarimetric EHT images of M87* show that the ESE hotspot is essentially unpolarized, which strongly supports its distinct origin. If the hotspot emission is due to the synchrotron radiation, its depolarization requires either isotropically tangled magnetic fields or an additional Faraday dispersion measure. The 6-day EHT observing campaign in April 2017 allowed in principle to detect orbital motions advancing by up to ∽ 60°. The apparent rotation rate of the major axis of the EHT crescent image is consistent with the rotation rate of the Faraday-corrected polarization angle measured by the ALMA. However, the counterclockwise (CCW) sense of these rotations is opposite to the clockwise (CW) rotation of the plasma flows implied by the N-S brightness asymmetry, which might indicate that accretion in M87 is retrograde.
Black hole surroundings and relativistic jets host magnetically dominated regions and fast magnetic reconnection are likely to play an important role concerning astrophysical phenomena associated with such regions. In this contribution, we highlight the works related to turbulence-driven reconnection processes. These processes have been studied by us using analytical as well as numerical methods which showed that fast reconnection processes are powerful ways to giving rise to relativistic particles and associated non-thermal emissions around stellar-mass and supermassive black holes. The power released from the reconnection can even compete with those of extraction from black hole spin.
We discuss the possibility that the topological structure of the Universe may possess fractal properties. Relic wormholes and their fractal distribution are predicted in a natural way by lattice quantum gravity models. This gives a new approach to some long-standing problems. Those are the nature of dark matter phenomena, the origin of Faber-Jackson and Tully-Fisher relations, and the observed deficit of baryons. We consider open Friedman model and construct an exact fractal model by means of a factorization of the space over a discrete subgroup of the group of motion. We derive some basic features of the resulting fractal space and discuss applications of machine learning methods for the verification of the fractal properties.
Measuring distances of cosmological sources such as galaxies, stars and quasars plays an increasingly critical role in modern cosmology. Obtaining the optical spectrum and consequently calculating the redshift as a distance indicator could instantly classify these objects. As long as spectroscopic observations are not available for many galaxies and the process of measuring the redshift is time-consuming and infeasible for large samples, machine learning (ML) approaches could be applied to determine the redshifts of galaxies from different features including their photometric colors. In this paper, by using the flux magnitudes from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) catalog, we develop two ML regression algorithms (decision tree and random forest) for estimating the redshifts taking color indices as input features. We find that the random forest algorithm produces the optimum result for the redshift prediction, and it will be further improved when the dataset is limited to a subset with z ≤ 2 giving the normalised standard deviation ¯ΔZnorm =0.005 and the standard deviation σΔz = 0.12. This work shows great potential of using the ML approach to determine the photometric redshifts of distant sources.
In view of increasing data volume of existing and upcoming telescopes/detectors we here apply the 1–dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) to estimate the redshift of (high-)redshifts quasars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) quasar catalog from DR16 of eBOSS. Our CNN takes the flux of the quasars as an array and their redshift as labels. We here evidence that new structure of the network, and augmenting the training set, provide a high precision result in estimating the redshift of quasars.
Two major challenges in modern cosmology involve understanding the origin and growth of Cosmic structure and the progenitors of Gravitational Waves. Both scenarios currently require heavy computational resources to perform simulations and inference. In this work, we adopt simple Machine Learning methods to alleviate these requirements, to enable significantly faster sampling and inference. We show that using Dimensionality Reduction and simple Supervised Learning methods, it is possible to generate high-precision emulations of density fields given a set of parameters (such as the Dark Matter density parameter and redshift). Our method provides orders of magnitude improvement of CPU run times and much less computational resources when compared with N-Body simulations or more complex supervised learning approaches. We also show that it is possible to generate fast inference of gravitational wave parameters (such as the Chirp Mass) from Binary Black Hole systems using the same method. This method provides a promising approach to fast emulation and parameter inference to further explore in the context of upcoming large surveys like Euclid, LSST/Rubin, and LISA.
Galaxy Clusters are essential to study galaxy evolution and are sensitive probes of cosmology and the dynamics of the Dark sector. Large galaxy surveys, such as Euclid, DES, LSST/Rubin will detect many new clusters. For example, the Euclid mission survey may reveal more than 6 × 104 clusters with S/N>3 up to z ∼ 2, representing a whole new era for cluster cosmology. A large fraction of these clusters will be unknown high-redshift cluster candidates, lacking spectroscopic information. Thus, a major challenge for cluster detection is the identification of possible member galaxies from photometry alone, and ideally without strong assumptions of what a cluster is. Here we present the first results for the detection of galaxy clusters of a modified version of the UPMASK (Unsupervised Photometric Membership Assignment) method. The method, created to study star clusters, uses heuristics and statistical analysis to separate cluster candidate galaxies from other field galaxies without assuming cluster profiles or any strong theoretical cluster priors. We show that the method operates in a fully unsupervised way and it can even work with minimal amounts of astrometry and photometry information, using Euclid-like galaxy survey simulations. We then use Pan-STARRS data to assess the performance of the method to identify Planck clusters and present possible detections of optical counterparts for cluster candidates in the second PlanckSZ data release catalog. Finally, we compare our findings with other Planck cluster candidate follow-up efforts.
The recent associations of neutrino events with blazars (e.g. TXS 0506+056, 3HSP J095507.9+355101) provided a unique opportunity to study the possible physical connection between the multiwavelength electromagnetic and neutrino emissions. We present SOPRANO, a new conservative implicit kinetic code which follows the time evolution of the isotropic distribution functions of protons, neutrons and the secondaries produced in photo-pion and photo-pair interactions, alongside with the evolution of photon and electron/positron distribution functions. In the current work, we apply SOPRANO to model the broadband spectrum of TXS 0506+056, 3HSP J095507.9+355101 and 3C 279 blazars. It was possible to constrain main physical parameters within both a pure hadronic and lepto-hadronic scenarios.
High-redshift blazars are among the most powerful objects in the Universe. The spectral and temporal properties of 33 distant blazars (z > 2.5) detected in the high-energy γ-ray band are discussed using Fermi-LAT and Swift Ultraviolet and Optical Telescope/X-ray Telescope (UVOT/XRT) data accumulated during 2008-2018. The properties of the jets of these blazar obtained by modeling the multiwavelength spectral energy distributions within a one-zone leptonic scenario are presented and discussed.
In this review, we discuss a derivation of effective low energy quantum gravitational dynamics from thermodynamics. The derivation is based on the formalism developed in semiclassical thermodynamics of spacetime that allows to obtain Einstein equations from the proportionality of entropy to the area. We first introduce the relevant ingredients of semiclassical thermodynamics of spacetime, paying special attention to the various concepts of entropy involved and their relations. We then extend the semiclassical formalism by considering low energy quantum gravity effects which imply a modified entropy formula with an additional term logarithmic in the area. Upon discussing the derivation of effective gravitational dynamics from this modified entropy, we comment on the most important features of our proposal. Moreover, we show its physical implications on a simple cosmological model and show that it suggests the replacement of the Big Bang singularity by a regular bounce.
A covariant canonical gauge theory of gravity free from torsion is studied. Using a metric conjugate momentum and a connection conjugate momentum, which takes the form of the Riemann tensor, a gauge theory of gravity is formulated, with form-invariant Hamiltonian. By the metric conjugate momenta, a correspondence between the Affine-Palatini formalism and the metric formalism is established. For, when the dynamical gravitational Hamiltonian ˜HDyn does not depend on the metric conjugate momenta, a metric compatibility is obtained from the equation of motions, and the equations of motion correspond to the solution is the metric formalism.
In this work we made use of a general static cillindrically symmetric metric to find U (1) local cosmic string solutions in the context of the hybrid metric-Palatini theory of gravity in it’s scalar-tensor representation. After finding the dynamical equations for this particular case, we imposed boost invariance along t and z directions, which simplified the equations of motions, leaving only one single metric tensor component, W 2(r). For an arbitrary potential V (ϕ), the solutions obtained can be put in a closed parametric form, with ϕ taken as a parameter. Several particular cases of the potential were studied, some yielding simple mathematical forms, others with only numerical solutions. In this way, we obtain a large class of novel stable stringlike solutions in the context of hybrid metric-Palatini gravity, in which the basic parameters, such as the scalar fleld, metric tensor components, and string tension, depend essentially on the initial values of the scalar fleld, and of its derivative, on the r(0) circular axis.
We consider inflationary scenarios of the supersymmetric quantum cosmology of FRLW models with a scalar field. We use the superfield formalism with a superpotential for the scalar superfield. The probability amplitude solution of the supersymmetric Wheeler-DeWitt equation, gives a probability density from which we can compute mean trajectories that can be parametrized by the scalar. By suitable choices of the superpotential, the resulting evolutions of the scale factor correspond to consistent inflationary scenarios. We show the acceleration, the resulting e-folds and the horizon for several superpotentials.
Although General Relativity (GR) is an extremely successful theory, at least for weak gravitational fields, it breaks down at very high energies. For example, extrapolating the expansion of the Universe backwards in time yields an infinite energy density, which is referred to as the initial singularity problem. Quantum Gravity is expected to provide a solution to this open question. In fact, one alternative scenario to the Big Bang, that avoids the singularity, is offered by Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC), which predicts that the Universe undergoes a collapse to an expansion through a bounce. In this work we use metric f(R) gravity to reproduce the modified Friedmann equations, which have been obtained in the context of modified loop quantum cosmologies (mLQC). Using a order reduction method, we obtain covariant effective actions that lead to a bounce, for specific models of mLQC, considering a massless scalar field.
From the theory of the multiverse cosmology, it is possible that our universe collides with other universes locally in its history, which may result in local changes of the curvature of the spacetime. In this paper, we propose a method to probe the multiverse using gravitational wave observations for the first time. Our method firstly makes triangles using two detected gravitational wave sources and the Sun, and then measures the curvature of the triangles. We use 11 gravitational wave sources detected by LIGO and Virgo during O1 and O2, and make 55 triangles by combining them to measure their curvature. The curvature is measured by comparing the distance between two gravitational wave sources estimated by the gravitational wave observations with the one obtained with assumption of a simple model of the cosmological evolution.
As a result, we found that, for 43 of 55 triangles, the distances estimated by the model are greater than the ones obtained by the gravitational wave observations. This indicates a negative curvature, which may be due to the simplification of the cosmological evolution. For the rest 12, the distances are not determined because of uncertainty of the parameters of the gravitational wave observations. Further gravitational wave observations and more sophisticated model of the cosmological evolution is essential to test the multiverse cosmology observationally.
We discuss the status of observables and operator ordering ambiguity in the quantum cosmology model with Brown-Kuchař dust as the matter field. In order to study the dynamics of the FLRW universe, Hubble parameter and Ricci scalar are expressed as a function of phase space variables. As these functions exhibit operator ordering ambiguity, we write several Hermitian extensions corresponding to these observables. For the unitarily evolving semiclassical wave packet constructed in, we have computed the expectation value of these observables, which shows that very early in the collapsing branch and very late in the expanding branch, the expectation values of the Hubble parameter and the Ricci scalar matches the classically obtained results irrespective of the operator ordering chosen. The expectation value of the Hubble parameter vanishes, and Ricci scalar attains an extremum at the point of classical singularity for all orderings, showing a robust singularity resolution. The signature of the operator ordering ambiguity is most pronounced at the classical singularity. For Weyl ordering, the expectation value of the Ricci scalar becomes negative for certain parameter values. We have computed the expectation value of other curvature invariants as well, which follows the trend.
In this paper, we generate an anisotropic solution for a static sphere filled with quark matter in the framework of self-interacting Brans-Dicke theory. For this purpose, we add an anisotropic source in the seed distribution and decouple the field equations through deformation in the radial metric function. As a result of this transformation, the field equations are disintegrated into two systems which separately include the effects of isotropic and anisotropic sources. The system related to the additional source is solved via the MIT bag model equation of state. We consider Tolman V spacetime to formulate a solution for the isotropic sector which is extended to the anisotropic domain via decoupling technique. The junction conditions at the boundary determine the unknown parameters in terms of mass and radius of the spherical object. We investigate the viability and stability of the constructed strange star model in the presence of massive scalar field corresponding to the strange star candidate PSR J1614-2230. It is concluded that the anisotropic extension is well-behaved as it fulfills the necessary requirements of a physically acceptable model.
We show that the Nieh-Yan topological invariant breaks projective symmetry and loses its topological character in presence of non vanishing nonmetricity. The notion of the Nieh-Yan topological invariant is then extended to the generic metric-affine case, defining a generalized Nieh-Yan term, which allows to recover topologicity and projective invariance, independently. As a concrete example a class of modified theories of gravity is considered and its dynamical properties are investigated in a cosmological setting. In particular, bouncing cosmological solutions in Bianchi I models are derived. Finite time singularities affecting these solutions are analysed, showing that the geodesic completeness and the regular behavior of scalar perturbations in these space-times are not spoiled.
A class of modified gravity theories with higher order derivative terms of a function of the matter Lagrangian f (Lm) is considered. We will consider the Newtonian limit of the theory and show that the model predicts the standard Poisson equation for a massive test particle due to the higher order nature of the derivative matter coupling. Generally the energy momentum tensor is not conserved, leading to the fifth force similar to f (R, T ) theories. We will however show that in the FRW background the energy-momentum tensor is conserved. Cosmological implications of this model with different functions of the matter Lagrangian f will be investigated in details and we will show that current observational data can be satisfied. Evolution of the matter density perturbation in the longitudinal gauge is also considered for dust matter sources and we will show that the observational data can be satisfied in this model.
We analyze the Bianchi I cosmology in the presence of a massless scalar field and describe its dynamics via a semiclassical and quantum polymer approach. We investigate the morphology of the emerging Big Bounce by adopting three different sets of configurational variables: the natural Ashtekar connections, the Universe volume plus two anisotropy coordinates and a set of anisotropic volume-like coordinates (the latter two sets of variables would coincide in the case of an isotropic Universe). In the semiclassical analysis we demonstrate that the Big Bounce emerges in the dynamics for all the three sets of variables. Moreover, when the Universe volume itself is considered as a configurational variable, we have derived the polymer-modified Friedmann equation and demonstrated that the Big Bounce has a universal nature, i.e. the total critical energy density has a maximum value fixed by fundamental constants and the Immirzi parameter only. From a pure quantum point of view, we investigate the Bianchi I dynamics only in terms of the Ashtekar connections. In particular, we apply the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner (ADM) reduction of the variational principle and then we quantize the system. We study the resulting Schrödinger dynamics, stressing that the wave packet peak behavior over time singles out common features with the semiclassical trajectories.
A quantum state in a Bianchi II model is studied as it approaches the cosmological singularity, by means of the evolution of its moments. Classically this system presents a transition between two Bianchi I models. This phenomenon is described by a very specific and well-known transition law, which is derived based on the conservation of certain physical quantities. In the quantum theory fluctuations, as well as higher-order quantum moments, of the different variables arise. Consequently, these constants of motion are modified and hence also the transition rule. We focus on the so-called locally rotationally symmetric and vacuum case, as a first step towards a more complete study. Indeed, the future goal of this research line is to generalize this analysis to the Bianchi IX spacetime, which can be seen as a succession of Bianchi II models. Ultimately, these results will shed light on the role played by quantum effects in the BKL conjecture.
Using the quaternion framework (Q-math), we show that the specific mathematical equations born in “quaternion medium” in physical units become known physical laws. In particular, it is shown how one can discover immanently hidden “geometric physical laws”: Cartesian frames, equations of electrodynamics, Q-vector formulation of the relativity theory. One can also find the linked logical chain between laws of quantum, classical, and relativistic mechanics.
We discuss the existence of a static, spherically symmetric spacetime that is the solution of the Einstein field equations coupled with an electric field obeying the equations of electromagnetism of Maxwell-Bopp-Landé-Thomas-Podolsky for a static point charge. Contrary to what happens with the Reissner-Weyl-Nordström spacetime, the electric field energy is finite, just as for this same theory on a background flat spacetime.
I give an overview about recent results on the well-posedness and breakdown of solutions for relativistic fluid equations.
We use Weinberg’s trick for adiabatic modes, in a Manton approximation for general relativity on manifolds with spatial boundary. This results in a description of the slow-time dependent solutions as null geodesics on the space of boundary diffeomorphisms, with respect to a metric we prove to be composed solely of the boundary data. We show how the solutions in the bulk space is determined with the constraints of general relativity.
To give our description a larger perspective, we furthermore identify our resulting Lagrangian as a generalized version of the covariantized Lagrangian for continuum mechanics. We study the cases of 3+1 and 2+1 dimensions and show for the solutions we propose, the Hamiltonian constraint becomes the real homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation in the special case of two spatial dimensions.
In this short paper, we review the Dirac equation on the zero-gravity Kerr-Newman spacetime. Our main objective is to provide a correspondence between the classification of the bound states for the zGKN spectrum and the usual hydrogenic states 1s1/2,2s1/2, etc. of the Hydrogen atom.
In this short review, we explain how and in which sense the causal action principle for causal fermion systems gives rise to classical gravity and the Einstein equations. Moreover, methods are presented for going beyond classical gravity, with applications to a positive mass theorem for static causal fermion systems, a connection between area change and matter flux and the construction of a quantum state.
Using Newman-Penrose formalism in tetrad and spinor forms, we perform separation of variables in the wave equations for massless fields of various spins s=1/2, 1, 3/2, 2 on the background of exact plane-fronted gravitational wave metrics. Then, applying Wald’s method of conjugate operators, we derive equations for Debye potentials and we find the back-projection operators expressing multicomponent fields in terms of these potentials. For shock wave backgrounds, as a special case of the non-vacuum pp-waves, the exact solutions for Debye potentials are constructed explicitly. The possibilities of generalization to the case of massive fields are discussed, in particular, construction of exact solutions of the Dirac and Proca equations. These results can be used in various supergravity problems on the pp-wave backgrounds, including holographic applications.
We show that spinors propagating in curved gravitational background acquire an interaction with spacetime curvature, which leads to a quantum mechanical geometric effect. This is similar to what happens in the case of magnetic fields, known as Pancharatnam-Berry phase. As the magnetic and gravitational fields have certain similar properties, e.g. both contribute to curvature, this result is not difficult to understand. Interestingly, while spacetime around a rotating black hole offers Aharonov-Bohm and Pancharatnam-Berry both kinds of geometric effect, a static spacetime offers only the latter. In the bath of primordial black holes, such gravity induced effects could easily be measured due to their smaller radius.
Free massless fields of any spin in flat D-dimensional spacetime propagate at the speed of light. But the retarded fields produced by the corresponding point-like moving sources share this property only for even D. Since the Green’s functions of the d’Alembert equation are localized on the light cone in even-dimensional spacetime, but not in odd dimensions, extraction of the emitted part of the retarded field in odd D requires some care. We consider the wave equations for spins 0, 1, and 2 in five-dimensional spacetime and analyze the fall-off conditions for the retarded fields at large distances. It is shown that the farthest part of the field contains a component propagating at the speed of light, while the non-derivative terms propagate with all velocities up to that of light. The generated radiation will contain a radiation tail corresponding to the complete prehistory of the source’s motion preceding the retarded moment of time. We also demonstrate that dividing the Green’s function into a part localized on the light cone and another part that is not zero inside the light cone gives separately the divergent terms in the Coulomb field of a point source. Their sum, however, is finite and corresponds to the usual power-law behaviour.
In this work, we use the fact that kinematics of light propagation in a non-dispersive medium associated with a bi-metric spacetime is expressed by means of a 1-parameter family of contact transformations. We present a general technique to find such transformations and explore some explicit examples for Minkowski and anti-deSitter spacetimes geometries.
Élie Cartan’s invariant integral formalism is extended to gauge field theory, including general relativity. This constitutes an alternative procedure that is equivalent to the Rosenfeld, Bergmann, Dirac algorithm. Also a new derivation of the generator of diffeomorphism-induced canonical transformations is given that proceed’s from the Poincaré-Cartan form. In addition, a Hamilton-Jacobi formalism is developed for constructing explicit phase space functions in general relativity that are invariant under the full four-dimensional diffeomorphism group. These identify equivalence classes of classical solutions of Einstein’s equations. Each member is dependent on intrinsic spatial coordinates and also undergoes non-trivial evolution in intrinsic time. The intrinsic coordinates are determined by the spacetime geometry in terms of Weyl scalars. The implications of this analysis for an eventual quantum theory of gravity are profound.
Whether the 3—space where we live is a globally orientable manifold M3, and whether the local laws of physics require that M3 be equipped with a canonical orientation, are among the important unsettled questions in cosmology and quantum field theory. It is often assumed that a test for spatial orientability requires a global journey across the whole 3—space to check for orientation-reversing closed paths. Since such a global expedition is not feasible, physically motivated theoretical arguments are usually offered to support the choice of canonical time orientation for the 4—dimensional spacetime manifold, and space orientation for 3—space. One can certainly take advantage of such theoretical arguments to support these assumptions on orientability, but the ultimate answer should rely on cosmological observations or local experiments, or can come from a topological fundamental theory of physics. In a recent paper we have argued that it is potentially possible to locally access the the 3—space orientability of Minkowski empty spacetime through physical effects involving point-like ‘charged’ objects under vacuum quantum electromagnetic fluctuations. More specifically, we have studied the stochastic motions of a charged particle and an electric dipole subjected to these fluctuations in Minkowski spacetime, with either an orientable or a non-orientable 3—space topology, and derived analytical expressions for a statistical orientability indicator in these two flat topologically inequivalent manifolds. For the charged particle, we have shown that it is possible to distinguish the two topologies by contrasting the evolution of their respective indicators. For the point electric dipole we have found that a characteristic inversion pattern exhibited by the curves of the orientability indicator is a signature of non-orientability, making it possible to locally probe the orientability of Minkowski 3—space in itself. Here to shed some additional light on the spatial orientability, we briefly review these results, and also discuss some of its features and consequences. The reviewed results might be seen as opening the way to a conceivable experiment involving quantum vacuum electromagnetic fluctuations to look into the spatial orientability of Minkowski empty spacetime.
Physical reasoning gives expressions for the hamiltonian of a system of quantummechanical particles. These hamiltonians are often differential operators that are symmetric in a densely-defined domain. However, to study the dynamics of the unitary group corresponding to a hamiltonian, it is required that the hamiltonian be self-adjoint or essentially self-adjoint. This study analyzes the effect of the static non-linear electromagnetic-vacuum spacetime of a point nucleus on the self-adjointness and the spectrum of the general–relativistic Dirac hamiltonian for a test electron.
We present the hypothesis that some of ring galaxies were formed by relic magnetic torus - shaped wormholes. In the primordial plasma before the recombination magnetic fields of wormholes trap baryons whose energy is smaller than a threshold energy. They work as the Maxwell’s demons collecting baryons from the nearest (horizon size) region and thus forming clumps of baryonic matter which have the same torus-like shapes as wormhole throats. Such clumps may serve as seeds for the formation of ring galaxies and smaller objects having the ring form. Upon the recombination torus-like clumps may decay and merge. Unlike galaxies, such objects may contain less or even no dark matter in halos. However, the most stringent feature of such objects is the presence of a large - scale toroidal magnetic field. We show that there are threshold values of magnetic fields which give the upper and lower boundary values for the baryon clumps in such protogalaxies.
In this work, we explore wormhole geometries in a recently proposed modified gravity theory arising from a non-conservative gravitational theory, tentatively denoted action-dependent Lagrangian theories. The generalized gravitational field equation essentially depends on a background four-vector λμ, that plays the role of a coupling parameter associated with the dependence of the gravitational Lagrangian upon the action, and may generically depend on the spacetime coordinates. Considering wormhole configurations, by using “Buchdahl coordinates”, we find that the four-vector is given by λμ = (0, 0, λθ, 0), and that the spacetime geometry is severely restricted by the condition gttguu = −1, where u is the radial coordinate. We find a plethora of specific asymptotically flat, symmetric and asymmetric, solutions with power law choices for the function λ, by generalizing the Ellis-Bronnikov solutions and the recently proposed black bounce geometries, amongst others. We show that these compact objects possess a far richer geometrical structure than their general relativistic counterparts.
We investigate binary lenses with 1/rn potentials in the asymmetric case with two lenses with different indexes n and m. These kinds of potentials have been widely used in several contexts, ranging from galaxies with halos described by different power laws to lensing by wormholes or exotic matter.
Solitons in space–time capable of transporting time-like observers at superluminal speeds have long been tied to violations of the weak, strong, and dominant energy conditions of general relativity. This trend was recently broken by a new approach that identified soliton solutions capable of superluminal travel while being sourced by purely positive energy densities. This is the first example of hyper-fast solitons satisfying the weak energy condition, reopening the discussion of superluminal mechanisms rooted in conventional physics. This article summarizes the recent finding and its context in the literature. Remaining challenges to autonomous superluminal travel, such as the dominant energy condition, horizons, and the identification of a creation mechanism are also discussed.
Key results from the literature pertaining to a class of nonsingular black hole mimickers are explored. The family of candidate spacetimes is for now labelled the ‘black-bounce’ family, stemming from the original so-called ‘Simpson–Visser’ spacetime in static spherical symmetry. All model geometries are analysed through the lens of standard general relativity, are globally free from curvature singularities, pass all weak-field observational tests, and smoothly interpolate between regular black holes and traversable wormholes. The discourse is segregated along geometrical lines, with candidate spacetimes each belonging to one of: static spherical symmetry, spherical symmetry with dynamics, and stationary axisymmetry.
Both traversable wormholes and warp drives, concepts originally developed within the context of science fiction, have now (for some 30 odd years) been studied, debated, and carefully analyzed within the framework of general relativity. An overarching theme of the general relativistic analysis is unavoidable violations of the classical point-wise energy conditions. Another science fiction trope, now over 80 years old, is the tractor beam and/or pressor beam. We shall discuss how to formulate both tractor beams and/or pressor beams, and a variant to be called a stressor beam, within the context of reverse engineering the spacetime metric. (While such reverse engineering is certainly well beyond our civilization’s current capabilities, we shall be more interested in asking what an arbitrarily advanced civilization might be able to accomplish.) We shall see that tractor beams and/or pressor beams can be formulated by suitably modifying the notion of warp drives, and that, as for wormholes and warp drives, violations of the classical point-wise energy conditions are utterly unavoidable.
The classical singularity theorems of General Relativity rely on energy conditions that are easily violated by quantum fields. Here, we provide motivation for an energy condition obeyed in semiclassical gravity: the smeared null energy condition (SNEC), a proposed bound on the weighted average of the null energy along a finite portion of a null geodesic. Using SNEC as an assumption we proceed to prove a singularity theorem. This theorem extends the Penrose singularity theorem to semiclassical gravity and has interesting applications to evaporating black holes.
Within the framework of F(R) theories of gravity with (2+1)-dimensions and constant scalar curvature R, we construct a family of thin-shell wormholes with circular symmetry and we analyze the stability of the static configurations under radial perturbations. We show an example of asymptotically anti-de Sitter thin-shell wormholes with charge, finding that stable configurations with normal matter are possible for a suitable range of the parameters.
Alcubierre proposed in 1994 that the well known special relativistic limitation that particles cannot travel with velocities bigger than the light speed can be bypassed when such trips are considered globally within specific general relativistic frameworks. Although initial results indicated this scenario as being unphysical, since it would seem to require negative mass-energy density, recent theoretical analyses suggest that such an unphysical situation may not always be necessarily true. In this paper, we present solutions of the Einstein equations using the original Alcubierre warp drive metric endowed with various matter-energy sources, namely dust, perfect fluid, anisotropic fluid, and perfect fluid within a cosmological constant spacetime. A connection of some of these solutions featuring shock waves described by the Burgers equation is also shown.
In this work the geometrical methods and symmetry principles in gravitation are explored motivating a new perspective into the spacetime paradigm. The effects of post-Riemann spacetime geometries with torsion are briefly studied in applications to fundamental fermionic and bosonic fields, cosmology and gravitational waves. The physical implications and related phenomenological considerations are addressed, and the fundamental ideas related to spacetime physics, motivated by geometrical methods and symmetry principles, are also briefly discussed in the context of the possible routes towards a new spacetime paradigm in gravitation and unified field theories
We propose a new approach to the thermodynamics of scalar-tensor gravity and its possible “diffusion” toward general relativity, previously regarded as an equilibrium state in spacetime thermodynamics. The main idea is describing scalar-tensor gravity as an effective dissipative fluid and applying Eckart’s first order thermodynamics to it. This gives explicit effective quantities: heat current density, “temperature of gravity”, viscosity coefficients, entropy density, plus an equation describing the “diffusion” to Einstein gravity. These quantities, otherwise missing in spacetime thermodynamics, pop out with minimal assumptions.
It is shown in this study that deviations from the Einstein-Hilbert action at the quadratic level using a proper analyses and suitable dynamical variables lead to a tiny modification to the post Newtonian equations of motion, and non-GR like behavior at very short length scales.
We present a comparative analysis of current observational constraints on three recently discussed alternative models for explaining the low-redshift acceleration of the universe: the so-called steady-state torsion model, the generalized coupling model, and the scale invariant model by Maeder (an example of a broader class which we also briefly study). These are compared to the traditional parameterization of Chevallier, Polarski and Linder. Each of the candidate models is studied under two different assumptions: as genuine alternatives to ΛCDM (where a new degree of freedom would be expected to explain the recent acceleration of the universe without any cosmological constant) and as parametric extensions of ΛCDM (where both a cosmological constant and the new mechanism can coexist, and the relative contributions of both are determined by the data). Our comparative analysis suggests that, from a phenomenological point of view, all such models neatly divide into two classes, with different observational consequences.
Einstein’s general relativity predicts that a gravitational wave is allowed to have two polarizations called tensor-modes: plus and cross modes. On the other hand, the general metric theory of gravity predicts that a gravitational wave is allowed to have up to six polarizations: two scalar and two vector modes in addition to the tensor-modes. In case the number of laser-interferometric gravitational wave telescopes is larger than the one of the polarizations the gravitational waves have, all the polarizations can be reconstructed separately. Since it depends on theories of gravity which polarizations the gravitational waves have, the investigation of polarizations is important for the test of theories of gravity. In this paper, in order to test the scalar-tensor gravity theory, one of important alternative theories of gravity, we search for the scalar-mode of GW170817 observed by LIGO Livingstone, Hanford and Virgo without prior information about any tensor-scalar gravity theories. As a result, we found the maximum SNR of the scalar-mode of GW170817 was 2.77, the p-value was 0.01, and the band-limited root sum square of h was 1.55×10−21[1/√Hz] with the time window of 2[s] and frequency window of 60∼120[Hz].
We apply cosmological reconstruction methods to the f(R, T) modified gravity, in its recently developed scalar-tensor representation. We do this analysis assuming a perfect fluid in a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robsertson-Walker (FLRW) universe. In this contribution we show the equations of motion obtained and we present the solutions found for one of the particular cases we analysed: an exponential evolution of the cosmological scale factor.
We consider first order perturbations on locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) class II spacetimes. In particular, we investigate the interactions between electromagnetic, gravitational, and plasma related perturbations when allowing for a non-zero magnetic field on the background spacetime. In doing so we focus on mechanisms for generating and magnifying the magnetic fields, as these kinds of mechanisms may have some relevance when trying to explain the origin of the observed large scale cosmic magnetic fields. The equations governing the behavior of the perturbations are gathered from the Ricci identities for certain preferred vector fields, the Bianchi identities, Maxwell’s equations, and from relations describing energy-momentum conservation and particle conservation for the cosmological plasma. After employing a simplified cold magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) description, and harmonically decomposing the spatial dependencies, we arrive at a closed set of ordinary differential equations in time. On analyzing this system, which decouples into an even and an odd subsector, we indeed observe possible mechanisms for generating magnetic field perturbations to first order.
Quintessence fields, or scalar fields minimally coupled to gravity, are considered to be viable candidates for dark energy. It is well-known that some classes of modified theories of gravity can be recast as Einstein’s general relativity with a minimally coupled scalar field, through conformal transformation. The ‘universe’ described by the initial and the final actions are referred to as the Jordan and Einstein frames, respectively. Although these conformally connected frames are mathematically equivalent, the equations of motion in these two frames may describe drastically different physical scenarios. Depending upon the choice of the Jordan frame action (or equivalently the scalar field potential in Einstein frame) it is possible that while the Einstein frame expands, the Jordan frame collapses. We classify quintessence models in the Einstein frame that are dual to f(R) gravity theories in the Jordan frame, based on whether they possess such expansion-collapse duality. We derive a general condition for expansion-collapse duality, applicable to quintessence models with arbitrary time-dependent equations of state. The condition also takes into account the presence of other components in the Einstein frame universe. Such expansion-collapse duality between these conformally connected frames can lead to an effective description of a collapsing universe in terms of an expanding one, which is a topic of further exploration.
The Dark Energy became now a commonly-accepted paradigm of cosmology, but its physical essence remains absolutely unknown, and its numerical values are drastically different in the early and modern Universe. The Dark Energy is usually introduced in the contemporary literature either by postulating some additional terms in the Lagrangians or by employing the empirical equations of state. In the present work, we try to look at this problem from a more general point of view, namely, employing the quantum-mechanical uncertainty relation between the time and energy in the Mandelstam–Tamm form, which is appropriate for the long-term evolution of quantum systems. This leads us to the time-dependent effective Lambda-term, decaying as 1/t. The corresponding cosmological model possesses a number of quite appealing features: (1) While in the standard cosmology there are a few very different expansion stages (governed by the Lambda-term, radiation, dust-like matter, and Lambda-term again), our model provides a universal description of the entire evolution of the Universe by the same “quasi-exponential” function. (2) As follows from the analysis of causal structure, the present-day cosmological horizon comprises a single domain developing from the Big Bang. Therefore, the problems of homogeneity and isotropy of the matter, the absence of topological defects, etc. should be naturally resolved. (3) At last, our model naturally explains the observed approximately flat 3D space, i.e., solution with zero curvature is formed “dynamically”, starting from the arbitrary initial conditions.
An exact time-dependent solution of a black hole is found in a conformally invariant gravity model on a warped Randall-Sundrum spacetime, by writing the metric gμν=ω4n−2˜gμν. Here ˜gμν represents the “un-physical” spacetime and ω the dilaton field, which will be treated on equal footing as any renormalizable scalar field. It is remarkable that the 5D and 4D effective field equations for the metric components and dilaton fields can be written in general dimension n = 4, 5. The location of the horizon(s) are determined by a quintic polynomial. This polynomial is related to the symmetry group of the icosahedron, isomorphic with the Galois group A5. We applied the antipodal mapping on the axially symmetric black hole spacetime and make some connection with the information and firewall paradoxes. The dilaton field can be used to describe the different notion the in-going and outside observers have of the Hawking radiation by using different conformal gauge freedom. The disagreement about the interior of the black hole is explained by the antipodal map of points on the horizon. The free parameters of the solution can be chosen in such a way that ˜gμν is singular-free and topologically regular, even for ω → 0.
The universe according to the tetron model consists of invisible tiny constituents, elastically bound with bond length about the Planck length and binding energy the Planck energy. A tetron transforms as the fundamental fermion(=octonion) representation 8 of SO(6,1). With respect to the decomposition SO(6, 1) → SO(3, 1) × SO(3) it possesses spin 1/2 and isospin 1/2, i.e. a tetron represents an isospin doublet of Dirac spinors. The 24 known quarks and leptons arise as eigenmode excitations of a tetrahedral fiber structure, which is made up from 4 tetrons (plus 4 antitetrons) and extends into 3 additional ‘internal’ dimensions. While the laws of gravity are due to the elastic properties of the tetron bonds, particle physics interactions take place within the internal fibers. I will concentrate on two of the most intriguing features of the model:
- understanding small neutrino masses from the conservation of isospin, and, more in general, calculating the spectrum of quark and lepton masses. This is obtained from the tetron model’s interpretation of the Higgs mechanism.
- the possibility to determine the full size of the universe from future dark energy measurements. This is obtained from the tetron model’s interpretation of the dark energy phenomenon.
Finally, the dark energy equation of state, i.e. the equation of state of the tetron background will be derived.
Boundary conditions have physical consequences. On Lifshitz spacetimes, the Klein-Gordon equation gives rise to an initial-boundary value problem that admits a plethora of physically-sensible boundary conditions. Considering a free, scalar, massive quantum field theory on a four-dimensional Lifshitz spacetime with critical exponent z = 2, I layout how to construct two-point functions for ground and thermal states, of local Hadamard form, satisfying the canonical commutation relations, and compatible with Robin and mode-dependent boundary conditions. Each one relates to an inequivalent dynamics, but they are all equivalently physically-sensible—only an experiment could single one out. The results I present here are part of a joint work with C. Dappiaggi and D. Sina.
Based on our original work published in Ref., we investigate an autonomous system analysis in terms of new expansion-normalized variables for homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi-I spacetimes in f(R) gravity in the presence of anisotropic matter. It is demonstrated that with a suitable choice of the evolution parameter, the Einstein’s equations are reduced to an autonomous 5-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations for the new variables. Furthermore, for a large class of functions f(R), which includes several cases commonly considered in the literature, all the fixed points are polynomial roots, and thus they can be determined with good accuracy and classified for stability. In addition, typically for these cases, any fixed point corresponding to isotropic solutions in the presence of anisotropic matter will be unstable. The assumption of a perfect fluid as source and or the vacuum cases imply some dimensional reductions and even more simplifications. In particular, it is found that the vacuum solutions of f(R) = Rδ+1 with δ a constant are governed by an effective bi-dimensional phase space which can be constructed analytically, leading to an exactly soluble dynamics. It is also shown that several results already reported in the literature can be re-obtained in a more direct and easy way by exploring our dynamical formulation.
We imvestigate the cosmological implications for the Sharma-Mittal holographic dark energy such as some cosmological parameters and thermodynamic analysis. Taking into account the apparent horizon with interacting scenario of dark energy and dark matter, the framework of deformed Hořava-Lifshitz gravity is considered. The cosmological parameters include the Hubble parameter, equation of state parameter for the accelerating/decelerating phases, deceleration parameter to explore the expansion rate and squared speed of sound for stability analysis.
In this work, we elaborate on the finite action for wormholes in higher derivative theories as well as for wormholes. Both non-traversable and traversable wormholes in theories with higher curvature invariants posses finite action.
Non-rotating strange quark stars made of isotropic matter in Lorentz-violating theories of gravity are studied. In particular, Hořava gravity and Einstein-æther theory are considered. For quark matter we adopt both linear and non-linear equations-of-state, corresponding to the MIT bag model and color flavor locked phase, respectively. The new, modified structure equations generalize the usual Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations valid in Einstein’s General Relativity. A dimensionless parameter ν measures the deviation from the standard TOV equations, which are recovered in the appropriate limit. We compute some properties, such as masses, radii as well as the factor of compactness of the stars, and we show pictorially the impact of the parameter ν on the mass-to-radius relationships for several different equations-of-state. Other physical considerations, such as stability criteria, causality and energy conditions, are also considered, and they are all found to be fulfilled.
The M87* black hole shadow observation by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has enabled us to test the modified gravity theories in the extreme-field regime and estimating the black hole parameters. Having this assertion, we investigate the Kerr-like rotating black holes in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity and deduce their shadows. Considering the inclination angle θ0 = 17o, we show that the EGB black hole shadows are smaller and more distorted than for the Kerr black holes. Modelling the M87* black hole as the EGB black hole, we predict the shadow angular size 35.7888μas ≤ θd ≤ 39.6192μas. The M87* black hole shadow angular size θd = 42±3μas, within the 1σ region, constrains the GB coupling parameter and the black hole spin parameter. Interestingly, the circularity deviation of the EGB black hole shadows is smaller than the bounded deduced for the M87* black hole.
A lattice regularization for the 2d projectable Horăva-Lifshitz (HL) quantum gravity is known to be the 2d causal dynamical triangulations (CDT), and the 2d CDT can be generalized so as to include all possible genus contributions non-perturbatively. We show that in the context of HL gravity, effects coming from such a non-perturbative sum over topologies can be successfully taken into account, if we quantize the 2d projectable HL gravity with a simple bi-local wormhole interaction. This conference paper is based on the article, Phys. Lett. B 816 (2021), 136205.
The Vector-Tensor (VT) theories of gravity are a class of alternative theories to General Relativity (GR) that are characterized by the presence of a dynamical vector field besides the metric. They are studied in attempts to understand spontaneous Lorentz violation, to generate massive gravitons, and as models of dark matter and dark energy. In this article, I outline how the nature of singularities and horizons in VT theories differ greatly from GR even under the same ordinary conditions. This is illustrated with Einstein-aether theory where vacuum black hole solutions have naked singularities and vacuum cosmological solutions have new singularities that are otherwise absent in GR. It would be interesting to explore these deviations using gravitational waves.
We investigate Hořava-Lifshitz and Einstein-Æther gravity in light of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of the M87*. We calculate the corresponding photon effective potential, the unstable photon sphere radius, and finally the induced angular size, which combined with the mass and the distance can lead to a single prediction that quantifies the black hole shadow, namely the diameter per unit mass d. Since dM87* is observationally known from the EHT Probe, we extract the corresponding parameter regions in order to obtain consistency. We find that Einstein-Æther black hole solutions agree with the shadow size of EHT M87*, if the involved Æther parameters are restricted within specific ranges, along with an upper bound on the dimensionless spin parameter a, which is verified by a full scan of the parameter space within 1σ-error.
This paper is a summary of a talk given in the proceedings of Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG16). We study a (3+1)-dimensional Hořava-Lifshitz (HL) gravity which coupling with an anisotropic electromagnetic (EM) field which is obtained from a (4+1)-dimensional HL gravity. The model has a noticeable feature that gravitational and electromagnetic waves have the same velocity in the Minkowski background and the Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) background. Based on this characteristic we put forward a new way to restrict the parameter of the HL gravity by considering the possible Lorentz violation effect of the GRB 170817A. It turns out that in this way we can place a stringent constraint on the parameter of (4+1)-dimensional HL gravity.
In this brief report, as the session convener of Hořava-Lifshitz (HL) Gravity (AT6), I summarize the main results of the 15 talks presented in the 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, July 5–10, 2021. This session mainly focused on classical and quantum aspects of HL gravity and some related theories, such as Einstein-aether theory and khronometric gravity, as well as their applications to cosmology and astrophysics.
The emergence of R2 (Starobinsky) inflation from the semi-classical modification of gravity due to matter quantum fields (trace anomaly) clearly points out the importance of fundamental physics and the first principles in the construction of successful cosmological models. Along with the observational success, R2 gravity is also an important step beyond general relativity (GR) towards quantum gravity. Furthermore, several approaches of quantum gravity to date are strongly indicating the presence of non-locality at small time and length scales. In this regard, ultraviolet (UV) completion of R2 inflation has been recently studied in a string theory-inspired ghost-free analytic non-local gravity. We discuss the promising theoretical predictions of non-local R2-like inflation with respect to the key observables such as tensor-to-scalar ratio, tensor tilt which tell us about the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves, and scalar Non-Gaussianities which tell us about the three-point correlations in the CMB fluctuations. Any signature of non-local physics in the early Universe will significantly improve our understanding of fundamental physics at UV energy scales and quantum gravity.
We investigate static spherically symmetric solutions in the Palatini kinetically coupled scalar-tensor theory, which reduces to gravity minimally coupled to a scalar field in Einstein frame. Using the fact that the Jordan and Einstein frame are related by a reversible disformal transformation, which can be solved in closed form, we derive the general solution in the Jordan frame and show that it does not contain black holes. There is a wormhole branch and a naked singularity branch between which lies a non-singular asymptotically flat solution with kernel M1,1 × S2. This theory strongly violates the null energy condition.
The problem of calculating the redshift of electromagnetic spectrum of the star, moving in the vicinity of Schwarzschild black hole is solved within the framework of the General Theory of Relativity. The inverse problem — determination the parameters of the motion of a star from observational data of redshift is considered. The approach that gives possibilities to solve the inverse problem is proposed. The approach is tested on the numerical model that gives possibilities to calculate redshift as function of time of observation for a star moving in the vicinity of Schwarzschild black hole. The parameters of the star in numerical model are close to parameters of the S-stars, moving in the vicinity of the Sgr A*.
In the wake of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of the supermassive black hole M87*, efforts are underway to distinguish the black holes in general relativity (GR) and modified theories of gravity (MoG). We study the rotating hairy Kerr black holes with a deviation α and primary hair l0, apart from rotation parameter a and mass M. Interestingly, the hairy Kerr black holes possess smaller sizes but more distorted shadows than the Kerr black holes. We find that, within 1s uncertainty of the EHT observations, the inferred circularity deviation ΔC ≤ 0.1 for the M87* black hole is satisfied, whereas the shadow angular diameter θd = 42 ± 3μas, for a given choice of α, places bounds on the parameters a and l0. Thusfore, the hairy Kerr black holes are inferred to be suitable candidates for astrophysical black holes.
This article reviews one of the most intriguing properties of black hole spacetimes known in the literature- gravitational memory effect, and its connection with asymptotic symmetries, also termed as Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) symmetries, emerging near the horizon of black holes. Gravitational memory is a non-oscillatory part of the gravitational wave amplitude which generates a permanent displacement for freely falling test particles or test detectors. We highlight a model scenario where asymptotic symmetries appear as a soldering freedom in the context of stitching of two black hole spacetimes, and examine the impact of the interaction between test detectors and horizon shells. Further, we provide a more realistic approach of computing displacement memory for near-horizon asymptotic symmetries which is analogous to the conventional memory originally obtained at asymptotic null infinity.
We derive and critically examine the consequences that follow from the formation of a regular black or white hole horizon in finite time of a distant observer. In spherical symmetry, only two distinct classes of solutions to the semiclassical Einstein equations are self-consistent. Both are required to describe the formation of physical black holes and violate the null energy condition in the vicinity of the outer apparent horizon. The near-horizon geometry differs considerably from that of classical solutions. If semiclassical physics is valid, accretion into a black hole is no longer possible after the horizon has formed. In addition, the two principal generalizations of surface gravity to dynamical spacetimes are irreconcilable, and neither can describe the emission of nearly-thermal radiation. Comparison of the required energy and timescales with established semiclassical results suggests that if the observed astrophysical black holes indeed have horizons, their formation is associated with new physics.
In classical gravity, nothing can escape from a black hole, not even light. In particular, this happens for stationary black holes because their horizons are null. We show, on the other hand, that the apparent horizon and the region near r = 0 of an evaporating charged, rotating black hole are both timelike. This implies that there exists a channel, via which classical or quantum information can escape to the outside, as the black hole evaporates. Since astrophysical black holes have at least some rotation, our results apply to all black holes in nature. We discuss implications of our result.
Since its inception, the Bekenstein-Hawking area relation for black-hole entropy has been the primary testing ground for various theories of quantum gravity. However, a key challenge to such theories is identifying the microscopic structures and explaining the exponential growth of microstates, providing a fundamental understanding of thermodynamic quantities. Since entropy is a single number, we explore other quantities to provide complete information about the black-hole microstates. We establish a one-to-one correspondence between entanglement energy, entropy, and temperature (quantum entanglement mechanics) and the Komar energy, Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, and Hawking temperature of the horizon (black-hole thermodynamics), respectively. We also show that this correspondence leads to the Komar relation and Smarr formula for generic 4-D spherically symmetric space-times. While offering an independent derivation of black-hole thermodynamics from field observables, the universality of results suggests that quantum entanglement is a fundamental building block of space-time.
This paper investigates thermodynamics as well as thermal stability of the Reissner-Nordström black hole with the effects of non-linear electrodynamics. We first calculate the expressions for Hawking temperature, Helmholtz free energy, internal energy, enthalpy and Gibbs free energy of this black hole and then study their graphical behavior in the presence of non-linear electrodynamic effects. We also investigate thermal stability of the considered system with two different methods, i.e., through heat capacity and through Hessian matrix. It is found from both the methods that the considered system is thermodynamically stable in the presence of non-linear electrodynamic parameter (α). Finally, we analyze the phase transitions of Hawking temperature as well as heat capacity in terms of entropy for different values of charge (q), horizon radius (r+) and coupling parameter. We obtain that Hawking temperature changes its phase from positive to negative for increasing values of q and r+ while it shows opposite trend for higher values of α. The heat capacity changes its phase from negative to positive for large values of charge, horizon radius and coupling parameter.
We investigate radial linear uniformly accelerated trajectories and their corresponding Rindler horizons in the black hole geometry. In a curved spacetime, a covariant definition for Rindler trajectories is provided in the context of the generalised Letaw-Frenet equations for trajectories with constant curvature scalar and vanishing torsion and hypertorsion. Interestingly, we arrive at a bound on magnitude of acceleration for Rindler trajectories such that, for acceleration greater than the bound value, the Rindler trajectory always falls into the black hole and the distance of closest approach for the trajectory to turn away is always greater than the Schwarzschild radius for all finite boundary data. We further investigate the past and future Rindler horizons using the analytical solution for the trajectories and discuss their features.
The symmetric two-point function for a massless, minimally coupled scalar field in the Unruh state is examined for Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime in two dimensions. This function grows linearly in terms of a time coordinate that is well-defined on the future black hole and cosmological horizons, when the points are split in the space direction. This type of behavior also occurs in two dimensions for other static black hole spacetimes when the field is in the Unruh state, and at late times it occurs in spacetimes where a black hole forms from the collapse of a null shell. The generalization to the case of the symmetric two-point function in two dimensions for a massive scalar field in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime is discussed.
A method is presented which allows for the numerical computation of the stress-energy tensor for a quantized massless minimally coupled scalar field in the region outside the event horizon of a 4D Schwarzschild black hole that forms from the collapse of a null shell. This method involves taking the difference between the stress-energy tensor for the in state in the collapsing null shell spacetime and that for the Unruh state in Schwarzschild spacetime. The construction of the modes for the in vacuum state and the Unruh state is discussed. Applying the method, the renormalized stress-energy tensor in the 2D case has been computed numerically and shown to be in agreement with the known analytic solution. In 4D, the presence of an effective potential in the mode equation causes scattering effects that make the the construction of the in modes more complicated. The numerical computation of the in modes in this case is given.
Einstein equations projected on black-hole horizons give rise to the equations of motion of a viscous fluid. This suggests a way to understand the microscopic degrees of freedom on the black-hole horizon by focusing on the physics of this fluid. In this talk, we shall approach this problem by building a crude microscopic model for the Horizon-fluid(HF) corresponding to asymptotically flat black-holes in 3+1 dimensions. The symmetry requirement for our model is that it should incorporate the S1 diffeo-symmetry on the black-hole horizon. The second constraint comes from the demand that the correct value of the Coefficient of the Bulk Viscosity of the HF can be deduced from the model. Both these requirements can be satisfied by an adoption of the eight vertex Baxter model on a S2 surface. We show that the adiabatic entropy quantisation proposed by Bekenstein also follows from this model. Finally, we argue the results obtained so far suggest that a perturbed black-hole can be described by a CFT perturbed by relevant operators and discuss the physical implications.
Mass formulas are obtained for stationary axisymmetric solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell dilaton-axion theory, which have a regular rod structure on the axis of symmetry. Asymptotic mass, angular momentum and charge are expressed as the sums of masses, angular momenta and charges of rods dressed with field contributions. The calculation is based on a three-dimensional sigma model representation of the stationary EMDA system and the Tomimatsu approach proposed for the Einstein-Maxwell system. Our results provide an alternative interpretation of mass formulas and thermodynamics for black holes with Dirac and Misner strings. It is also applicable to aligned multiple black holes with struts.
We extend the black hole holography to the case of an asymptotically anti–de Sitter(AdS) rotating charged black holes in f(T) = T + αT 2 gravity, where α is a constant. We find that the scalar wave radial equation at the near-horizon region implies the existence of the 2D conformal symmetries. We show that choosing proper central charges for the dual CFT, we produce exactly the macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking entropy from the microscopic Cardy entropy for the dual CFT. These observations suggest that the rotating charged AdS black hole in f(T) gravity is dual to a 2D CFT at finite temperatures.
The evidence is mounting that the universe is currently undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion. One possible alternative is the modification in gravity in the largest possible scales. This leads to the many questions related to black-holes: violation of Birkhoff theorem and no-hair theorem. To confirm/infirm, we need to obtain exact black-hole solutions in these modified gravity theories. In this talk, we focus on the exact spherically symmetric solutions in f (R) theories of gravity. We explicitly show that some f (R) models contain an infinite number of exact static, Ricci-flat spherically symmetric vacuum solutions and, hence, violate Birkhoff’s theorem in f (R) theories. We analytically derive two exact vacuum black-hole solutions for the same class of f (R) theories. The two black-hole solutions have the event-horizon at the same point; however, their asymptotic features are different. Our results suggest that the no-hair theorem may not hold for generic modified gravity theories. We discuss the implications to distinguish modified gravity theories from general relativity.
We consider gravitational collapse of a spherically symmetric sphere of a fluid with spin and torsion into a black hole. We use the Tolman metric and the Einstein–Cartan field equations with a relativistic spin fluid as a source. We show that gravitational repulsion of torsion prevents a singularity and replaces it with a nonsingular bounce. Quantum particle production during contraction strengthens torsion in opposing shear. Particle production during expansion can produce enormous amounts of matter and generate a finite period of inflation. The resulting closed universe on the other side of the event horizon may have several bounces. Such a universe is oscillatory, with each cycle larger in size then the previous cycle, until it reaches the cosmological size and expands indefinitely. Our universe might have therefore originated from a black hole existing in another universe.
From time to time, different observations suggest that Einstein’s theory of general relativity (GR) may not be the ultimate theory of gravity. Various researchers have suggested that the f (R) theory of gravity is the best alternative to replace GR. Using f (R) gravity, one can elucidate the various unexplained physics of compact objects, such as black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs. Researchers have already put effort into finding the vacuum solution around a black hole in f (R) gravity. However, for a long time, they could not find an asymptotically flat vacuum solution. In this article, we show that the asymptotically flat vacuum solution of f (R) gravity is possible and thereby use it to explain the spherical accretion flow around the black hole.
A certain type of matter with anisotropic pressures can add to the Reissner-Nordström metric a term proportional to a power of the radial coordinate. Using the standard method of separating variables for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, we study the shadow of the corresponding rotating solution, obtained through the Newman-Janis algorithm. We define and calculate three observables in order to characterize the position, size and shape of the shadow.
We review the constraints modified theories of gravity must satisfy to be compatible with the spherically symmetric black hole solutions of semiclassical gravity that describe the formation of an apparent horizon in finite time of a distant observer. The constraints are satisfied in generic modified gravity theories with up to fourth-order derivatives in the metric, indicating that the semiclassical solutions correspond to zeroth-order terms in perturbative solutions of these theories. As a result, it may not be possible to distinguish between the semiclassical theory and modifications including up to fourth-order derivatives based on the observation of an apparent horizon alone.
What we are doing is three-fold. First, we examine the gist of the Penrose suggestion as to signals from a prior universe showing up in the CMBR. That is, this shows up as data in the CMBR. Second, we give a suggestion as to how super massive black holes could be broken up s of a prior universe cycle by pre-big-bang conditions, with say millions of pre-Planck black holes coming up out of a breakup of prior universe black holes. Three, we utilize a discussion as to Bose–Einstein condensates set as gravitons as to composing the early universe black holes. The BEC formulation gives a number N of gravitons, linked to entropy, per black hole, which could lead to contributions to the alleged CMBR perturbations, which were identified by Penrose et al.
We summarize the talks presented at the BH3 session (Black Holes in Alternative Theories of Gravity) of the 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting held online on July 5-10 2021.
The detection of the merger of a neutron star binary in both gravitational waves and a broad spectrum of electromagnetic waves (GW170817) provided the most compelling evidence to date that such mergers produce heavy r-process elements. The inferred rate of these mergers coupled to the estimated r-process production suggests that these mergers could produce nearly all of the r-process elements in the universe. However, uncertainties in the merger rate and the amount of r-process production per merger means that scientists can not constrain the fraction of the merger r-process contribution to better than 1–100% of the total amount in the universe. The total r-process mass synthesized is best constrained by the observations themselves and uncertainties in the inferred production quantity follows from the uncertainties in modeling the emission from the NSM ejecta. In this paper, we review these modeling uncertainties.
We review some recent results obtained at the sixth Post-Newtonian level of approximation for the Hamiltonian description of a two-body system, by using several methods whose combination has led to the so-called “Tutti-Frutti” approach.
Multi-channel astronomy is one of the most important and rapidly developing field of modern physics. The well known result of multi-channel observations is simultaneous detection of gravitational wave and gamma ray bursts associated with neutron star merger event. This observation open a new window to study the Universe, and actually triggered the broad scale study of astrophysical phenomena in hard X-Rays and gamma rays by orbital experiments together with ground based observations of gravitational waves, neutrino and ultra-high energy cosmic rays. From this perspective it appears that small satellites of CubeSat type are quite appropriate for multi-channel observations of astrophysical transients because it is the cheapest way to realize all-sky monitoring observations by orbital instruments. Presently at D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (SINP MSU) a new project named Universat–SOCRAT is under development which is intended for operational monitoring of near-Earth’s radiation environment and monitoring of electromagnetic transients in the optical, UV, X-ray and gamma ranges. Here we discuss the first results of charged particles, gamma quanta fluxes and UV-emission measurements from the upper atmosphere in several CubeSat missions, which were successfully launched in 2019, 2020.
The detailed continuous fast optical photometry analysis obtained by MASTER Global Network for the GRB160625B optical counterpart MASTER OT J203423.51+065508.0 is presented. There are also hard X-ray and gamma-ray emission obtained by the Lomonosov and Konus-Wind spacecrafts detectors. We detected quasiperiodic emission components in the intrinsic optical emission of GRB160625B and propose a three-stage collapse scenario for this long and bright GRB. We associate quasiperiodic fluctuations with forced precession of a Spinar, i.e. self-gravitating rapidly rotating super dense body, whose evolution is determined by a powerful magnetic field. The spinar’s mass lead it to collapse into a black hole at the end of an evolution.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are bright extragalactic flashes of gamma-ray radiation and briefly the most energetic explosions in the Universe. Their catastrophic origin —the merger of compact objects or the collapse of massive stars— drives the formation of a newborn compact remnant (black hole or magnetar) that powers two highly relativistic jets. As these jets continue to travel outwards, they collide with the external material surrounding the dying star, producing a long-lasting afterglow that can be seen across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from the most energetic gamma-ray emission to radio wavelengths. But how can such material be accelerated and focused into narrow beams? The internal shock model proposes that repeated collisions between material blasted out during the explosion can produce the gamma-ray flash. The competing magnetic model credits primordial large-scale ordered magnetic fields that collimate and accelerate the relativistic outflows. To distinguish between these models and ultimately determine the power source for these energetic explosions, our team studies the polarization of the light during the first minutes after the explosion (using novel instruments on fully autonomous telescopes around the globe) to directly probe the magnetic field properties in these extragalactic jets. This technology allowed the detection of highly polarized optical light in GRB 120308A and confirmed the presence of mildly magnetized jets with large-scale primordial magnetic fields in a reduced sample of GRBs (e.g. GRB 090102, GRB 110205A, GRB 101112A, GRB 160625B). Here we discuss the observations of the most energetic and first GRB detected at very high TeV energies, GRB 190114C, which opens a new frontier in GRB magnetic field studies suggesting that some jets can be launched highly magnetized and that the collapse and destruction of these magnetic fields at very early times may have powered the explosion itself. Additionally, our most recent polarimetric observations of the jet of GRB 141220A indicate that, when the jetted ejected material is decelerated by the surrounding environment, the magnetic field amplification mechanisms at the front shock —needed to generate the observed synchrotron emission— produce small magnetic domains. These measurements validate theoretical expectations and contrast with previous observations that suggest large magnetic domains in collisionless shocks (i.e. GRB 091208B).
We present MASTER Global Robotic Net (Lipunov et al. 2010) earliest optical alert observations of IceCube-170922A error box. We discovered fast variability of blazar TXS 0506+056 27 sec after notice time (73s after the trigger time) at 2017-09-22 20:55:43 UT by MASTER-Tavrida robotic telescope. MASTER found the blazar TXS 0506+056 to be in the off-state after one minute and then switched to the on-state no later than two hours after the event. The effect is observed at a 50-sigma significance level. We also analysed own unique 16-years light curve of blazar TXS 0506+056 (518 data set).
In this proceedings contribution we summarize a series of results on nonlinear perturbation theory for modified gravity models, in which a scalar field changes the gravitational dynamics at cosmic scales. We discuss its effects on large scale structure, focusing on screenings and the power spectrum of matter fields and tracers. We also discuss a redshift space distortions model for modified gravity and the departures from the LCDM model.
In the last two decades, Modified Gravity (MG) models have been proposed to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe. However, one of the main difficulties these theories face is that they must reduce to General Relativity (GR) at sufficiently high energy densities, such as those found in the solar system. To achieve this, MG theories typically employ so-called screening mechanisms: nonlinear effects that bring them to GR at the appropriate limits. For this reason, low-energy regions where the screenings do not operate efficiently, such as cosmic voids, are identified as ideal laboratories for testing GR. Hence, the use of marked statistics that up-weight low energy densities have been proposed for being implemented with data from future galaxy surveys. In this proceeding note, we show how to construct theoretical templates for such statistics and test their accuracy with the use of N-body simulations.
We analyze the properties of a generic bosonic cloud that we interpreted as a condensed phase of generic bosons or a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) type halo surrounding a Schwarzschild–type black hole. We model the halo as a condensed phase of generic bosons in terms of a massive scalar field that satisfies a self–interacting Klein–Gordon equation. To model the density of particles of the corresponding cloud, we apply the so–called Thomas–Fermi approximation that allows us to extract relevant properties of the system. By using galaxy data from a subsample of SPARC data base, we find the best fits of the BEC model by using the Thomas–Fermi approximation. We show that in the centre of galaxies we must have a supermassive compact central object, i.e., supermassive black hole, additionally the cloud or the halo behaves as a weakly interacting BEC composed of ultralight bosons.
We constructed a new all-sky Compton parameter map (y-map) of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (tSZ) effect by applying the MILCA component separation algorithm to the 100 to 857 GHz frequency channel maps from the Planck data release 4. The Planck team performed several improvements for the new channel maps in terms of noises and systematics, and it allowed us to produce a new y-map with reduced noises by ∼7% and minimal survey strips compared to the previous version released in 2015. We computed the tSZ angular power spectrum of the new y-map and performed a cosmological analysis. The results showed S8=0.764+0.015−0.018(stat)+0.031−0.016(sys), including systematic uncertainties from a hydrostatic mass bias and pressure profile model. The value is fully consistent with recent KiDS and DES weak-lensing observations. It is also consistent with the Planck CMB’s result within 2σ, while our result is slightly lower.
The largest temperature anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the dipole. The simplest interpretation of the dipole is that it is due to our motion with respect to the rest frame of the CMB. As well as creating the ℓ=1 mode of the CMB sky, this motion affects all astrophysical observations by modulating and aberrating sources across the sky. It can be seen in galaxy clustering, and in principle its time derivative through a dipole-shaped acceleration pattern in quasar positions. Additionally, the dipole modulates the CMB temperature anisotropies with the same frequency dependence as the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect and so these modulated CMB anisotropies can be extracted from the tSZ maps produced by Planck. Unfortunately this measurement cannot determine if the dipole is due to our motion, but it does provide an independent measure of the dipole and a validation of the y maps. This measurement, and a description of the first-order terms of the CMB dipole, are outlined here.
The MIllimeter Sardinia radio Telescope Receiver based on Array of Lumped elements kids, MISTRAL, is a millimetric (≃ 90GHz) multipixel camera being built for the Sardinia Radio Telescope. It is going to be a facility instrument and will sample the sky with 12 arcsec angular resolution, 4 arcmin field of view, through 408 Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs). The construction and the beginning of commissioning is planned to be in 2022. MISTRAL will allow the scientific community to propose a wide variety of scientific cases including protoplanetary discs study, star forming regions, galaxies radial profiles, and high angular resolution measurements of the Sunyaev Zel’dovich (SZ) effect with the investigation of the morphology of galaxy cluster and the search for the Cosmic Web.
The high-z submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) can be used as background sample for gravitational lensing studies thanks to their magnification bias, which can manifest itself through a non-negligible measurement of the cross-correlation function between a background and a foreground source sample with non-overlapping redshift distributions. In particular, the choice of SMGs as background sample enhances the cross-correlation signal so as to provide an alternative and independent observable for cosmological studies regarding the probing of mass distribution.
In particular the magnification bias can be exploited in order to constrain the free astrophysical parameters of a Halo Occupation Distribution model and some of the main cosmological parameters. Urged by the improvements obtained when adopting a pseudo-tomographic analysis, It has been adopted a tomographic set-up to explore not only a ΛCDM scenario, but also the possible time evolution of the dark energy density in the ω0CDM and ω0ωaCDM frameworks.
In the standard cosmological scenario, no circular polarization is predicted for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. However, in the frame of moving particle, Lorentz symmetry violation leads to circular polarization for CMB radiation. We estimate the circular polarization power spectrum C(S)Vl in CMB radiation due to Compton scattering in the presence of the Lorentz symmetry violation. We show that the V-mode power spectrum can be obtained in terms of linear polarization power spectrum at the last scattering surface.
Cosmological and astrophysical surveys in various wavebands, in particular from the radio to the far-infrared, offer a unique view of the universe’s properties and the formation and evolution of its structures. After a preamble on the so-called tension problem, which occurs when different types of data are used to determine cosmological parameters, we discuss the role of fast radio bursts in cosmology, in particular for the missing baryon Bologna, Italy problem, and the perspectives from the analysis of the 21 cm redshifted line from neutral hydrogen. We then describe the Planck Legacy Archive, its wealth of scientific information and next developments, and the promising perspectives expected from higher resolution observations, in particular for the analysis of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect. Three cosmological results of the Planck mission are presented next: the implications of the map of Comptonization fluctuations, the dipole analysis from cross-correlating cosmic microwave background anisotropy and Comptonization fluctuation maps, and the constraints on the primordial tensor-to-scalar perturbation ratio. Finally, we discuss some future perspectives and alternative scenarios in cosmology, such as the study of the Lorentz invariance violation with the cosmic microwave background polarization, the introduction of new gravitational degrees of freedom to solve the dark matter problem, and the exploitation of the magnification bias with high-redshift sub-millimeter galaxies to constrain cosmological parameters.
We initiate a new method for probing inflationary models that can produce primordial black hole populations, using only CMB physics at relatively large scales. In these scenarios, profile of the primordial scalar power spectrum exhibit a universal dip feature that is followed by a rapid growth towards small scales, leading to a peak responsible for PBH formation. Focusing on scales around the dip that are well separated from the peak, we first analytically compute expressions for the curvature bispectrum. We then show that the amplitude of the bispectrum is enhanced for the squeezed configuration around the position of the dip, and it acquires a characteristic scale dependence that can be probed by cross correlations between CMB μ-distortions and temperature anisotropies. We quantitatively study the properties of such cross-correlations and how they depend on the underlying model, discussing how they can be tested by the next generation of CMB μ-distortion experiments. This method allows one to experimentally probe inflationary PBH scenarios using well-understood CMB physics, without considering non-linearities associated with PBH formation and evolution.
Compton scattering of photons with thermal electrons is one of the most ubiquitous phenomenon in nature. Numerical approaches to solve the evolution of photons in such situations typically assume the energy exchange to be much smaller compared to the temperature of electrons. In this work, we solve the photon evolution in its full generality, without the diffusion approximation, and show the differences between the exact solution and approximate solutions. We point out the importance of solving exact kinematics of Compton scattering for the computation of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) spectral distortions at redshifts (z) ≲ 3 × 104.
The BISOU (Balloon Interferometer for Spectral Observations of the Universe) project aims to study the viability and prospects of a balloon-borne spectrometer, pathfinder of a future space mission dedicated to the measurements of the CMB spectral distortions. We present here a preliminary concept based on previous space mission proposals, together with some sensitivity calculation results for the observation goals, showing that a 5-σ measurement of the y-distortions is achievable.
We present new cosmic microwave background (CMB) spectral distortions constraints on low mass (10−10-104 eV) dark matter particles that decay into photons. The constraints are first presented in a model-independent manner and then applied to axions and decaying excited states. For the first time, we place constraints using the full distortion spectra compared to the COBE/FIRAS and EDGES measurements. This proceeding summarizes results obtained with Jens Chluba and Richard Battye, and published in MNRAS 507 (2021).
The COSmic Monopole Observer (COSMO) is an experiment to measure low-level spectral distortions in the isotropic component of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Deviations from a pure blackbody spectrum are expected at low level (< 1 ppm) due to several astrophysical and cosmological phenomena, and promise to provide important independent information on the early and late phases of the universe. They have not been detected yet, due to the extreme accuracy required, the best upper limits being still those from the COBE-FIRAS mission. COSMO is based on a cryogenic differential Fourier Transform Spectrometer, measuring the spectral brightness difference between the sky and an accurate cryogenic blackbody. The first implementation of COSMO, funded by the Italian PRIN and PNRA programs, will operate from the Concordia station at Dome-C, in Antarctica, and will take advantage of a fast sky-dip technique to get rid of atmospheric emission and its fluctuations, separating them from the monopole component of the sky brightness. Here we describe the instrument design, its capabilities, the current status. We also discuss its subsequent implementation in a balloon-flight, which has been studied within the COSMOS program of the Italian Space Agency.
First proposed in 1964 by Sjur Refsdal, gravitational lensing provides a straightforward and elegant geometrical way of estimating the Hubble constant from cosmologically distant variable sources. The method relies on observationally determined time delays between light arriving through different multiple images, and the mass models of the lens, which are constrained by observed image properties and other information. While the time delays are obtained with increasing precision, the mass models, which are subject to lensing degeneracies, remain the main source of systematic uncertainty. Various modeling groups have adopted different strategies for dealing with degeneracies. In this talk I will describe the basics of extracting H0 from lensing, the observational successes, modeling challenges, current results, and future prospects.
The standard ΛCDM cosmological model now seems to face some puzzles. One of the most serious problems is the so-called Hubble tension; the values of the Hubble constant H0 obtained by local measurements look inconsistent with that inferred from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Although introducing extra energy components such as the extra radiation or Early Dark Energy appears to be promising, such extra components could alter the abundance of light elements synthesized by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). We perform a Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the effect of those extra component scenarios to solve the Hubble tension on the BBN prediction.
I review a string-inspired cosmological model with gravitational anomalies in its early epochs, which is based on fields from the (bosonic) massless gravitational multiplet of strings, in particular gravitons and Kalb Ramond (KR), string-model independent, axions (the dilaton is assumed constant). I show how condensation of primordial gravitational waves, which are generared at the very early eras immediately after the big bang, can lead to inflation of the so called running vacuum model (RVM) type, without external inflatons. The role of the slow-roll field is played by the KR axion, but it does not drive inflation. The non-linearities in the anomaly terms do. Chiral fermionic matter excitations appear at the end of this RVM inflation, as a result of the decay of the RVM vacuum, and are held responsible for the cancellation of the primordial gravitational anomalies. Chiral anomalies, however, survive in the post-inflationary epochs, and can lead to the generation of a non perturbative mass for the KR axion, which could thus play the role of dark matter in this Universe. As a result of the condensed gravitational anomaly, there is a Lorentz-invariance violating KR axion background, which remains undiluted during the RVM inflation, and can lead to baryogenesis through leptogenesis in the radiation era, in models with sterile right-handed neutrinos. I also discuss the phenomenology of the model in the modern era, paying particular attention to linking it with a version of RVM, called type II RVM, which arguably can alleviate observed tensions in the current-epoch cosmological data.
Cosmological data still allow for the presence of a non-negligible amount of dark energy at very high redshifts, namely during the matter- and radiation-dominated epochs. This is the so-called early dark energy (EDE), which could help to mitigate the tensions that affect the standard model of cosmology since (i) it reduces the sound horizon at the baryon-drag epoch, hence giving room to higher values of H0 than those found in the ΛCDM; and (ii) it could potentially decrease the number of large-scale structures in the Universe due its negative pressure and its inability to cluster efficiently for large enough values of its sound speed. Here we put constraints on the fraction of EDE using two methods: first, we use a perfect fluid parameterization that produces plateaux in Ωede(z) during the relativistic and non-relativistic matter-dominated eras. Second, we apply a tomographic approach to constrain the EDE density in redshift bins, which allows us to reconstruct the evolution of the EDE fraction before and after the decoupling of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons. We have employed Planck data 2018, the Pantheon compilation of supernovae of Type Ia (SNIa), data on galaxy clustering, the prior on the absolute magnitude of SNIa by SH0ES, and weak lensing data from KiDS+VIKING-450 and DES-Y1. Using our minimal parameterization we find that EDE is not able to loosen the cosmological tensions, and show that the constraints on the EDE fraction weaken considerably when its sound speed takes lower values. Thanks to our binned analysis we are able to put tight constraints on the EDE fraction around the CMB decoupling time, ≲ 0.4% at 2σ c.l. We confirm previous results that a significant EDE fraction in the radiation-dominated epoch loosens the H0 tension, but tends to worsen the tension for σ8. A subsequent presence of EDE in the matter-dominated era helps to alleviate this problem. When both the SH0ES prior and weak lensing data are considered in the fitting analysis in combination with data from CMB, SNIa and baryon acoustic oscillations, the EDE fractions are constrained to be ≲ 2.6% in the radiation-dominated epoch and ≲ 1.5% in the redshift range z ∈ (100, 1000) at 2σ c.l. The two tensions remain with a statistical significance of ∽ 2 − 3σ c.l. This contribution to the proceedings of the CM3 parallel session of the MG16 Marcel Grossmann virtual Conference: “Status of the H0 and σ8 tensions: theoretical models and model-independent constraints” is based on the paper arXiv:2107.11065, which appeared in the arXiv shortly after my talk of July 6th 2021.
The cosmological constant (CC) term, Λ, in Einstein’s equations has been for about three decades a fundamental building block of the concordance or standard ΛCDM model of cosmology. Although the latter is not free of fundamental problems, it provides a good phenomenological description of the overall cosmological observations. However, an interesting improvement in such a phenomenological description and also a change in the theoretical status of the Λ-term occurs upon realizing that the vacuum energy is actually a “running quantity” in quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Several works have shown that this option can compete with the ΛCDM with a rigid Λ term. The so-called, “running vacuum models” (RVM) are characterized indeed by a vacuum energy density, ρvac, which is evolving with time as a series of even powers of the Hubble parameter and its time derivatives. This form has been motivated by semi-qualitative renormalization group arguments in previous works. Here we review a recent detailed computation by the authors of the renormalized energy-momentum tensor of a non-minimally coupled scalar field with the help of adiabatic regularization procedure. The final result is noteworthy: ρvac(H) takes the precise structure of the RVM, namely a constant term plus a dynamical component ∽ H2 (which should be detectable in the present universe) including also higher order effects 𝒪(H4) which can be of interest during the early stages of the cosmological evolution. Besides, it is most remarkable that such renormalized form of the vacuum energy density does not carry dangerous terms proportional to m4, the quartic powers of the masses of the fields, which are a well-known source of exceedingly large contributions to the vacuum energy density and are directly responsible for extreme fine tuning in the context of the cosmological constant problem.
We present an analysis of the Brans-Dicke cosmological model with a cosmological constant and cold dark matter (BD-ΛCDM). We find that the BD-ΛCDM is favored by the overall cosmological data (SNIa+BAO+H(z)+LSS+CMB) when it is compared with the standard model of cosmology. The BD-ΛCDM model can be viewed from the GR perspective as a Running Vacuum Model (RVM) with a time evolving vacuum energy density. Due to this fact and also to its time evolving effective gravitational coupling, the model can alleviate the σ8 and the H0 tensions at a time. We also present the results for different types of RVM’s when they are tested in the light of the cosmological data and we show that a mild dynamics for the vacuum energy density can help to smooth out the aforementioned tensions, thus improving the performance of ΛCDM model.
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropy measurements have provided strong confirmation of the ΛCDM model of structure formation. Even if this model can explain incredibly well the observations in a vast range of scales and epochs, with the improvement of the experimental sensitivity, a few interesting tensions between the cosmological probes, and anomalies in the CMB data, have emerged with different statistical significance. While some portion of these discrepancies may be due to systematic errors, their persistence across probes strongly hints at cracks in the standard ΛCDM cosmological scenario. The most statistically significant is the Hubble constant puzzle and I will show a couple of interesting extended cosmological scenarios that can alleviate it.
We report how to alleviate both the H0 and σ8 tensions simultaneously within f (T) gravity. In particular, we consider the parametrization f(T)=−T−2Λ/M2P+αTβ, where two out of the three parameters are independent. This model can effciently fit observations solving the two tensions. To our knowledge, this is the first time where a modified gravity theory can alleviate both H0 and σ8 tensions simultaneously, hence, offering an additional argument in favor of gravitational modification.
We present a fully relativistic framework to evaluate the impact of stochastic inhomogeneities on the prediction of the Hubble-Lemaître diagram. In this regard, we relate the fluctuations of the luminosity distance-redshift relation in the Cosmic Concordance model to the intrinsic uncertainty associated to the estimation of cosmological parameters from high-redshift surveys (up to z = 4). Within this framework and according to the specific of forthcoming surveys as Euclid Deep Survey and LSST, we show that the cosmic variance associated with the measurement of the Hubble constant will not exceed 0.1 %. Thanks to our results, we infer that deep surveys will provide an estimation of the the Hubble constant H0 which will be more precise than the one obtained from local sources, at least in regard of the intrinsic uncertainty related to a stochastic distribution of inhomogeneities.
Primordial black holes (PBHs) can be produced when large density perturbations enter the horizon in the early universe. They can be dark matter (DM) and the black holes detected by the LIGO-Virgo collaborations. In this proceeding, we show that the large enhancement of the perturbations, required for the DM PBHs and LIGO/Virgo PBHs, can be realized in inflation models with a downward step. This enhancement mechanism is related to the particle production associated with the non-adiabatic evolution of the inflaton. This proceeding is based on our original paper.
The enhancement of the spectrum of primordial comoving curvature perturbation ℛ can induce the production of primordial black holes (PBH) which could account for part of present day dark matter. As an example of the effects of the modification of gravity on the production of PBHs, we investigate the effects on the spectrum of ℛ produced by the modification of gravity in the case of G-inflation, deriving the relation between the unitary gauge curvature perturbation ζ and the comoving curvature perturbation ℛ, and identifying a background dependent enhancement function ɛ which can induce large differences between the two gauge invariant variables.
When ζ is not constant in time it is different from ℛ, for example on sub-horizon scales, or in models exhibiting an anomalous super-horizon growth of ζ, but since this growth cannot last indefinitely, eventually they will coincide. We derive the general condition for super-horizon growth of ζ, showing that slow-roll violation is not necessary. Since the abundance of PBHs depends on the statistics of the peaks of the comoving density contrast, which is related to the spectrum of ℛ, it is important to take into account these effects on the PBHs abundance in modified gravity theories.
In this work we will explore U (1) local cosmic string solutions in the context of the generalized hybrid metric-Palatini theory of gravity in its scalar-tensor representation. Using a general static cillindrically symmetric metric to find the dynamical equations for this particular case, we will simplify the equations by imposing boost invariance along t and z directions. The physical and geometrical properties of the cosmic strings are determined by the two scalar fields, as well by an effective field potential, functionally dependent on both scalar fields. While for some forms of the potential, the dynamical equations can be solved exactly, for more general formas of the potential the solutions are found numerically. In this way, we obtain a large class of stable stringlike astrophysical configurations, whose basic parameters (string tension and radius) depend essentially on the effective field potential, and on the boundary conditions.
There has been observational evidence about spin axes of quasars in large quasar groups correlated over hundreds of Mpc. This is seen in the radio spectrum as well as in the optical range. There is not yet a satisfactory explanation of this “spooky” alignment. This alignment cannot be explained by mutual interaction at the time that quasars manifest themselves optically. A cosmological explanation could be possible in the formation of superconducting vortices (cosmic strings) in the early universe, just after the symmetry-breaking phase of the universe. We gathered from the NASA/IPAC and SIM-BAD extragalactic databases the right ascension, declination, inclination, position angle and eccentricity of the host galaxies of 3 large quasar groups to obtain the azimuthal and polar angle of the spin vectors. The alignment of the azimuthal angle of the spin vectors of quasars in their host galaxy is confirmed in the large quasar group U1.27 and compared with two other groups in the vicinity, i.e., U1.11 and U1.28, investigated by Clowes (2013). It is well possible that the azimuthal angle alignment fits the predicted azimuthal angle dependency in the theoretical model of the formation of general relativistic superconducting vortices, where the initial axially symmetry is broken just after the symmetry breaking of the scalar-gauge field.
Cosmic string networks form during cosmological phase transitions as a consequence of the Kibble mechanism. The evolution of the simplest networks is accurately described by the canonical Velocity Dependent One-Scale (VOS) model. However, numerical simulations have demonstrated the existence of significant quantities of short-wavelength propagation modes on the strings, known as wiggles, which motivated the recent development of a wiggly string extension of the VOS. Here we summarize recent progress in the physical interpretation of this model through a systematic study of the allowed asymptotic scaling solutions of the model. The modeling mainly relies on three mechanisms: the universe’s expansion rate, energy transfer mechanisms (e.g., the production of loops and wiggles), and the choice of the scale in which wiggles are coarse-grained. We consider the various limits in which each mechanism dominates and compare the scaling solutions for each case, in order to gain insight into the role of each mechanism in the overall behavior of the network. Our results show that there are three scaling regimes for the wiggliness, consisting of the well-known Nambu-Goto solution, and non-trivial regimes where the amount of wiggliness can grow as the network evolves or, for specific expansion rates, become a constant. We also demonstrate that full scaling of the network is more likely in the matter era than in the radiation epoch, in agreement with numerical simulations.
The canonical velocity-dependent one-scale (VOS) model for cosmic string evolution contains a number of free parameters which cannot be obtained ab initio. Therefore it must be calibrated using high resolution numerical simulations. We exploit our state of the art graphically accelerated implementation of the evolution of local Abelian-Higgs string networks to provide a statistically robust calibration of this model. In order to do so, we will make use of the largest set of high resolution simulations carried out to date, for a variety of cosmological expansion rates, and explore the impact of key numerical choices on model calibration, including the dynamic range, lattice spacing, and the choice of numerical estimators for the mean string velocity. This sensitivity exploration shows that certain numerical choices will indeed have consequences for observationally crucial parameters, such as the loop chopping parameter. To conclude, we will also briefly illustrate how our results impact observational constraints on cosmic strings.
We present results from adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) simulations of global cosmic strings. Using the public code, GRChombo, we perform a quantitative investigation of the dynamics of single sinusoidally displaced string configurations. We study a wide range of string energy densities μ ∝ ln λ, defined by the string width parameter λ over two orders of magnitude. We investigate the resulting massless (Goldstone boson or axion) and massive (Higgs) radiation signals, using quantitative diagnostic tools to determine the eigenmode decomposition. Given analytic radiation predictions for global Nambu-Goto strings, we compare the oscillating string decay with a backreaction model accounting for radiation energy losses, finding excellent agreement. We establish that backreaction decay is accurately characterised by the inverse square of the amplitude being proportional to the inverse tension μ for 3 ≲ λ ≲ 100. The investigation of massive radiation at small to intermediate amplitudes finds evidence that it is suppressed exponentially relative to the preferred massless channel with a √λ dependence in the exponent. We conclude that analytic radiation modelling in the thin-string (Nambu-Goto) limit provides the appropriate cosmological limit for global strings.
In the QCD axion dark matter scenario with post-inflationary Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking, the number density of axions, and hence the dark matter density, depends on the length of string per unit volume at cosmic time t, by convention written ζ/t2. The expectation has been that the dimensionless parameter ζ tends to a constant ζ0, a feature of a string network known as scaling. It has recently been claimed that in larger numerical simulations ζ shows a logarithmic increase with time. This case would result in a large enhancement of the string density at the QCD transition, and a substantial revision to the axion mass required for the axion to constitute all of the dark matter. With a set of new simulations of global strings we compare the standard scaling (constant-ζ) model to the logarithmic growth. We also study the approach to scaling, through measuring the root-mean-square velocity v as well as the scaled mean string separation x. We find good evidence for a fixed point in the phase-space analysis in the variables (x, v), providing a strong indication that standard scaling is taking place. We show that the approach to scaling can be well described by a two parameter velocity-one-scale (VOS) model, and show that the values of the parameters are insensitive to the initial state of the network. We conclude that the apparent corrections to ζ are artifacts of the initial conditions, rather than a property of the scaling network.
We study axion strings with the electroweak gauge flux in the DFSZ axion model and show that these strings, called electroweak axions, exhibit superconductivity without fermionic zero modes. We also show that the primordial magnetic field in the early universe can induce a large electric current along the string. A pair of the strings carrying such a large current feels a net attractive force between them and can form a Y-shaped junction in the early universe, whose formation probability is roughly estimated to be 1/2.
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) datasets use very precise measurements of the spatial distribution of large-scale structures as a distance ladder to help constrain cosmological parameters. In a recent article,1 we combined 17 uncorrelated BAO measurements in the effective redshift range 0.106 ≤ z ≤ 2.36 with the Cosmic Chronometers data, the Pantheon Type Ia supernova and the Hubble Diagram of Gamma Ray Bursts and Quasars to obtain that the ΛCDM model fit infers for the Hubble constant: 69.85 ± 1.27km/sec/Mpc and for the sound horizon distance: 146.1 ± 2.15Mpc. Beyond the ΛCDM model we test ΩkCDM and wCDM and we get Ωk = −0.076 ± 0.012, w = − 0.989 ± 0.049 accordingly. In this proceeding we present elaborate on our findings and we compare them to other recent results in the literature.
We present a phenomenological analysis of current observational constraints on classes of FLRW cosmological models in which the matter side of Einstein’s equations includes, in addition to the canonical term, a term proportional to some function of the energy-momentum tensor (T 2 = Tαβ T αβ = ρ2 + 3p2), or of its trace (T = ρ − 3p). Qualitatively, one may think of these models as extensions of general relativity with a nonlinear matter Lagrangian. As such they are somewhat different from the usual dynamical dark energy or modified gravity models: in the former class of models one adds further dynamical degrees of freedom to the Lagrangian (often in the form of scalar fields), while in the latter the gravitational part of the Lagrangian is changed. We study both of these models under two different scenarios: (1) as phenomenological two-parameter or three-parameter extensions of the standard ΛCDM, in which case the model still has a cosmological constant but the nonlinear matter Lagrangian leads to additional terms in Einstein’s equations, which cosmological observations tightly constrain, and (2) as alternatives to ΛCDM, where there is no cosmological constant, and the nonlinear matter term would have to provide the acceleration (which would be somewhat closer in spirit to the usual modified gravity models). A comparative analysis of the observational constraints obtained in the various cases provides some insight on the level of robustness of the Λ model and on the parameter space still available for phenomenological alternatives.
Various observations have shown that dark energy accounts for nearly two-thirds of the energy density of the Universe. The simplest model to explain the nature of dark energy is the cosmological constant (ΛCDM) model. Although Planck observations supports using ΛCDM model as the base cosmological model, there exist some inconsistencies in parameter estimates when compared with independent observations. The most important is the inconsistency in the H0 estimates from the Planck collaboration which reports H0=67.5+0.5−0.5kms−1Mpc−1, a considerably lower value when compared with the direct local distance ladder measurements. This value shows a discrepancy at the level greater than 4σ with the constraints reported by SH0ES collaboration in 2019, H0=74.3+1.42−1.42 kms−1Mpc−1. These disagreements, called the Hubble tension, point towards a new physics that deviates from the standard ΛCDM model and to resolve this various methods have been proposed. In this work, a quintessence scalar field with an inverse power potential (V(ϕ)∽ ϕ−n) is assumed as a description of dark energy and we focus on an interacting dark energy dark matter model where the interacting term is taken to be linear in the field (Φ). We study in detail the evolution of the model and provide constraints on the model parameters using low redshift cosmological observations of Type Ia Supernovae (SN), baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO), direct measurements of Hubble parameter (Hz) and high redshift HII galaxy measurements (HIIG). We find that the model agrees with the existing values of the nonrelativistic matter density parameter, Ωm and dark energy equation of state parameter, w0. The analysis shows that the observations prefer a negative value of coupling constant and gives the best fit value of H0=69.9+0.46−1.02kms−1Mpc−1 and thereby can be used to alleviates the H0 tension between Planck measurements and the observations considered.
We focus on weak inhomogeneous models of the Universe at low redshifts, described by the Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric. The principal aim of this work is to compare the evolution of inhomogeneous perturbations in the ΛCDM cosmological model and f (R) modified gravity theories, considering a flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric for the background. More specifically, we adopt the equivalent scalar-tensor formalism in the Jordan frame, in which the extra degree of freedom of the f (R) function is converted into a non-minimally coupled scalar field. We investigate the evolution of local inhomogeneities in time and space separately, following a linear perturbation approach. Then, we obtain spherically symmetric solutions in both cosmological models. Our results allow us to distinguish between the presence of a cosmological constant and modified gravity scenarios, since a peculiar Yukawa-like solution for radial perturbations occurs in the Jordan frame. Furthermore, the radial profile of perturbations does not depend on a particular choice of the f (R) function, hence our results are valid for any f (R) model.
We present “soft cosmology”, namely we investigate small deviations from the usual framework due to the effective appearance of soft-matter properties in the Universe sectors. One effect of such a case would be the dark energy to exhibit a different equation-of-state parameter at large scales (which determine the universe expansion) and at intermediate scales (which determine the sub-horizon clustering and the large scale structure formation). Concerning soft dark matter, we show that it can effectively arise due to the dark-energy clustering, even if dark energy is not soft. We propose a novel parametrization introducing the “softness parameters” of the dark sectors. As we see, although the background evolution remains unaffected, due to the extreme sensitivity and significant effects on the global properties even a slightly non-trivial softness parameter can improve the clustering behavior and alleviate e.g. the fσ8 tension.
We proposes a phenomenological generalisation of the standard model with only one extra degree of freedom that parametrises the evolution of a scalar field responsible for the cosmic acceleration. The model also foresees an additional parameter in the form of a coupling between dark energy and dark matter. This model captures a large diversity of dark energy evolutions at low redshift and could usefully complement common CPL parametrisations widely used. In this context, we have been constraining the parametrisation with data from Planck and KiDS, bringing different results between the early and late universe observations.
For a flat ΛCDM (standard) cosmology, a small sample of gravitationally lensed quasars with measured time delays has recently provided a value of the Hubble constant H0 in tension with the Planck flat ΛCDM result. Trying to check if this tension is real or not, we used basic observational constraints for two double quasars of the GLENDAMA sample (SBS 0909+532 and SDSS J1339+1310) to discuss the underlying value of H0 in a standard cosmology. For SBS 0909+532, we were not able to obtain a reliable measurement of H0. However, the current data of SDSS J1339+1310 are consistent with H0 around 67.8 km s−1 Mpc−1 and σ(H0)/H0 ∽ 10%. Although the formal uncertainty is still large and mainly due to the lack of details on the mass density profile of the main lens galaxy, the central value of H0 coincides with that of the TDCOSMO+SLACS collaboration (using gravitational lens systems) and is within the 1σ interval from Planck cosmic microwave background data. After getting these preliminary encouraging results through only one double quasar, we are currently planning to use several GLENDAMA systems to accurately measure the Hubble constant and put constraints on other cosmological parameters.
A unification of dark matter and dark energy based on a dynamical space time theory is suggested. By introducing a dynamical space time vector field χµ as a Lagrange multiplier, a conservation of an energy momentum tensor Tμν(χ)is implemented. This Lagrangian generalizes the Unified dark energy and dark matter from a scalar field different from quintessence which did not consider a Lagrangian formulation. This generalization allows the solutions which were found previously, but in addition to that also non singular bouncing solutions that rapidly approach to the ΛCDM model. The BBN constraint is also studied.
General Relativity is a priori a theory invariant under time reversal. Its integration with the laws of thermodynamics allows for a formulation of non-equilibrium phenomena in gravity and the introduction of an arrow of time, i.e. the the breaking of such invariance. Even though most of the evolution of the universe takes place in local thermal equilibrium, the effects of irreversible processes on the expansion via entropic forces may be phenomenologically relevant. We review our previous work on the covariant formulation of non-equilibrium thermodynamics in General Relativity and the proposal to explain the recent cosmic acceleration from it.
Dark matter scenarios are being tested at the LHC in the general-purpose experiments through promptly decaying states. In parallel, new dedicated detectors have been proposed for the LHC to probe dark matter portal theories predicting long-lived particles that decay away from the interaction point: MoEDAL-MAPP, MoEDAL-MALL, FASER, SND@LHC, CODEX-b, MATHUSLA, AL3X, ANUBIS, FACET, milliQan, FORMOSA. In addition, the SHiP beam-dump experiment is planned to operate with the SPS beam to extend the discovery reach for such particles. The detector design and expected physics sensitivity of these experiments is presented with emphasis on scenarios explaining the nature of dark matter.
We provide constraints on coupled dark energy (CDE) cosmology with Peebles-Ratra (PR) potential, V (ϕ) = V0ϕ−α, and constant coupling strength β. This modified gravity scenario introduces a fifth force between dark matter particles, mediated by a scalar field that plays the role of dark energy. The mass of the dark matter particles does not remain constant, but changes with time as a function of the scalar field. Here we assess the ability of the model to describe updated cosmological data sets that include the Planck 2018 cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature, polarization and lensing, baryon acoustic oscillations, the Pantheon compilation of supernovae of Type Ia, data on H(z) from cosmic chronometers, and redshift-space distortions. We also study the impact of the local measurement of H0 from SH0ES and the strong-lensing time delay data from the H0LICOW collaboration on β. We find a peak corresponding to a coupling β > 0 and to a potential parameter α > 0, more or less evident depending on the data set combination. We show separately the impact of each data set and remark that it is especially CMB lensing the one data set that shifts the peak the most towards ΛCDM. When a model selection criterion based on the full Bayesian evidence is applied, however, ΛCDM is still preferred in all cases, due to the additional parameters introduced in the CDE model. The model is not able to loosen significantly the H0 tension. This contribution to the proceedings of the DM1 parallel session of the 16th Marcel Grossmann virtual Conference: “Interacting dark matter” is based on the paper 2004.00610.
The cosmological term, Λ, in Einstein’s equations is an essential ingredient of the ‘concordance’ ΛCDM model of cosmology. In this mini-review presentation, we assess the possibility that Λ can be a dynamical quantity, more specifically a ‘running quantity’ in quantum field theory in curved spacetime. A great deal of phenomenological works have shown in the last few years that this option (sometimes accompanied with a running gravitational coupling) may cure some of the tensions afflicting the ΛCDM. The ‘running vacuum models’ (RVM’s) are characterized by the vacuum energy density, ρvac, being a series of (even) powers of the Hubble rate and its time derivatives. Here we describe the technical quantum field theoretical origin of the RVM structure in FLRW spacetime, which goes well-beyond the original semi-qualitative renormalization group arguments. In particular, we compute the renormalized energy-momentum tensor using the adiabatic regularization procedure and show that it leads to the RVM form. In other words, we find that the renormalized vacuum energy density, ρvac(H) evolves as a (constant) additive term plus leading dynamical components 𝒪(H2). There are also 𝒪(H4) contributions, which can be relevant for the early universe. Remarkably enough, the renormalized ρvac(H) does not exhibit dangerous terms proportional to the quartic power of the masses (∽ m4) of the fields. It is well-known that these terms have been the main source of trouble since they are responsible for the extreme fine tuning and ultimately for the cosmological constant problem. In its canonical form, the current ρvac(H) is dominated by a constant term, as it should be, but it acquires a mild dynamical component ∽ νH2 (0 < ν ≪ 1) which makes the RVM to mimic quintessence.
I summarize our recent results to use the orbits of globular clusters (GCs) in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy to learn more about dark matter (DM) properties. Our focus is on clarifying how dynamical friction (DF) from the DM halo is modified from the different microscopic properties of DM, which may alter both the scattering processes responsible of DF and the DM profiles (in particular generating a core), which also modifies DF. We consider: (i) fermionic degenerate dark matter (DDM), where Pauli blocking should be taken into account in the dynamical friction computation; (ii) selfinteracting dark matter (SIDM) and (iii) ultralight dark matter (ULDM), for which this problem has been addressed by a variety of methods in recent literature. We derive DF with a Fokker-Planck formalism, reproducing previous results for ULDM and cold DM, while providing new results for DDM. Furthermore, ULDM, DDM and SIDM may generate cores in dSphs, which suppress dynamical friction and prolong GC orbits. We conclude that in all these cases the modifications in the DM modelling does not easily solve the so-called timing ‘problem’ of Fornax GCs. We finally study this ‘problem’ in terms of the initial conditions, demonstrating that the observed orbits of Fornax GCs are consistent with this expectation of a cuspy DM profile with a mild ‘fine-tuning’ at the level of ∽ 25%.
The Lambda-Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) model agrees with most of the cosmological observations, but has some hindrances from observed data at smaller scales such as galaxies. Recently, Berezhiani and Khoury proposed a new theory involving interacting superfluid dark matter with three model parameters in,1 which explains galactic dynamics with great accuracy. In the present work, we study the cosmological behaviour of this model in the linear regime of cosmological perturbations. In particular, we compute both analytically and numerically the matter linear growth factor and obtain new bounds for the model parameters which are significantly stronger than previously found. These new constraints come from the fact that structures within the superfluid dark matter framework grow quicker than in ΛCDM, and quite rapidly when the DM-baryon interactions are strong.
In this work, we discuss a cosmological model with dark energy – dark matter interaction. Demanding that the interaction strength Qν in the dark sector must have a field theory description, a unique form of interaction strength can be obtained. We show the equivalence between the fields and fluids for the f (R, χ) model where f is an arbitrary, smooth function of R and classical scalar field χ, which represents dark matter. Up to first order in perturbations, there is a one-to-one mapping between the classical field theory description and the phenomenological fluid description of interacting dark energy and dark matter, which exists only for this unique form of interaction. Different formulations of interacting dark energy models in the literature can be classified into two categories based on the field-theoretic description. Then we discuss the quantifying tools to distinguish between the interacting and non-interacting dark sector scenarios. We focus on the variation of the scalar metric perturbed quantities as a function of redshift related to structure formation, weak gravitational lensing, and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and show that the difference in the evolution becomes significant for lower redshifts (z < 20), for all length scales.
In this work we present a summary of recent studies on the effects of elastic self interactions in the evolution of Warm Dark Matter models (WDM), focusing on structure formation and the evolution of cosmological perturbations. We pay special attention to a particular class of sterile neutrino WDM known as νMSM and provide examples for the case of vector field self interactions. We calculate the effects of assuming self interacting dark matter in X-Ray astrophysical observations, in the formation of fermionic DM halos in (quasi) equilibrium states and in the evolution of DM perturbations in the early universe, assuming particle masses between 𝒪(1 – 100) keV. In the latter topic, we perform simulations using a modification to the public Boltzmann solver CLASS and compare our results with observations. We find self interactions to be an interesting addition to WDM models, which can alleviate tensions both present in standard CDM cosmology and regarding WDM itself, as well as provide an interesting avenue for DM halo formation.
In the scalar theory of gravitation with a preferred reference frame, a consistent formulation of electrodynamics in the presence of gravitation needs to introduce an additional energy tensor: the interaction energy tensor. This energy is gravitationally active and might contribute to the dark matter, because it has an exotic character and it is not localized inside matter. In order to check if that energy might form representative dark halos, one has to model the interstellar radiation field in a galaxy as a complete electromagnetic field obeying the Maxwell equations. A model has been built for this purpose, based on assuming axial symmetry and on recent results about axisymmetric Maxwell fields. Its predictions for the variation of the spectral energy density inside our Galaxy are relatively close to those of a recent radiation transfer model, except on the symmetry axis of the Galaxy, where the present model predicts extremely high values of the energy density.
We consider the possibility that dark matter is made of bosons in the form of Bose-Einstein condensates. We establish the mass-radius relation M (R) of nonrelativistic selfgravitating Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive or attractive self-interaction. If the self-interaction is repulsive there exists an equilibrium state for any value of the mass but if the self-interaction is attractive, as in the case of axions, equilibrium states exist only below a maximum mass MNRmax=5.073MP/√|λ|[P.H. Chavanis, Phys. Rev. D 84, 043531 (2011)]. This is the maximum mass of dilute axion stars. Above that mass, the star collapses leading to a bosenova, a black hole, a dense axion star or axion drops. We consider how the maximum mass changes with the dimension of space, the presence of a central black hole, a cosmological constant, and relativistic effects. We apply these results to dark matter halos. We establish the general expression of the core mass – halo mass relation Mc(Mh). For a repulsive self-interaction, we show that the core mass Mc is always much below the maximum massMGRmaxset by general relativity so the core cannot collapse towards a black hole. For an attractive self-interaction, we show that the core mass Mc can reach in principle the maximum mass MNRmax in sufficiently large dark matter halos, leading to core collapse, and we discuss if this situation can happen in practice.
The excess of the 511 keV line from the Milky Way galactic bulge, confirmed by the INTEGRAL detector, is a longstanding mystery. The morphology of the line appears to be proportional to the square of the dark matter density, hinting towards a dark matter origin. On the other hand, in 2020, XENON1T has reported an excess of electrons with a recoil energy of 2 — 4 keV. We present a model based on a dark matter of a few MeV mass that decays into a pair of pico-charged particles with a lifetime much larger than the age of the Universe. The magnetic field of the galaxy accumulates these relativistic pico-charged particles whose scattering on the electrons can explain the signal reported by XENON1T. The annihilation of the pico-charged particles in the galactic bulge leads to e−e+ production and therefore to an excess of the 511 keV line. We review the present observational bounds and the strategies to test the model.
Preliminary results of the investigation of the properties of 13 clusters of galaxies from CfA2 redshift survey are discussed in the presented article. The distributions on absolute magnitude and luminosity represent two areas for clusters ##88, 1101, 1046, 142, 933, 1242, 1652, 107, 150, 316, 317, 961, 977. Redshifts of these clusters are in the region 0.02 – 0.032. The distributions on groups members position, absolute magnitude and luminosity represent two areas for these clusters. Galaxies from these areas are paired accordingly its spectral characteristics and position. Also several anomalies of spatial dynamic of galaxies in these clusters were separated. Such structure could be caused by dark matter presence inside cluster in configuration similar to Zeldovich pancake or gravitational lensing on compact object or dark matter blob located between galaxy cluster and observer. Several peculiarities have found on the spatial distributions of galaxies in clusters ##933, 142, 1046, and 1652. Moreover, these groups reveals associations with high-energy gamma-emission sources on Fermi/LAT 10-Year Point Source Catalog 4FGL DR2 data (4FGLJ1144.9+1937, 4FGLJ0152.2+3714, 4FGLJ1230.8+1223 and 4FGLJ1653.8+3945 correspondingly).These sources are active galaxies 3C 264, B2 0149+37, M87 and MRC 501. Furthermore, 3C 264 and M87 observed in subTeV energy band by VERITAS data. Joint observations of such clusters by orbital gamma-ray observatories with high angular resolution and ground-based Cherenkov air-shower experiments could possibly clarify the type of gravitational lensing and processes of particle acceleration in these objects especially highest energy of emitted gammas. Thus we propose including these and similar clusters in the programs of observations of the planned experiment GAMMA-400 (Gamma Astronomical Multifunctional Modular Apparatus) with angular resolution ∽ 0.01° at Eγ = 100 GeV and several TeV upper energy band. Also now it is discussed coordination of multiwavelength observations program of Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and GAMMA-400 objects list for observations.
The nature of dark matter is one of the most pressing questions in modern physics. Efforts to answer this question have centred on observations that determine its impact on the properties of galaxies plus attempts to detect rare events in which the dark matter indirectly generates photons. In this talk I presented work on using the properties of Milky Way satellite galaxies to constrain models of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) and warm dark matter (WDM). First I used N-body simulations of an SIDM model with a very large self-interaction at low relative velocities (σ > 100 cm2gr−1) to demonstrate that subhaloes in such models undergo gravothermal collapse and increase the diversity of satellite matter distributions in line with inferences from observations. Second, I considered the radial distribution of subhaloes in WDM simulations from the point-of-view of stellar stream gap constraints. I showed that the subhalo population within 50 kpc of the host halo centre is comprised of massive satellites that have sunk under dynamical friction. Given that the abundance and structure of massive satellites in WDM is very similar to the fiducial cold dark matter (CDM) model, the differences between the subhalo populations in the two models in the inner halo are much smaller than for the halo as a whole, and therefore the stellar stream gaps statistics, which are only available out to 30 kpc, are not as powerful at discriminating between the models as previously anticipated. I ended with a brief presentation of estimates for the production rate of X-ray photons in dark matter decay, and predicted that the velocity dispersion of X-ray decay lines to be probed in nearby galaxy clusters will have values in the range [500,800] kms−1.
This is a summary of my talk at the 16th Marcel Grossmann conference, given on-line in July 2021. Various aspects of the averaging problem – the problem of finding an effective large-scale cosmological solution of the Einstein field equations, when small-scale perturbations are present — are discussed, and treated with the multiple-scales technique of singular perturbation theory. This allows one to show that a split between a background metric that varies only on large scales, and perturbations to it, is consistent, provided certain conditions are met. I finish by giving an explicit example of the backreaction of a perturbation consisting of a single small-scale mode, and point at possible future directions.
The imaging formation process in halos for some dark matter profiles is studied. Approaching these models on a small scale, we analyze the images generated on the lens plane by obtaining the analytical surface mass densities ∑(x) and their corresponding deflection angles α(x). We identify the presence of Einstein rings, by mapping fringes that represent possible sources (such as other galaxies), placed on the source plane. We approach the simplest case, where lines parallel to the x axis are mapped onto the lens plane, to find out how are the solutions of the X vector field, which is in this case, the geometrical equivalent to the usual lens mapping.
We review the history of the self-gravitating Fermi gas in Newtonian gravity and general relativity. We mention applications to white dwarfs, neutron stars and dark matter halos. We describe the nature of instabilities and phase transitions in the self-gravitating Fermi gas as energy (microcanonical ensemble) or temperature (canonical ensemble) is reduced. When N < NOV, where NOV is the Oppenheimer-Volkoff critical particle number, the self-gravitating Fermi gas experiences a gravothermal catastrophe at Ec stopped by quantum mechanics (Pauli’s exclusion principle). The equilibrium state has a core-halo structure made of a quantum core (degenerate fermion ball) surrounded by a classical isothermal halo. When N > NOV, a new turning point appears at an energy E″c below which the system experiences a gravitational collapse towards a black hole [P.H. Chavanis, G. Alberti, Phys. Lett. B 801, 135155 (2020)]. When NOV < N < N′*, the self-gravitating Fermi gas experiences a gravothermal catastrophe at Ec leading to a fermion ball, then a gravitational collapse at E″c leading to a black hole. When N>N′*, the condensed branch disappears and the instability at Ec directly leads to a black hole. We discuss implications of these results for dark matter halos made of massive neutrinos.
Experimental observations and theoretical arguments point out that Dark Matter (DM) particles are one of the most prominent component of the Universe. This motivated the pioneer DAMA experiment to investigate the presence of these particles in the galactic halo, by exploiting the model independent signature of the DM annual modulation of the rate and very highly radio-pure apparatus in underground site. In this paper the results obtained by other two annual cycles of DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 are presented and the long-standing model-independent annual modulation effect measured by DAMA deep underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) of the I.N.F.N. with different experimental configurations is summarized. In particular, the DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 apparatus, ≃ 250 kg highly radio-pure NaI(Tl), profits from a second generation high quantum efficiency photomultipliers and of new electronics with respect to DAMA/LIBRA–phase1. The improved experimental configuration has also allowed to lower the software energy threshold. Including the results of these other two annual cycles presented here, the total exposure of DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 over 8 annual cycles is 1.53 ton × yr. DAMA/LIBRA–phase2 confirms the evidence of a signal that meets all the requirements of the model independent Dark Matter annual modulation signature, at 11.8 σ C.L. in the energy region (1–6) keV. In the energy region between 2 and 6 keV, where data are also available from DAMA/NaI and DAMA/LIBRA–phase1 (14 additional annual cycles), the achieved C.L. for the full exposure (2.86 ton × yr) is 13.7 σ; the modulation amplitude of the single-hit scintillation events is: (0.01014 ± 0.00074) cpd/kg/keV, the measured phase is (142.4 ± 4.2) days and the measured period is (0.99834 ± 0.00067) yr, all these values are well in agreement with those expected for DM particles. No systematics or side reaction able to mimic the exploited DM signature (i.e. to account for the whole measured modulation amplitude and to simultaneously satisfy all the requirements of the signature), has been found or suggested by anyone throughout some decades thus far.
Dark Matter candidate particles able to induce nuclear recoils can also be studied using the so-called directionality approach. In this case the correlation between the nuclear recoils direction and the Earth motion in the galactic frame is studied. Several experimental techniques to explore the directionality approach have been proposed. In this talk, a review of such experimental techniques will be addressed.
The article reviews our recent experimental results on the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) model and on the gravity related collapse model developed by Diósi and Penrose (DP). These models of dynamical reduction of the wave function consist in non-linear and stochastic modifications of the Schröedinger equation, which lead to a progressive breakdown of the superposition principle, as the size of the system increases. We performed a high sensitivity survey of the spontaneous radiation phenomenon, predicted by the collapse models, in a dedicated experiment operated in the extremely low background of the Gran Sasso underground National Laboratory of INFN in Italy. Our studies set the strongest bounds on the CSL parameters, in a broad region of the parameters space, and rule out the DP in its present formulation.
Leptophilic dark matter (LDM) could naturally arise in many beyond the Standard Model scenarios and could address certain experimental anomalies. We discuss some model-independent collider constraints on the LDM effective couplings with the Standard Model sector, considering its production at a future electron-positron linear collider (with polarized and unpolarized beam options) in both mono-photon and mono-Z channels.
This session has been dedicated to several topics of Dark Matter (DM) and Rare Processes (RP) field. Some talks have review character while others present some specific experimental results and developments. Mainly the contributions refer to Dark Matter (DM) topics while the last contribution discusses a specific rare process…
Gravitational microlensing is a powerful method to constrain the abundance of massive dark objects in the Milky Way halo. We calculate the optical depth and the microlensing rate for events caused by Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) eventually distributed in the Milky Way halo, towards some selected directions of observation, as the Galactic bulge, the Large and the Small Magellanic Clouds and the M31 galaxy. The capability of the Euclid space telescope to constraint the abundance of PBHs with mass ≥ 10−7 M⊙ in observation towards the Galactic bulge is also discussed.
Recently, a diffuse γ-rays emission in the energy range 1-100 GeV has been detected around M31, that extends up to 120-200 kpc from its center. Such extended emission is difficult to be explained in the typical scenario of cosmic rays produced in the galactic disk or in the galactic center (GC) and diffusing in the galactic halo. We show that a cosmic ray origin, either hadronic or leptonic, of the emission is viable if non-standard cosmic ray transport scenarios are considered, or if particles are accelerated directly in the galactic halo (in situ acceleration). The cosmic ray halo can be powered by the accretion of intergalactic gas or by the activity of galaxy’s central black hole. If giant cosmic ray halos are common around galaxies, the interactions of cosmic ray protons and nuclei with the circumgalactic gas surrounding Milky Way could explain the isotropic diffuse flux of neutrinos observed by Icecube.
A complete census of baryons in the late universe is a long-standing challenge due to the intermediate temperate and rarefied character of the majority of cosmic gas. To gain insight into this problem, we extract measurements of the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (kSZ) effect from the cross-correlation of angular redshift fluctuations maps, which contain precise information about the cosmic density and velocity fields, and CMB maps high-pass filtered using aperture photometry; we refer to this technique as ARF-kSZ tomography. Remarkably, we detect significant cross-correlation for a wide range of redshifts and filter apertures using 6dF galaxies, BOSS galaxies, and SDSS quasars as tracers, yielding a 11 sigma detection of the kSZ effect. We then leverage these measurements to set constraints on the location, density, and abundance of gas inducing the kSZ effect, finding that this gas resides outside dark matter haloes, presents densities ranging from 10 to 250 times the cosmic average, and comprises half of cosmic baryons. Taken together, these findings indicate that ARF-kSZ tomography provides a nearly complete census of intergalactic gas from z = 0 to 5. This contribution is a summary of the work already published in Ref. 1.
Intermediate Mass Black Holes (IMBHs) are a class of black holes with masses in the range 102÷105 M⊙, which cannot directly derive from stellar evolution. Looking for these objects and estimating their abundance is important not only for a deeper understanding of their origin but also for unveiling the nature and distribution of the dark matter in the galactic halo. Since February 2018 to January 2020, the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud have been intensively monitored by the DECAM instrument, installed on the 4m V. Blanco Telescope (CTIO, Chile) with the main objective to discover microlensing events possibly due to IMBHs.
Here we outline the developed data analysis pipeline. We have tested it versus known variable sources finding many not previously known variables objects. A few sources show a light curve similar to that expected for a microlensing event, but further analysis is required to confirm the microlensing nature of these events.
For these sources, and in particular for the uncatalogued variable stars, we try to determine if they are periodic or not via a periodogram analysis.
The asymmetry in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) towards several nearby galaxies detected by Planck data is probably due to the rotation of “cold gas” clouds present in the galactic halos. In 1995 it had been proposed that galactic halos are populated by pure molecular hydrogen clouds which are in equillibrium with the CMB. More recently, it was shown that the equillibrium could be stable. Nevertheless, the cloud chemical composition is still a matter to be studied. To investigate this issue we need to trace the evolution of these virial cloud from the time of their formation to the present, and to confront the model with the observational data. The present paper is a short summary of a paper. Here we only concentrate on the evolution of these clouds from the last scattering surface (LSS) up to the formation of first generation of stars (population-III stars).
Lee and Qadir, on the basis of various arguments, suggested using a gravitational Lagrangian with a coupling between the Weyl tensor and two copies of the stress-energy tensor, without testing the suggestion for any actual galaxy. As a first step, they used a constant density in their analysis. However unrealistic the constant density approximation is, here we follow up their first step by using their calculations to obtain the coupling constant for the extra term that fits for M31 and the Milky Way, to check if they are consistent within the crude approximation of the model.
The teaching of relativity usually starts with kinematics: The invariance of the speed of light, clock synchronization, time dilatation and length contraction, the relativity of simultaneity, Lorentz transformation and the Minkowski diagram. The change of the reference frame is a central topic. Only afterwards problems of relativistic dynamics are discussed. Such an approach closely follows the historical development of the Special Theory of Relativity.
We believe that this access to relativity is unnecessarily complicated, and unsuitable for beginners. We present the basics of a teaching approach in which the initial postulate of relativity is the identity of energy and relativistic mass. Reference frame changes are largely avoided.
Mathematical derivations alone do not necessarily lead to physical understanding. Tools that can replace the mathematical treatment of a physical process and at the same time increase the physical understanding are computer-aided modeling programs, also called system dynamics software. Examples of such software are Stella, Berkeley Madonna, Wensim, Dynasys, Powersim or COACH 7. They solve differential equations and systems of differential equations with numerical methods. One works with a graphical user interface. We want to show how such a software can be used to get from a non-relativistic model to a relativistic model with only minimal modifications. Equating mass and energy alone, ensures that the model provides essential statements of relativistic dynamics: the existence of a terminal velocity for all physical motions, the relativistic dependence of the velocity of a body on its momentum, the relativistic relation between momentum and energy of a body.
The 1703 was the first year of full operation of the meridian line in the Basilica of St. Maria degli Angeli in Rome. The instants of solstices and equinoxes, the Anni Cardines, obtained by comparing transit timings of Sun and Sirius, also in daytime, are affected either by the East deviation of the meridian line of about 5’ Eastward (geometrical effect), either by the stellar aberration of Sirius (relativistic effect). Similarly the seasonal shifts of Sirius’ declination observed by Bianchini are here firstly recognized as depending on the stellar aberration in ecliptic latitude. The eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit and the orientation of its axis in the space can be measured, since Ptolemy, by knowing the exact timing of the solstices and the equinoxes. The dates of 1703 equinoxes and solstices have been published by Francesco Bianchini in local roman mean time, referred to the local (roman) mean noon, i.e. after the solar meridian mean transit time. By using the observations of the three lunar eclipses of 1703 we found the equation of time for that year, and the UTC corresponding timings of the beginning of the seasons. This operation lead to find the contribution of the Sirius aberration to the instant calculated by Bianchini with respect to the current celestial mechanical models of IMCCE.
It is possible to make solar astrometry at arcsecond level using a meter, a watch and a smartphone at the Clementine Gnomon (1702, a giant pinhole-camera obscura). Similarly at the Vatican obelisk’s meridian line (1817) the transit timing’s accuracy is better than one second with the same instruments, and a small monocular. The differential positions with respect to the zodiacal marble disks allow to reach the arcsecond accuracy even outdoor.
The shadow of a wall cast by the Sun on a soccer field has been used to measure the change of the altitude and azimuth of the Sun along the day and through the seasons. The change of curvature parameter of the daily hyperbola shadow’s path, has been recovered in the days around the spring equinox 2021. The study of the daily paths has been possible with chalk and meter during school days, on this field, and the data have been reported on a spreadsheet. The students were impressed by this whole-year experiment, while normally at school the experimental sessions are one-hour long.
The AstroCamp is an academic excellence program in the field of astronomy and physics for students in the last 3 years of pre-university education, which often includes a course (or a significant part thereof) on Relativity. After an introduction to the principles, goals and structure of the camp, I describe the approach followed by camp lecturers (myself and others) for teaching Special and General Relativity, and some lessons learned and feedback from the students. I also provide some thoughts on the differences between the physics and mathematics secondary school curricula in Portugal and in other countries, and on how these curricula could be modernized.
Among the celestial bodies of the solar system, the ones passing closer to the solar mass are the sungrazing comets. The sungrazers can approach the Sun with a perihelion more than 60 times closer than Mercury, experiencing a local effect of perihelion relativistic precession 60 times larger. Mercury requires 15 years, or sixty orbits, to totalize the same effect. The sungrazers have generally no more than a single orbit, because they vanish at the perihelion passage. The observability of such phenomena with SOHO coronagraphs is discussed.
The solar image is projected through a pinhole inside a camera obscura in the great meridian line in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome: the daily path of 1721 summer solstice has been recovered as passing through three markers on the floor of the Basilica, near the summer part of the meridian line. The function of these three markers was considered ornamental until now, because no written documents have been found on them. Moreover two of the three markers today are no longer illuminated by the Sun, after 1750.
The same technique has been applied to the three solar markers in St. Maria degli Angeli, finding that they belong to the same 1721 solstice of three centuries ago, within a few millimeters of accuracy.
The Einstein-First project is designed to resolve a conflict between modern science and the science taught at school, which is a significant cause of students’ negative attitudes to STEM. Our program resolves these contradictions by teaching our best understanding of the universe, dubbed Einsteinian Physics, from an early age. We use models and group activities in a carefully crafted 8-year learning progression, to give students a basic understanding of the language and concepts describing our physical universe, from quarks to the big bang. Einstein-First works with teachers to develop courses, lesson plans and training workshops. These components all contribute to curriculum trials where student learning and attitude outcomes can be assessed. Every trial of curriculum modules or short intervention programs has yielded exciting, positive outcomes including surprising gender equalising effects and benefits for less academic and disadvantaged students. There are multiple classroom trials in place in local partner schools. In this paper we present an overview of the Einstein-First program and give examples of the ability of students from age 8 to 12 to comprehend modern scientific concepts.
Based on our recent results we present the complete class of vacuum solutions in the Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity which admit non-expanding, shear-free and twist-free null geodesic congruence and thus form the Kundt family of geometries. We explicitly derive the field equations and classify their solutions into three distinct subfamilies. Algebraic structure of the Weyl tensor is determined and using the corresponding scalars entering the invariant form of geodesic deviation equation we discuss the specific local physical properties of the gravitational field constrained by the EGB theory. Moreover, we analyze interesting subclasses of such vacuum solutions, namely all geometries with constant-curvature transverse space, and the class of pp-waves admitting a covariantly constant null vector field.
This paper explores the extended gravitational decoupling procedure for a static sphere in the context of f(ℝ, T) theory where ℝ denotes the scalar curvature and T represents the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. This method extends the domain of a seed solution by including a new gravitational source. Deformations in radial and temporal metric potentials split the set of field equations into two subsystems associated with isotropic and additional matter sources. We utilize the Korkina-Orlyanskii spacetime as a solution for the system describing the seed source and use some physical constraints to extend it to anisotropic domain. A linear gravity model, f(ℝ, T) = ℝ + 2χT (where χ couples geometry to matter) is employed to interpret the influence of the decoupling parameter on the developed solutions. It is found that physically acceptable solutions can be formulated in the background of f(ℝ, T) gravity through the decoupling approach.
The TOV equation is usually interpreted as the relativistic counterpart of the classical condition for hydrostatic equilibrium, and characterises the static equilibrium of bound, spherical distributions of matter such as stars. In the present work we aim at showing that a generalised TOV equation also determines the equilibrium of models endowed with other symmetries besides spherical. We resort to the dual null formalism applied to spacetimes with two dimensional spherical, planar and hyperbolic symmetries, and consider a perfect fluid as the source. Static configurations assume the existence of a time-like Killing vector field orthogonal to the surfaces of symmetry, and homogeneous dynamical solutions arise when the Killing field is space-like. In order to treat equally all the aforementioned cases, we discuss the definition of a quasi-local energy for the spacetimes with planar and hyperbolic foliations, since the Hawking-Hayward definition only applies to compact foliations. This procedure enables us to translate our geometrical formalism to the fluid dynamics language in a unified way, to find the generalised TOV equation, for the three cases when the solution is static, and to obtain the evolution equation, for the homogeneous spacetime cases. Remarkably, we show that the static solutions which are not spherically symmetric violate the weak energy condition (WEC). We also show that the counterpart of the TOV equation ρ+P = 0, defines a cosmological constant-type behaviour, both in the hyperbolic and spherical cases. This implies a violation of the strong energy condition in both cases, added to the above mentioned violation of the weak energy condition in the hyperbolic case. We illustrate our unified treatment obtaining analogs of Schwarzschild interior solution, for an incompressible fluid ρ = ρ0 constant.
We will report here a critical inspection of the Penrose conjecture according to which the gravitational entropy should be quantified via the Weyl curvature, with the Clifton-Ellis-Tavakol entropy being one specific realization of this proposal. In fact, we will show that in some exact inhomogeneous and anisotropic cosmological models which arise as exact solutions in general relativity with either closed and open topologies, the Clifton-Ellis-Tavakol gravitational entropy is increasing in time despite the decrease of the magnitude of theWeyl curvature: this is possible thanks to the growth of the spatial shearing effects. The matter content driving the dynamics of this class of models comes in the form of a stiffened fluid which can be relevant in the early universe.We choose the values of the free parameters entering the metric tensor consistently with the holographic principle and the second law of thermodynamics. Our study can be of interest in light of the modeling of the formation of some primordial structures, like the Large Quasar Groups, as suggested by the growth of gravitational entropy, and whose existence cannot be accounted for by standard perturbation methods over a homogeneous background.
The null-surface formuation (NSF) of general relativity is equivalent to standard general relativity but uses families of null surfaces rather than the metric or connection. The NSF can be constructed in dimension 3+1, in any dimension higher, and also in dimension 2+1, which is a special case: In 2+1 dimensions, the main NSF field equation is equivalent to Cartan’s metricity condition. The latter arose in differential equation theory to address the problem of classifying solutions of 4 third-order ordinary differential equations. Solving the NSF/Cartan equation has proved challenging, and only three solutions are known to date. This talk presents a fourth solution, which depends upon three independent parameters. Two of the previously known solutions are included as special cases. Energy conditions and possible source terms are examined. The physical interpretation is discussed in detail.
In a previous paper, the properties of interior spacetimes sourced by stationary cylindrical anisotropic fluids have been analytically studied for both nonrigid and rigid rotation. The gravito-electromagnetic features of different classes of such GR solutions have been described. Their regularity conditions and those for their junction to a vacuum exterior have also been provided. A new class of rigidly rotating exact solutions to Einstein’s field equations satisfying a physically consistent equation of state for anisotropic fluids is displayed here. Its physical properties are discussed.
Using a generalized Madelung transformation, we derive the hydrodynamic representation of the Dirac equation in arbitrary curved space-times coupled to an electromagnetic field. We obtain Dirac-Euler equations for fermions involving a continuity equation and a first integral of the Bernoulli equation. Using the comparison of the Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations we obtain the balance equation for fermion particles. We also use the correspondence between fermions and bosons to derive the hydrodynamic representation of the Weyl equation which is a chiral form of the Dirac equation.
We derive the semiclassical Hamiltonian for electron in a hydrogen atom in a weak gravitational field, which takes into account the quantum effects of electron motion in the atom. We show that this Hamiltonian predicts a breakdown of the equivalence between electron passive gravitational mass and its energy in the absence of the gravitational field. More strictly, we demonstrate that quantum measurement of electron mass, which initially is in a ground state and has energy E1, can give the following quantized values: mn=me+Enc2, where En is energy of electron orbit nS in a hydrogen atom. We correct some drawbacks of our early pioneering papers and discuss some difficulties in the possible observations of the above mentioned mass quantization phenomenon.
We consider the renormalization of the one-loop effective action for the Yukawa interaction. We compute the beta functions in the generalized DeWitt-Schwinger subtraction scheme. For the quantized scalar field we obtain that all the beta functions exhibit decoupling for heavy fields as stated by the Appelquist-Carazzone theorem including also the gravitational couplings. For the quantized Dirac field, decoupling appears for almost all of them. We obtain the atypical result that the mass parameter of the background scalar field, does not decouple.
The evaporation of four-dimensional spherically symmetric black holes is presented in the framework of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes and semiclassical gravity. It is discussed how the evaporation process can be sourced by the presence of the trace anomaly of a massless, conformally coupled scalar field outside the apparent horizon of the black hole.
We provide a method to calculate the rate of false vacuum decay induced by a black hole. The method uses complex tunneling solutions and consistently takes into account the structure of quantum vacuum in the black hole metric via boundary conditions. We illustrate the technique by computing the rate of decay of the Unruh vacuum in a toy two-dimensional model of a scalar field with inverted Liouville potential in a background of a dilaton black hole.
Validity of the results of semiclassical analysis relies upon the assumption that the 2nd order or higher order corrections are negligible compared to 1st order semiclassical results which are based only on expectation values of operators. However, if the quantum fluctuations are large, then one may need to supplement semiclassical analysis with corrections coming from second order calculations. In the stochastic gravity paradigm, these fluctuations are quantified by noise kernel which are then supposed to act as a source of geometric fluctuations. In this work, we study the behaviour of noise kernel for a scalar field in de Sitter spacetime. We also carry out a similar analysis for some other FRW spacetimes invoking an equivalence that exists between scalar fields in de Sitter and FRW spacetimes.
The semiclassical approximation takes into account the gravitational contribution of zero-point energies. We model this contribution via the renormalized stress-energy tensor (RSET) of a massless scalar field, which we compute in a cutoff-regularized version of the Polyakov approximation. When the field is in the Boulware vacuum state (the natural vacuum for stellar geometries), the RSET works in favor of violating the Buchdahl compactness limit. We review the family of classical constant-density stellar solutions, paying particular attention to the notion of criticality—the presence of offsets in the mass function—and use it as a warm up for the analysis of the semiclassical set of solutions. For stars that surpass Buchdahl limit by far, the critical solution has an irregular pressure. This divergence in pressure moves inward by introducing a negative offset in the mass. In the semiclassical theory we find something rather different, namely that the critical configuration already displays a pressure that diverges exactly at the center of the structure. This drastic difference between the classical and semiclassical space of solutions suggests that semiclassical gravity could potentially allow for the existence of ultracompact stellar objects.
By applying the covariant Taylor expansion method to the heat kernel, Einstein anomaly associated with the Weyl fermion of spin 1/2 interacting with tensor fields of 1 and 3 order in six dimensional curved space are given. From the relation between Einstein and Lorentz anomalies, which are the gravitational anomalies, all terms of the Einstein anomaly should form total derivatives.
In this talk, we discuss the effect of BMS symmetries on quantum entanglement and its implications in the context of the black hole information paradox. In particular, we illustrate the gravitational memory effect for linear uniformly accelerated observers in a physical process involving a BMS shock-wave without planar/spherical symmetry. This classical memory is accompanied by a quantum memory that modulates the quantum entanglement between the opposing Rindler wedges in quantum field theory. A corresponding phenomenon across the Schwarzschild black hole horizon suggests that the Negativity measure of entanglement between infalling and outgoing Hawking pair should be degraded due to an infalling BMS shockwave while there should be linear order generation of Negativity between two outgoing Hawking particles. Implications are discussed.
This note emphasizes the role of multi-scale wave structures and junction conditions in many fields of physics, from the dynamics of fluids with non-convex equations of state to the study of gravitational singularities and bouncing cosmologies in general relativity. Concerning the definition and construction of bouncing spacetimes, we review the recent proposal in collaboration with B. Le Floch and G. Veneziano based on the notion of singularity scattering maps. We also present recent numerical investigations of small-scale phenomena arising in compressible fluid flows on FRLW or Kasner geometries for which we developed structure-preserving algorithms.
We present recent results on the asymptotics of a brane-world that consists of a flat 3-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk. The bulk matter is modelled by a fluid that satisfies a nonlinear equation of state of the form p = γρλ, where p is the ‘pressure’ and ρ is the ‘density’ of the fluid. We show that for appropriate ranges of the parameters γ and λ, it is possible to construct a regular solution, compatible with energy conditions, that successfully localizes gravity on the brane. These results improve significantly previous findings of the study of a bulk fluid with a linear equation of state.
We review recent work on the possibility of primordial synchronization of different Mixmaster regions in generic inhomogeneous spacetime. It is shown that inhomogeneous domains undergoing chaotic oscillations may synchronize themselves exponentially fast and proceed in perfect symphony asymptotically in the past direction. Implications of this result for the structure and evolution of an early phase of the universe are briefly discussed.
From the assumption that the slow roll parameter ϵ has a Lorentzian form as a function of the e-folds number N, a successful model of a quintessential inflation is obtained. The form corresponds to the vacuum energy both in the inflationary and in the dark energy epochs. The form satisfies the condition to climb from small values of ϵ to 1 at the end of the inflationary epoch. At the late universe ϵ becomes small again and this leads to the Dark Energy epoch. The observables that the models predicts fits with the latest Planck data: r ∼ 10−3, ns ≈ 0.965. Naturally a large dimensionless factor that exponentially amplifies the inflationary scale and exponentially suppresses the dark energy scale appears, producing a sort of cosmological see saw mechanism. We find the corresponding scalar Quintessential Inflationary potential with two flat regions - one inflationary and one as a dark energy with slow roll behavior.
Based on the fundamental last discoveries (such as gravitational waves, Higgs field, gravitating Bose-Einstein photon condensates etc.), guided by the last A. Einstein’s conjecture (about algebraic approach to the combined quantum and continuum description of reality) and directed by the J. Bekenstein-V. Mukhanov approach to the quantum black holes physics and astrophysics, the L. Susskind’s “one photon – one bit” principle and V. Gribov-S. Hawking tunneling effect, one can easily find the simple but consistent algebraic relations and physical laws that govern birth and death of black holes in the Early Universe, its accretion and two-particle emitting (both outside black hole) accompanied with gravitational radiation.
From these basic relations in a natural way derive the Planck units system that confirm the theoretical consistence of presented approach and directly leads to the Planck Scale physics where standard models of the particle physics and cosmology are “blinded”. Presented approach elucidates the physical background of dark matter (black holes), dark energy (gravitational waves), hot Big Bang and two-stage inflation of the Universe. Moreover, it solves many old unsolved problems, such as “cosmic censorship” conjecture, information loss paradox, black hole “end-point” problem, “cosmological constant” problem and so on.
The great importance for the validation of presented approach and it results had the comparison with “Planck-2018” data and other relevant information from the sources of observational cosmology, astrophysics, gravitational waves astronomy and numerical relativity.
The origin of primordial magnetic fields and baryon asymmetry of the Universe are still unresolved issues and require physics beyond the standard models of cosmology and particle physics. Since both require physics beyond the standard model, there is a possibility that the same new physics can solve both. In this talk, I will discuss our model, where non-minimal coupling to the Riemann tensor generates sufficient primordial helical magnetic fields at all observable scales during inflation. Interestingly, the generation of helical magnetic fields leads to baryogenesis, and the model predicts the observed amount of baryon asymmetry of the Universe for a range of reheating temperatures consistent with the observations.
We implement Polymer Quantum Mechanics on the Hamiltonian formulation of the isotropic Universe in both the representations of the standard Ashtekar-Barbero-Immirzi connection and of a new generalized coordinate conjugate to the Universe volume. The resulting dynamics is a bouncing cosmology; when quantizing the volume-like variable the Big Bounce is an intrinsic cut-off on the cosmological dynamics, while when using the standard connection the Bounce density results to be dependent on the initial conditions of the prepared wave packet. Then we compare the nature of the resulting Bounce with what emerges in Loop Quantum Cosmology, where the dependence of the critical density on the initial conditions is present when the minimum area eigenvalue is implemented in a comoving representation instead of the physical one. We conclude that, if one hand the preferable scenario should be a Big Bounce whose density depends on initial conditions in view of the privileged SU(2) character that the Ashtekar-Barbero-Immirzi connection possesses in the full Loop Quantum Gravity, on the other hand the equivalence demonstrated in the context of polymer cosmology can be a hint in favour of the viability of the improved scheme of Loop Quantum Cosmology even though it is not expressed through the privileged set of variables.
Due to the general covariance of the Einstein equations and conservation laws, the linearized equations have solutions which are gauge-dependent and have, therefore, no physical significance.
In this contribution I will show that the decomposition theorems for symmetric second-rank tensors of the maximally symmetric subspaces of constant time imply that there are exactly two, unique, gauge-invariant quantities which describe the true, physical perturbations to the energy density and particle number density. In the limit of zero spatial fluid velocity, and hence zero pressure, the set of linearized Einstein equations and conservation laws, combined with the new gauge-invariant quantities reduce to the Poisson equation of the Newtonian Theory of Gravity and the energy-mass relation of the Special Theory of Relativity. The relativistic gauge transformation reduces to the Newtonian gauge transformation in which time and space are decoupled.
The cosmological perturbation theory for open, flat and closed Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universes consists of a second-order ordinary differential equation (with source term entropy perturbations) which describes the evolution of perturbations in the total energy density, and a first-order ordinary differential equation which describes the evolution of entropy perturbations.
The cosmological perturbation theory is applied to a flat FLRW universe. For large-scale perturbations the outcome is in accordance with treatments in the literature. In the radiation-dominated era small-scale perturbations grew proportional to the square root of time and perturbations in the CDM particle number density were, due to gravitation, coupled to perturbations in the total energy density. Therefore, structure formation could have begun successfully only after decoupling of matter and radiation. After decoupling density perturbations exchanged heat with their environment. This heat exchange may have enhanced the growth rate of their mass sufficiently to explain structure formation in the early universe, a phenomenon which cannot be understood from adiabatic density perturbations.
Observations of the 21cm signal through intensity mapping techniques are expected in the near future. This new observable will allow probing the evolution of the Universe in a very wide redshift range, from the dark ages, through the epoch of reionization up to the present time. We constrain cosmological parameters from forecast measurements of the 21 cm signal power spectrum P21(k, z) combined with the latest CMB data from Planck 2018 observations. In the same framework, we test also modified gravity models to unveil beyond ΛCDM features coupling information from primordial probes, such as the CMB, to lower redshift ones. We extend the codes EFTCAMB/EFTCosmoMC to compute the likelihood function for P21(k, z) and we construct a mock data set of forecast intensity mapping observations. At the time being, we are bound by the experimental state-of-the-art to consider the redshift bin z = 0.39. However, in the future, it may be possible to study also wider redshift ranges. We describe our likelihood implementation and present the results we obtained from the statistical Monte-Carlo Markov-Chain analysis we conducted.
General Relativity is a priori a theory invariant under time reversal. Its integration with the laws of thermodynamics allows for a formulation of non-equilibrium phenomena in gravity and the introduction of an arrow of time, i.e. the the breaking of such invariance. Even though most of the evolution of the universe takes place in local thermal equilibrium, the effects of irreversible processes on the expansion via entropic forces may be phenomenologically relevant. We review our previous work on the covariant formulation of non-equilibrium thermodynamics in General Relativity and the proposal to explain the recent cosmic acceleration from it.
The Borexino has recently reported the first experimental evidence of neutrinos from the CNO cycle. Since this process accounts only for about 1% of the total energy production in the Sun, the associated neutrino flux is extremely low as compared with the one from the pp-chain, the dominant process of hydrogen burning. This experimental evidence of the CNO neutrinos was obtained using the highly radio-pure liquid scintillator of Borexino. Improvements in the thermal stabilization of the detector over the last five years enabled us to exploit a method to constrain the rate of 210Bi background. Since the CNO cycle is dominant in massive stars, this result gives the first experimental proof of the primary mechanism for stellar conversion of hydrogen into helium in the Universe.
Borexino, a large volume detector for low energy neutrino spectroscopy, is currently taking data underground since 2007 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. The main goal of the experiment is the real-time measurement of solar neutrinos, especially the low energy part of the spectrum. Neutrinos are detected via neutrino-electron scattering in an ultra-pure organic liquid scintillator. The light generated by the interaction is detected by 2212 phototubes. During many years of data taking the experiment provided several remarkable results as the first evidence of pep neutrinos, the real-time detection of the pp neutrinos, the evidence of CNO neutrinos, and the detection of antineutrinos from the Earth. All these results are based on an accurate modelling of the detector’s response and performances. The contribution shows the design, the modelling of the detector’s response, and the performances. Moreover it will be discussed how the performances and the response were studied by means of extensive calibration campaigns.
The largest amount of antineutrinos detected about the Earth is emitted by the natural radioactive decays of 232Th and 238U chains isotopes and of 40K. Other flux components are yielded by cosmic rays interactions in the atmosphere or by possible extra-terrestrial sources such as supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, GW events and solar flares. This contribution is aimed to summarise the results obtained by the Borexino experiment about antineutrinos from the Earth and from extraterrestrial sources.
About 99% of solar energy is produced through sequences of nuclear processes that convert Hydrogen into Helium in the so-called pp-chain. The neutrinos emitted in five of these reactions represent a unique probe of the Sun’s internal working and, at the same time, offer an intense natural neutrino beam for fundamental physics research.
The Borexino experiment consists of a large-volume liquid-scintillator detector designed and constructed for real-time detection of low energy solar neutrinos. It is installed at the underground INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (L’Aquila, Italy) and started taking data in May 2007. Borexino has been the only experiment so far capable of performing a complete study of the pp-chain by directly measuring the neutrino-electron elastic scattering rates for the neutrinos produced in four of its reactions: the initial proton–proton (pp) fusion, the electron capture of Beryllium-7, the proton–electron–proton (pep) fusion, and the Boron-8 β+ decay. A limit on the neutrino flux produced in the helium-proton fusion (hep) was also set. This set of measurements further probes the solar fusion mechanism via the direct determination of the relative intensity of the two primary terminations of the pp-chain, and the computation of the solar neutrino luminosity. Moreover, the Beryllium-7 and Boron-8 fluxes are indicative of the Sun’s core temperature, and their measurement shows a mild preference for the higher temperature expected from the high-metallicity Standard Solar Model scenario. Finally, the experimental survival probability of these solar electron neutrinos allows to simultaneously probe the MSW neutrino flavor conversion paradigm, both in vacuum and in matter-dominated regimes, at different energies.
The details of the strategy adopted by the Borexino collaboration for successfully isolating the spectral components of the pp-chain neutrinos signal from residual backgrounds in the total energy spectrum will be presented.
The Borexino experiment, located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, has been the first and so far unique experiment capable to measure the interaction rate of all solar neutrino components produced by the Sun through the so called pp-chain and CNO-cycle fusion mechanisms. Particularly, Borexino has measured the rate of pp, 7Be, pep and 8B neutrinos, which span a wide energy range from a few hundreds keV up to almost 15 MeV. This capability offered Borexino the unique opportunity to experimentally test the expected electron neutrino survival probability predicted by the theory. The paper briefly summarises this important achievement and discusses possible future developments.
We discuss the present status of Standard Solar Models in order to provide the scientific framework to fully understand the relevance of the latest solar neutrino flux measurements performed by Borexino. After reviewing recent Standard Solar Model calculations, we discuss the solar abundance problem and the composition-opacity degeneracy. We then focus on hydrogen burning and neutrino production in Sun, discussing an analytical model that helps understanding the dependence of neutrino fluxes on solar core temperature and composition and the possibility they offer for determining physical characteristics of the solar interior.
Borexino has recently observed CNO solar neutrinos. This measurement confirms an energy production mechanism in stars predicted about a century ago. The CNO cycle in the Sun is sub-dominant with respect to the pp-chain energy production. However, it is definitely important in more massive stars. We describe the main characteristics of the CNO cycle in the Sun and in massive stars.
Neutrinos from the Earth’s interior “geoneutrinos” have been observed to reveal Earth’s composition, heat budget, and the origin of the Earth. Observations by KamLAND and Borexino experiments for 15 years are reviewed.
This article is the synthesis of the MG16 session “Why and how the Sun and the stars shine”. A brief scientific history of the Borexino experiment and its discoveries are traced.
The possibility of measuring the internal rotation of the Sun and stars thanks to helio- and asteroseismology offers tremendous constraints on hydro- and magnetohydrodynamical processes acting in stellar interiors. Understanding the processes responsible for the transport of angular momentum in stellar interiors is crucial as they will also influence the transport of chemicals and thus the evolution of stars. Here we present some of the key results obtained in both fields and how detailed seismic analyses can provide stringent constraints on the physics of angular momentum transport in the interior of low mass stars and potentially rule out some candidates.
Supermassive stars (SMSs), with masses > 105 M⊙, have been proposed as the possible progenitors of the most extreme supermassive black holes observed at redshifts z > 6–7. In this scenario (‘direct collapse’), a SMS accretes at rates > 0.1 M⊙ yr−1 until it collapses to a black hole via the general-relativistic (GR) instability. Rotation plays a crucial role in the formation of such supermassive black hole seeds. The centrifugal barrier appears as particularly strong in this extreme case of star formation. Moreover, rotation impacts sensitively the stability of SMSs against GR, as well as the subsequent collapse. In particular, it might allow for gravitational wave emission and ultra-long gamma-ray bursts at black hole formation, which represents currently the main observational signatures proposed in the literature for the existence of such objects. Here, I present the latest models of SMSs accounting for accretion and rotation, and discuss some of the open questions and future prospects in this research line.
The quest for high redshift Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) is ongoing with telescopes such as the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Telescope (FAST) and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) looking for highly dispersed events. If FRB-producing systems exist at early times, such sources would provide new unique ways to probe cosmic dawn and Reionization. On one hand, FRB dispersion would allow us to probe the history and topology of Reionization. On the other hand, number counts of high redshift FRBs would indirectly probe galaxy formation at high-redshifts. Here we consider prospects of advancing our understanding of the first billion years of cosmic history with high-redshift FRBs.
The redshift drift (also known as the Sandage Test) is a model-independent probe of fundamental cosmology, enabling us to watch the universe expand in real time, and thereby to confirm (or not) the recent acceleration of the universe without any model-dependent assumptions. On the other hand, by choosing a fiducial model one can also use it to constrain the model parameters, thereby providing a consistency test for results obtained with other probes. The drift can be measured by the Extremely Large Telescope and also by the full SKA. Recently two alternative measurement methods have been proposed: the cosmic accelerometer, and the differential redshift drift. Here we summarize a comparative analysis of the various methods and their possible outcomes, using both Fisher Matrix and MCMC techniques. We find that no single method is uniformly better than the others. Instead, their comparative performance depends both on experimental parameters (including the experiment time and redshift at which the measurement is made) and also on the scientific goal (e.g., detecting the drift signal with high statistical significance, constraining the matter density, or constraining the dark energy properties). In other words, the experiment should be optimized for the preferred scientific goal.
Gamma-ray bursts are among the most luminous transients in the Universe, a characteristic that permits us to observe them at very high redshifts. For this reason, many efforts have been made to identify a method to use GRBs as cosmological distance indicators through the use of luminosity correlations between their high-energy observable quantities. Some of the most promising methods proposed so far to standardize GRBs and their possible contribution to cosmology are presented and discussed, with a special emphasis on the Combo relation.
The surface brightness fluctuations method is one of the most robust extragalactic distance indicators: with an accuracy comparable to type Ia supernovae Ia and Cepheids (∼ 5% per galaxy) it is used in a wide range of distances: from very local, up to values relevant for measuring H0.
In these proceedings, I present an overview of the technique and of the main results it allowed to obtain, further discussing the great potential with future applications based on forthcoming ground and space-based facilities.
The shape of redshift distribution for uniform sources set in our Metagalaxy defined by cosmological parameters and properties of space. The suggestion that type Ia supernovae might be used as standard candles for cosmological measurements allow considered these objects as homogeneous subsample. This mention occurs since the earliest studies of supernovae in 1938. Firstly the parameters of our Metagalaxy Ω and Λ were determine due sample of Ia supernovae from the Supernova Cosmology Project analysis in 1998. It was found due SN1a characteristics analysis that space in our Metagalaxy is Euclidean at small redshifts and de-Sitter at high ones. Now several tens of thousands supernovae’ characteristics analyzed in various catalogues.
The preliminary results of the redshift distribution analysis for SNIa from the Asiago Supernova and Open Supernova Catalogues are discussed in this work. Firstly it was shown that several peculiarities are presented in Ia supernovae redshift distribution. The deviation in the band 0.015 < z < 0.13 accordingly Open Supernova Catalogue (OSC) data contain more faint supernovae. Two peculiarities also were found in the region 0.25 < z < 0.45 on data of this catalogue. One of it’s contain more faint events, other contain more bright supernovae.
Also faintm and brightm supernovae areas could be separated by mfb ∼ 20 in distribution of object amount on apparent magnitude on both catalogues data. Furthermore, the distribution of SNIa on apparent magnitudes and angular distance to host centre on OSC data also reveal two areas (faintdist and brightdist objects) and ratio between these regions populations is different for different subsamples in OSC (Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) Medium Deep Survey, ASASSN and so on).
Moreover, SNIa apparent magnitudes could differ for Δmonehost ∼ 2.5 within one host galaxy (for example, in UGC03432) and this difference bigger that systematic uncertainties of SN1a characteristics observations. Also there are no specific absorption lines in the energy spectra of these SNIa which exclude influence of surrounding media.
The separated peculiarities and areas could not be explained due 2 groups of type Ia SNe explosions scenarios and dimming of flux due interaction of surrounding media. But it could affect at power in dependence of distance modulus μ on redshift, and, correspondingly, the H0 tension between various subsamples of SN1a data. May be such tension was caused by different ratio of two SNIa classes objects in analysed catalogues and value of H0 defined from supernovae subsets analysis became lower after correction for results of dependence of apparent magnitude on distance to host centre.
Thus such peculiarities presence could be caused by several unknown aspects of SNIa explosions scenarios or really changing of the parameters of our Metagalaxy. Further conclusions required subsequent OSC database treatment in combination with high redshift datasets, for example, addition of Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program catalogue into data analysis.
In recent years, there is a renewed debate about the origin of the observed prompt emission signal. Some authors found that synchrotron emission can dominate the spectra of several long bursts, and a recent analysis show that it may be possible to overcome the famous ‘line of death’ argument by a direct fitting procedure. On the other hand, several recent works showed that non-dissipative photosphere is preferred as the dominant emission model in at least 1/4 of long and 1/3 of short GRB population. Here I critically review the arguments given as well as their physical consequences. I present some recent results that show a connection between the prompt spectra and the early afterglow emission, thereby argue for an independent method of discriminating the physical conditions that result in the different dominant radiative processes.
Although the observed spectra for gamma-ray burst (GRB) prompt emission is well constrained, the underlying radiation mechanism is still not very well understood. We explore photospheric emission in GRB jets by modelling the Comptonization of fast cooled synchrotron photons whilst the electrons and protons are accelerated to highly relativistic energies by repeated energy dissipation events as well as Coulomb collisions. In contrast to the previous simulations, we implement realistic photon-to-particle number ratios of Nγ/Ne∼ 105 or higher, that are consistent with the observed radiation efficiency of relativistic jets. Using our Monte Carlo radiation transfer (MCRaT) code, we can successfully model the prompt emission spectra when the electrons are momentarily accelerated to highly relativistic energies (Lorentz factor ∼ 50 − 100) after getting powered by ∼ 30 − 50 episodic dissipation events in addition to their Coulomb coupling with the jet protons, and for baryonic outflows that originate from moderate optical depths ∼ 20 − 30. We also show that the resultant shape of the photon spectrum is practically independent of the initial photon energy distribution and the jet baryonic energy content, and hence independent of the emission mechanism.
The study of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) has the potential to improve our understanding of high energy astrophysical phenomena. In order to reliably use GRBs to this end, we first need to have a well-developed grasp of the mechanism that produces the radiation within GRB jets and how that relates to their structure. One model for the emission mechanism of GRBs invokes radiation produced deep in the jet which eventually escapes the jet at its photosphere. While this model has been able to explain a number of observed GRB characteristics, it is currently lacking in predictive power and in ability to fully reproduce GRB spectra. In order to address these shortcomings of the model, we have expanded the capabilities of the MCRaT code, a state of the art radiative transfer code that can now simulate optical to gamma ray radiation propagating in a hydrodynamically simulated GRB jet. Using the MCRaT code, we have constructed mock observed light curves, spectra, and polarization from optical to gamma ray energies for the simulated GRBs. Using these mock observables, we have compared our simulations of photospheric emission to observations and found much agreement between the two. Furthermore, the MCRaT calculations combined with the hydrodynamical simulations allow us to connect the mock observables to the structure of the simulated GRB jet in a way that was not previously possible. While there are a number of improvements that can be made to the analyses, the steps taken here begin to pave the way for us to fully understand the connection between the structure of a given GRB jet and the radiation that would be expected from it.
The photospheric emission in the prompt phase is the natural prediction of the original fireball model for gamma-ray burst (GRB) due to the large optical depth (τ > 1) at the base of the outflow, which is supported by the quasi-thermal components detected in several Fermi GRBs. However, which radiation mechanism (photosphere or synchrotron) dominates in most GRB spectra is still under hot debate. The shape of the observed photosphere spectrum from a pure hot fireball or a pure Poynting-flux-dominated outflow has been investigated before. In this work, we further study the photosphere spectrum from a hybrid outflow containing both a thermal component and a magnetic component with moderate magnetization (σ0 = LP /LTh ∼ 1 − 10), by invoking the probability photosphere model. The high-energy spectrum from such a hybrid outflow is a power law rather than an exponential cutoff, which is compatible with the observed Band function in large amounts of GRBs. Also, the distribution of the low-energy indices (corresponding to the peak-flux spectra) is found to be quite consistent with the statistical result for the peak-flux spectra of GRBs best-fitted by the Band function, with similar angular profiles of structured jet in our previous works. Finally, the observed distribution of the high-energy indices can be well understood after considering the different magnetic acceleration (due to magnetic reconnection and kink instability) and the angular profiles of dimensionless entropy with the narrower core.
Photospheric emission from relativistic outflows may originate in two different regimes: photon decoupling within the outflow or radiative diffusion. I show that observed thermal component in the early afterglows of gamma-ray bursts can originate from such diffusive photospheres.
In this proceedings, we give a brief general overview of the parallel session on photospheric emission in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which took place during the online 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting. The session covered theoretical and observational aspects of photospheric emission. In particular, spectral, temporal and polarization properties were discussed.
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are energetic transients originating in a violent explosion of a massive star or merger of two compact objects in a binary system. These explosions create a relativistic blastwave which inevitably collides with the circumburst medium and results in external shocks. The emission produced thereby is the afterglow observed in GRBs after the initial prompt phase. The properties of the emitting region, i.e., non-thermal particle spectrum, magnetic amplification, and micro-physical parameters, etc., can be probed by monitoring and modelling the afterglow radiation. The recent detection of very high energy (VHE, > 100 GeV) gamma rays from GRBs has opened a possibility to test theoretical models such as the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) in GRBs till late times in the afterglow phase. We find that the SSC model explains the afterglow observations of MAGIC-detected GRB 190114C and H.E.S.S.-detected GRB 180720B.
Recent detections of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) at energies above 100 GeV demonstrate that imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) operating in the very-high-energy range (VHE; E > 100 GeV) can provide insights into the physics of GRBs. By searching for the highest-energy photons emitted by GRBs, these telescopes can help answer questions about the particle acceleration and emission processes that occur during both the prompt and afterglow phases of GRBs. VERITAS is a very-high-energy IACT array located at the Whipple Observatory in southern Arizona, which has maintained an active GRB observing program since mid-2006. In this presentation, we will share some of the recent achievements of the VERITAS GRB follow-up program. We will discuss the development of analysis methods tailored to transient signals, and how the upper limits on the VHE emission obtained from observations of prominent bursts by VERITAS allowed us to constrain radiation mechanisms in the afterglow (e.g., for GRB 130427A) and constrain properties of the environment in which the burst took place (e.g., for GRB 150323A). Compact binary mergers that trigger short GRBs may also result in gravitational wave emission, so we will review both our follow-up program from LIGO/Virgo triggers, and also the use of archival VERITAS data to search for short GRBs based on sub-threshold events for LIGO/Virgo. Lastly, based on the properties of the VHE-detected GRBs, we will discuss recent changes to our follow-up strategy to account for the Swift /XRT properties for optimal VERITAS observing sensitivity.
The detection of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is one of the main scientific targets pursued by the MAGIC collaboration since almost 20 years. The MAGIC telescopes were specifically designed for this purpose: the main figures of merit are the fast slewing speed (7deg/s), the low energy threshold ( 50 GeV at zenith) and the high sensitivity in the low energy regime. These features make MAGIC one of the most suitable instrument for the follow-up and detection of GRBs. After more than 15 years of dedicated searches, finally the first detection at teraelectronvolt energies of a GRB, namely GRB 190114C, was achieved by the MAGIC collaboration, revealing a new emission component in the afterglow phase. This discovery opened up a new era in field of GRB studies, which is now witnessing other detections, as demonstrated with the case of GRB 201216C. Furthermore, a hint of detection by MAGIC from the short and nearby GRB 160821B gives precious hints on the possible very high energy emission from this class of bursts, also in relation to searches of gravitation wave counterparts. Therefore, MAGIC is giving a crucial contribution to GRB physics, leading to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying these peculiar objects. In this contribution I will introduce the MAGIC follow-up program, focusing on the aspects which led to the successful detection of GRBs and highlighting some key results. Finally, I will present the future challenges in these observations, discussing how MAGIC can contribute even more to the field.
It has been established that Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) can produce Very High Energy radiation (VHE, E > 100 GeV), opening a new window for investigating particle acceleration and radiation properties in the most energetic domain. We expect that next-generation instruments in this energy regime, such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), will mark a huge improvement in their observation. However, constraints on the target visibility and the limited duty cycle of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT), affect their ability to react promptly to transient events. Here we use a grid of instrument performance estimates, based on the Extensive Air Shower (EAS) array concept proposed by the Southern Wide Field-of-view Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) collaboration, to evaluate SWGO’s potential to detect and track VHE emission from GRBs. Observations by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi–LAT) at high energy (E > 10 GeV), identified some events with a distinct spectral component, which can represent a substantial fraction of the emitted energy and possibly occur very early in the process. Using models based on these properties, we estimate the possibilities that a wide field of view and large effective area ground-based monitoring facility has to probe VHE emission from GRBs. We show that the ability to monitor VHE transients with a nearly continuous scanning of the sky grants us the opportunity to simultaneously observe electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves and relativistic particles sources up to cosmological scales, in a way that is not accessible to IACTs.
Since their discovery in the late 1960s Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) emission has been deeply investigated with the help of the huge amount of data collected covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum. This large and broadband dataset was essential to constitute a general picture describing the GRB physics, revealing the most credible underlying physical processes and environmental conditions ongoing at the GRB site. A key leap in the comprehension of the GRB physics have been achieved recently, thanks to the detection of the newly energetic component in the Very High Energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) domain. The possible presence of a TeV spectral window in GRBs was predicted and theorized for several decades, but the first observational proofs of its existence were reached only in 2019 thanks to the discoveries claimed by the MAGIC and H.E.S.S. telescopes. GRB190114C was successfully detected in the TeV band by the MAGIC telescopes starting from around one minute after its trigger time and lasting for nearly 40 minutes. A successful follow-up campaign was performed and the multi-wavelength afterglow emission of the event was collected from 1 to about 2 × 1017 GHz. Such very broad dataset allows to perform unique studies on the radiation mechanisms and on the physical properties of such event. In this contribution I will describe the main results and the theoretical interpretations that have been derived from the multi-wavelength dataset of GRB190114C. In particular, the description of the TeV component detected by the MAGIC telescopes as produced via the Synchrotron Self-Compton (SSC) mechanism and its connection with the emission at lower energy bands will be presented. Such studies are a fundamental starting point for the interpretation of the current and upcoming events that will be observed in the VHE domain.
Over a time frame of 13 years, from November 2007 to November 2020, the AGILE MiniCALorimeter (MCAL; 0.4-100 MeV), detected 503 Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). This sample is constituted by 44% short GRBs and 56% long GRBs, as retrieved from the study of the associated T50 and T90 burst duration distribution. For 258 GRBs, it was possible to perform a spectral analysis by adopting a single power law model; for 43 of them, also a spectral fit with a Band model with peak energy Ep above 400 keV was possible. More than 90% of these bursts were also detected by the AGILE Scientific RateMeters (RMs), providing comprehensive simultaneous observations from few tens keV to 100 MeV. The MCAL GRBs mostly consists of short-duration, spectrally hard events, due to the energy range of the detector and the adopted onboard trigger configurations, representing a burst sample which can be used to provide further insights on the high-energy component of hard-spectrum bursts.
Satellites and imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) have shown that gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are capable of producing very-high-energy photons— most notably GRB 190114C, observed up to 1 TeV by the MAGIC telescopes approximately one minute after triggering the Fermi GBM and Swift BAT satellites. Particularly suited to such searches and follow-up studies is the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory, which monitors 1/6th of the sky at any one time, complementing the pointed observations of TeV telescopes. It covers 2/3rds of the sky every day, with near continuous uptime. The HAWC GRB program comprises two dedicated analyses: a self-triggered all-sky search and a rapid response follow-up of GRBs reported by satellites. Both methods are performed in real time at the HAWC site and additionally repeated on archival data with improved calibration and reconstruction algorithms. Recent upgrades have HAWC poised for detection of the highest-energy gamma rays associated with GRBs, which are key to developing GRB emission models as well as constraining possible beyond-the-Standard-Model physics.
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) cosmic ray detector on the International Space Station (ISS) has been in operation since its launch in 2015. The main instrument, the CALET calorimeter, is monitoring the gamma ray sky from 1 GeV up to 10 TeV with a field-of-view of about 2 sr for more than five years. In this paper, we describe the analysis of gamma ray candidate events observed by the calorimeter and report on a search for gamma-ray emission from gravitational-wave event candidates announced by the LIGO/Virgo third observation run from 2019 April to 2020 March.
Low-luminosity gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have small isotropic equivalent gamma-ray energy and luminosity, compared with normal long GRBs. GRB 190829A is a member of this class. Furthermore, very-high-energy gamma-rays were detected by H.E.S.S. with ∼ 20σ significance. This event had more unusual features. First, it had much smaller isotropic equivalent gamma-ray energy than typical long gamma-ray bursts and is classified as low-luminosity GRB. Second, early X-ray and optical afterglow emission showed a rising part and simultaneously peaked at about 1400 s. We propose an off-axis jet scenario that explains these observational results. In this model, the relativistic beaming effect is responsible for the apparently small isotropic gamma-ray energy and spectral peak energy. Using a jetted afterglow model, we find that the narrow jet, which has the initial Lorentz factor of 350 and the initial jet opening half-angle of 0.015 rad, viewed off-axis can describe the observed achromatic behavior in the X-ray and optical afterglow. Another wide, baryon-loaded jet is necessary for the later-epoch X-ray and radio emissions. Derived parameters explains the very-high-energy gamma-ray flux at 20,000 s.
We propose a backscattering dominated prompt emission model for gamma ray bursts (GRB) prompt phase in which the photons generated through pair annihilation at the centre of the burst are backscattered through Compton scattering by an outflowing stellar cork. We show that the obtained spectra are capable of explaining the low and high energy slopes as well as the distribution of spectral peak energies in their observed prompt spectra.
Many short Gamma-Ray Bursts (sGRBs) have a prolonged plateau in the X-ray afterglow lasting up to tens of thousands of seconds. A central engine injecting energy into the remnant may fuel the plateau. A simple analytic model describing the interaction of the magnetized relativistic wind from a rapidly-rotating magnetar with the surrounding environment can reproduce X-ray plateaux and instantaneous spectra. The model is analogous to classic, well-established models of young supernova remnants and applies the underlying physics to sGRB remnants. The light curve and spectra produced by the model are compared to observations of GRB 130603B. The spectra are also used to estimate parameters of the magnetar including its poloidal field strength and angular frequency. If combined with a gravitational wave signal, this model could provide insight into multimessenger astronomy and neutron star physics.
Strange quark matter (SQM) may be the true ground state of matter. According to this SQM hypothesis, the observed neutron stars actually should all be strange quark stars. But distinguishing between neutron stars and strange quark stars by means of observations is extremely difficult. It is interesting to note that under the SQM hypothesis, less massive objects such as strange quark planets and strange dwarfs can also stably exist. The extremely high density and small radius of strange quark planets give us some new perspectives to identify SQM objects and to test the SQM hypothesis. First, the tidal disruption radius of strange quark planets is much smaller than normal planets, so, very close-in exoplanets can be safely identified as candidates of SQM objects. Second, gravitational waves (GW) from mergers of strange quark star-strange quark planet systems are strong enough to be detected by ground-based GW detectors. As a result, GW observation will be a powerful tool to probe SQM stars. At the same time, the tidal deformability of SQM planets can be measured to further strengthen the result.
Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) are promising tools to probe the Universe. Especially, we can get constraints on cosmological parameters with the help of GRB luminosity relations. Recently, a tight L-T-E relation has been found. This relation involves a special subclass of GRBs, i.e., GRBs have X-ray plateaus in their X-ray afterglows. The isotropic γ-ray energy of the prompt GRB (Eγ,iso) are linked with the duration of the plateau phase (Ta) and the X-ray luminosity at the end of the plateau phase (LX ) through this relation. Beside this relation, we find that LX and Ta also relate to the spectral peak energy (Ep) and we call this relation the L-T-Ep relation. When using these relations to constrain the cosmological parameters, we find the L-T-E relation is insensitive to the cosmological parameters and both of these relations suffer from redshift evolution. We manage to correct the redshift evolution and use the de-evolved L-T-Ep relation to constrain the cosmological parameters. We get the best-fit result as Ωm=0.389+0.202−0.141 (1σ) for the flat ΛCDM model. Our result is consistent with that from other probes within 1σ confidence level. Joint constraint on cosmological parameters is presented.
The actual knowledge of the structure and future evolution of our universe is based on the use of cosmological models, which can be tested through the so-called ‘probes’, namely astrophysical phenomena, objects or structures with peculiar properties that can help to discriminate among different cosmological models. Among all the existing probes, of particular importance are the Supernovae Ia (SNe Ia) and the Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs): the former are considered among the best standard candles so far discovered but suffer from the fact that can be observed until redshift z = 2.26, while the latter are promising standardizable candles which have been observed up to z = 9.4, surpassing even the farthest quasar known to date, which is at z = 7.64. The standard candles can be used to test the cosmological models and to give the expected values of cosmological parameters, in particular the Hubble constant value. The Hubble constant is affected by the so-called “Hubble constant tension”, a discrepancy in more than 4 σ between its value measured with local probes and its value measured through the cosmological probes. The increase in the number of observed SNe Ia, as well as the future standardization of GRBs through their correlations, will surely be of help in alleviating the Hubble constant tension and in explaining the structure of the universe at higher redshifts. A promising class of GRBs for future standardization is represented by the GRBs associated with Supernovae Ib/c, since these present features similar to the SNe Ia class and obey a tight correlation between their luminosity at the end of the plateau emission in X-rays and the time at the end of the plateau in the rest-frame.
Since its discovery in 2005, the plateau phase seen in the early x-ray afterglow of a significant fraction (10’s of %) of GRBs confuse theoreticians. A close look reveals that “plateau” bursts nearly never show evidence for LAT emission, neither a strong thermal component. Using this a hint, I argue that the plateau is due to the coasting of GRB jets in a “wind”-like medius. I provide the theoretical arguments for the evolution of the lightcurve, and show how both the X-ray and optical lightcurves are naturally fitted within the framework of this model. The end of the plateau thus marks the transition between the coasting and the self-similar motion phases.
In this conference proceeding we summarise our investigation of a correlation discovered between the afterglow luminosity (measured at restframe 200 s; log L200s) and average afterglow decay rate (measured from restframe 200 s onwards; α>200s) of long duration Gamma-ray Burst (GRB) afterglows, found in both the optical/UV and X-ray after- glows. We examine the correlation in the X-ray light curves and find that it does not depend on the presence of specific features in the X-ray light curve. We test how the optical and X-ray parameters log LO,200s, log LX,200s, αO,>200s, αX,>200s relate to each other and to parameters from the prompt emission phase. Using a Monte Carlo simu- lation, we explore whether these relationships are consistent with predictions of a basic standard afterglow model. We conclude that most of the correlations we observe are consistent with a common underlying physical mechanism producing GRBs and their afterglows regardless of their detailed temporal behaviour, but this basic model has dif- ficulty explaining correlations involving α>200s. We therefore briefly discuss alternative more complex afterglow models.
AT2017gfo is the first kilonova (KN) that could be extensively monitored in time both photometrically and spectroscopically. Moreover, it is the first optical counterpart of a gravitational wave source and it is associated with the short gamma-ray burst GRB 170817A. Here I present our search for the fingerprints of AT2017gfo-like kilonova emissions in the optical/NIR light curves of 39 short GRBs with known redshift. Afterwards, I show how, for the first time, our results allow us to study separately the range of luminosity of the blue and red components of AT2017gfo-like kilonovae in short GRBs. With these results at hand, I show up to which redshift a KN can be followed up by some of the current and future observatories.
In this paper we make a prediction on the intensity and energies of neutrinos and photons coming out from the decay chain of the π-meson and µ-lepton, produced by proton-proton inelastic interaction in energetic (Eiso ≳ 1052 erg) long gamma-ray bursts (Long-GRBs), within the type I binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) framework.
It is generally believed that General Relativity (GR) is of secondary importance in the explosion of core-collapse supernovae (CCSN). However, as 3D simulations are becoming more and more detailed, GR effects can be strong enough to change the hydrodynamics of the supernova and affect the explosion. Since a 3D simulation in full GR is computationally extremely challenging, it is valuable to modify simulations in a spherically symmetric spacetime to incorporate 3D effects. This permits exploration of the parameter dependence of CCSN with a minimum of computational resources. In this proceedings contribution we report on the formulation and implementation of general relativistic neutrino-driven turbulent convection in the spherically symmetric code GR1D. This is based upon STIR, a recently proposed Newtonian model based on mixing length theory. When the parameters of this model are calibrated to 3D simulations, we find that our GR formulation significantly alters the correspondence between progenitor mass and explosion vs. black-hole formation. We therefore believe that, going forward, simulating CCSNe in full GR is of primary importance.
As a neutron star spins down mechanical strain accumulates in the solid crust up to and beyond the point of failure. To model the repeated macroscopic failure of the crust an idealised cellular automaton is developed, with nearest-neighbour interactions representing strain dissipation and redistribution, and including thermal losses. The probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the size and waiting times of failure events in the automaton are presented. The final failure event of a star’s life occurs when the star spins down to ≈ (5 ± 3)% of its birth frequency with implications for transient events e.g. rotational glitches. In addition the automaton is able to predict the star’s mass-quadrupole moment and gravitational wavestrain at all points in the star’s life, with relevance to future gravitational wave surveys such as those carried out with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO).
Some particle physics models with an additional U (1) gauge interaction are interesting because those address the origin of neutrino masses. We show that, in a wide class of models, such an extra U (1) gauge symmetry breaking in the early universe can be first-order phase transition and hence generate a detectable amplitude of stochastic gravitational wave radiation in future experiments. We also discuss the parameter dependence and a possible UV completion.
In this report, we evaluate the performance of the proposed Euro-Asian network (EAN) of gravitational wave (GW) interferometers, which is planned taking into account the location of one of the detectors at the RAS Novosibirsk Scientific Center. EAN is formed by four detectors: VIRGO, KAGRA, LIGO India and Novosibirsk. The efficiency of this configuration is calculated based on typical numerical criteria for wide area networks. One of the key criteria is the accuracy of reconstructing the parameters of GW bursts, which links the calculation of this criterion to a specific class of astrophysical sources. We present results for calculations performed for the chirp signals from the of relativistic binaries inspiral and for signals from rotating collapsing stars. Maximizing the integral criterion we find the optimal orientation of the Novosibirsk detector, which is specified by the angle between the south direction and the bisector of the Michelson arms of the GW interferometer.
Core-collapse supernovae produce copious low-energy neutrinos and are also predicted to radiate gravitational waves. These two messengers can give us information regarding the explosion mechanism. The gravitational wave detection from these events are still elusive even with the already advanced detectors. Here we give a concise and timely introduction to a new method that combines triggers from GW and neutrino observatories; more details shall be given in a forthcoming paper.
The Lunar Gravitational–Wave Antenna is a proposed low–frequency gravitational–wave detector on the Moon surface. It will be composed of an array of high-end cryogenic superconducting inertial sensors (CSISs). A cryogenic environment will be used in combination with superconducting materials to open up pathways to low–loss actuators and sensor mechanics. CSIS revolutionizes the (cryogenic) inertial sensor field with a modelled displacement sensitivity at 0.5 Hz of 3 orders of magnitude better than the current state–of–the–art. It will allow the Lunar Gravitational–Wave Antenna to be sensitive below 1 Hz, down to 1 mHz and it will also be employed in the forthcoming Einstein Telescope—a third-generation gravitational–wave detector which will make use of cryogenic technologies and that will have an enhanced sensitivity below 10 Hz. Moreover, CSIS seismic data could also be employed to obtain new insights about the Moon interior and what we can call the Selene-physics.
Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (DECIGO) is the future mission that aims to detect gravitational waves between 0.1 Hz and 10 Hz. DECIGO has four clusters, and one cluster of DECIGO consists of three differential Fabry-Perot interferometers with three drag-free spacecraft. Among various science targets of DECIGO, the detection of primordial gravitational waves is crucial. We are now updating the DECIGO design to ensure the detection of the primordial gravitational waves. We aim to launch B-DECIGO first at the earliest in 2032 as a pathfinder mission of DECIGO. B-DECIGO will not only establish the necessary technologies for DECIGO, but also accomplish a variety of important sciences.
This article summarizes the talks in the session GW2 of the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories, 5-10 July, 2021, on Mid-frequency (0.1-10 Hz) gravitational waves: Sources and detection methods with a review on strain power spectral density amplitude of various mid-frequency gravitational wave projects/concepts and with extended summaries on the progress of ZAIGA project and on the conceptual study of AMIGO.
Matched-filter based PyCBC searches have successfully detected ∼ O(50) compact binary merger signals in the LIGO-Virgo data. While most PyCBC searches have been designed to detect stellar-mass binaries, we present here a new search that is optimised to detect short-duration gravitational wave (GW) signals emitted by intermediate-mass black hole mergers. When applied to the first half of the third observation run data, the optimised search re-identified the intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) binary event, GW190521, with a false alarm rate of 1 in 727 yrs, significantly lower than the previous PyCBC search result of 1 in 0.94 yr. Analysis of simulated signals from IMBH binaries with generically spinning components shows an increase in sensitivity by a factor of 1.2 to 3 over previous PyCBC searches.
As detections of mergers of compact bodies begin to flow in, and as we enter an era of precision GW measurements, our understanding of compact bodies, their physics and that of the surrounding astrophysical environment, will continue to grow and at times even be challenged. The need to revise the mass bounds of compact bodies such as BHs and NSs and the possibility of the existence of GW echoes are just some of consequences of the first few years of GW detection. In previous work, using linearised perturbation theory, we made the novel finding that a dust shell will cause a GW to be modified both in magnitude and phase, but without any energy being transferred to or from the dust. We extend our analysis to matter shells surrounding compact body mergers and to intervening matter in cosmology. Instead of only monochromatic GW sources, as we used in our initial investigation, we also consider burst-like GW sources. The thin density shell approach is modified to include thick shells by considering concentric thin shells and integrating. Solutions are then found for these burst-like GW sources using Fourier transforms. In the context of cosmology, apart from the gravitational redshift, the effects are too small to be measurable. We show that GW echoes that are claimed to be present in the LIGO data of certain events, could not have been caused by a matter shell. We do find, however, that matter shells surrounding BBH mergers, BNS mergers, and CCSNe could make modifications of order a few percent to a GW signal. These modifications are expected to be measurable in GW data with current detectors if the event is close enough and at a detectable frequency; or in future detectors with increased frequency range and amplitude sensitivity.
We consider gravitational radiation in the presence of non-compact extra dimensions. If their number is odd, all spacetime becomes odd-dimensional and formation of gravitational radiation becomes non-trivial because of violation of the Huygens principle. Gravitational waves travel with the speed of light, while the full retarded gravitational field of a localized source propagates with all velocities lower or equal to the speed of light, so special care is needed to extract radiation. Here we consider a simplified model consisting of two point masses moving on a three-brane embedded in five-dimensional bulk. Particles are assumed to interact through a massless scalar field living on the same brane, while gravitational radiation is emitted into the full five-dimensional space. We use the Rohrlich-Teitelboim approach to radiation, extracting the radiative component of the retarded gravitational field via splitting of the energy-momentum tensor. The source term consists of the local contribution from the particles and the non-local contribution from the scalar field stresses. The latter is computed using the DIRE approach to the post-Newtonian expansions. In the non-relativistic limit, we find an analog of the quadrupole formula containing the integral over the full history of motion, preceding the retarded moment of time. We compute gravitational radiation and study the orbit evolution of the non-relativistic circular binary system on the brane.
This paper provides a summary of the fourteen talks that were presented in the session GW4 on various aspects of numerical relativity and computation concerning gravitational waves.
The dynamic center of our galaxy is known to host a source of TeV gamma rays since the very beginning of the 21st century and a link to the supermassive black hole at the Galactic Center has been speculated on ever since. But not only the point-like source, spatially coincident with SgrA, can be observed from the ground using the Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope technique, but also diffuse emission from the vicinity, spanning more than one degree along the Galactic plane and emitting a remarkably hard energy spectrum, reaching energies well beyond 10 TeV.
Recent observations by the H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS facilities have enabled detailed studies of the dynamics of high-energy particles in Galactic Center region that indicate a link between the diffuse component and central point-like gamma-ray source. These studies suggest the presence of a powerful cosmic-ray accelerator in close proximity to SgrA*. This could potentially even be one of the long-sought-after Galactic PeVatrons, needed in order to explain the cosmic-ray spectrum up to the the feature called ‘knee’ at around 1015 eV.
The Tunka Advanced Instrument for Gamma-ray and cosmic ray Astrophysics (TAIGA) is a hybrid experiment for the measurement of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) with good spectral resolution in the TeV to PeV energy range. In this domain, the long-sought Pevatrons can be detected. Currently the hybrid TAIGA detector combines two wide angle shower front Cherenkov light sampling timing arrays (HiSCORE and Tunka-133), two 4m class, 10° aperture Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) and 240 m2 surface and underground charged particle detector stations. Our goal is to introduce a new hybrid reconstruction technique, combining the good angular and shower core resolution of HiSCORE with the gamma-hadron separation power of imaging telescopes. This approach allows to maximize the effective area and simultaneously to reach a good gamma-hadron separation at low energies (few TeV). At higher energies, muon detectors are planned to enhance gamma-hadron separation. During the commissioning phase of the first and second IACT, several sources were observed. First detections of known sources with the first telescope show the functionality of the TAIGA IACTs. Here, the status of the TAIGA experiment will be presented, along with first results from the current configuration.
We outline the science case for SWGO, the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory, an air-shower array planned for construction at a high-altitude site in the Southern Hemisphere. This next-generation, wide-field-of-view, gamma-ray survey instrument will be sensitive to gamma rays from ∼ 100 GeV to beyond 100 TeV energies and, due to its location and features, will be complementary to other gamma-ray observatories such as HAWC, LHAASO, and CTA. SWGO’s scientific endeavors will cover a broad range of exciting topics, such as monitoring the transient sky at very high energies, unveiling Galactic and extragalactic particle accelerators, probing particle physics beyond the Standard Model, and the characterization of the cosmic ray flux. With its novel design, SWGO stands poised to provide the world’s best sensitivity across many facets of our exciting field.
Hard X-/soft Gamma-ray astronomy is a key field for the study of important astrophysical phenomena such as the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts, black holes physics and many more. However, the spatial localization, imaging capabilities and sensitivity of the measurements are strongly limited for the energy range >70 keV due to the lack of focusing instruments operating in this energy band. A new generation of instruments suitable to focus hard X-/ soft Gamma-rays is necessary to shed light on the nature of astrophysical phenomena which are still unclear due to the limitations of current direct-viewing telescopes. Laue lenses can be the answer to those needs. A Laue lens is an optical device consisting of a large number of properly oriented crystals which are capable, through Laue diffraction, of concentrating the radiation into the common Laue lens focus. In contrast with the grazing incidence telescopes commonly used for softer X-rays, the transmission configuration of the Laue lenses allows us to obtain a significant sensitive area even at energies of hundreds of keV. At the University of Ferrara we are actively working on the modelization and construction of a broad-band Laue lens. In this work we will present the main concepts behind Laue lenses and the latest technological developments of the TRILL (Technological Readiness Increase for Laue Lenses) project, devoted to the advancement of the technological readiness of Laue lenses by developing the first prototype of a lens sector made of cylindrical bent crystals of Germanium.
Gamma-ray astronomy is a branch whose potential has not yet been fully exploited. The observations of elemental and isotopic abundances in supernova (SN) explosions are key probes not only of the stellar structure and evolution but also for understanding the physics that makes Type-Ia SNe as standard candles for the study of the Universe expansion properties. In spite of its crucial role, nuclear astrophysics remains a poorly explored field mainly for the typical emission lines intensity which are vanishing small and requires very high sensitivities of the telescopes. Furthermore, in spite that the Galactic bulge-dominated intensity of positron annihilation line at 511 keV has been measured, its origin is still a mystery due to the poor angular resolution and insufficient sensitivity of the commonly employed instrumentation in the sub-MeV energy domain. To answer these scientific issues a jump in sensitivity and angular resolution with respect to the present instrumentation is required. Conceived within the EU project AHEAD, a new high energy mission, capable of tackling the previously mentioned topics, has been proposed. This concept of mission named ASTENA (Advanced Surveyor of Transient Events and Nuclear Astrophysics), includes two instruments: a Wide Field Monitor with Imaging and Spectroscopic (WFM-IS, 2 keV - 20 MeV) capabilities and a Narrow Field Telescope (NFT, 50 - 700 keV). Thanks to the combination of angular resolution, sensitivity and large FoV, ASTENA will be a breakthrough in the hard X and soft gamma–ray energy band, also enabling polarimetry in this energy band. In this talk the science goals of the mission are discussed, the payload configuration is described and expected performances in observing key targets are shown.
The measurement of the polarization of the high-energy photons from cosmic sources has now become a key observational parameter for understanding the emission mechanisms and the geometry of the active regions involved. Therefore, a mandatory requirement for new instrumentation in this energy regime will provide high sensitivity for polarimetric measurements associated with spectroscopy and imaging.
In this perspective, the Advanced Surveyor of Transient Events and Nuclear Astrophysics (ASTENA) mission, which includes two main instruments: the Wide field monitor (WFM-IS), with a large effective area and a wide energy passband (2 keV – 20 MeV); and the Narrow Field Telescope (NFT), with a broad energy passband (50–600 keV) with focusing capabilities based on the use of an advanced Laue lens; will both provide high sensitivity for polarimetric measurements. Furthermore, both instruments will include spectometers with a good 3D spatial resolution allowing to perform 3D Compton polarimetry, increasing the possibilities to optimize the event selection. Herein, we report on the results of a Monte Carlo study devoted to optimize the configuration of both instruments, in particular, the modulation factor (Q), the events detection efficiency (Eff) and the Minimum Detectable Polarization (MDP).
Hydrodynamical simulations predict that the cosmic web contains the majority of the missing baryons in the form of plasma, called the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). However, its direct measurement through X-ray emissions has been prevented for decades due to the weak signal and the complex morphology of cosmic filaments.
We report the first statistical detection of X-ray emission from cosmic web filaments with the ROSAT data. We identified more than 15,000 large-scale filaments, spanning 30-100 Mpc length, in the SDSS survey and statistically detected X-ray emissions from the WHIM at 4.2 sigma confidence level using the ROSAT maps. Given this detection, we can expect a much more significant detection from SRG/eROSITA and indeed predicted the detectability of the WHIM. The prediction shows that stacking ∼2000 filaments only would lead to a 5σ detection with an average gas temperature of the WHIM as low as ∼0.3 keV.
The first detection of gravitational waves on 2015 with the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo interferometers has opened a new observational window in the Universe. The last decade has also welcomed decisive discoveries in neutrino astronomy. Expected advances of gravitational wave and neutrino detectors by the end of the 2020s will mark the start of a golden era of multi-messenger astrophysics. The most promising multi-messenger sources in the high-energy sky, e.g. GRBs, AGNs, magnetars, are among the main targets for the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP). In this proceeding, we describe the possible role of eXTP in the context of multi-messenger astronomy and in particular on the synergies with gravitational wave interferometers at the sensitivity expected by the end of the twenties.
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope CALET is collecting science data on the International Space Station since October 2015 with excellent and continuous performance. Energy is measured with a deep homogeneous calorimeter (1.2 nuclear interaction lengths, 27 radiation lengths) preceded by an imaging pre-shower (3 radiation lengths, 1mm granularity) providing tracking and 10-5 electron/proton discrimination. Two independent sub-systems identify the charge Z of the incident particle from proton to iron and above (Z<40). CALET measures the cosmic-ray electron+positron flux up to 20 TeV, gamma rays up to 10 TeV, and nuclei up to 1 PeV. In this paper, we report the on-orbit performance of the instrument and summarize the main results obtained during the first 5 years of operation, including the electron+positron energy spectrum and the individual spectra of protons, heavier nuclei and iron. Solar modulation and gamma-ray observations are also concisely reported, as well as transient phenomena and the search for gravitational wave counterparts.
DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) is a satellite-born experiment promoted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the collaboration of Italian and Swiss agencies. Since December 2015, DAMPE flies at the altitude of 500 km and collects data smoothly. The detector is made of four sub-detectors: top layers of plastic scintillators, a silicontungsten tracker, a BGO calorimeter (32 radiation lengths), and a bottom boron-doped scintillator to detect delayed neutrons. The main goal of the experiment is the search for indirect signals of Dark Matter in the electron and photon spectra with energies up to 10 TeV. Furthermore DAMPE studies cosmic charged and gamma radiation. Moreover, the calorimeter depth and the large acceptance allow to measure cosmic ray fluxes in the range from 20 GeV up to hundreds of TeV with unprecedented precision. An overview of the latest results about the charged cosmic rays will be presented.
The Pierre Auger Observatory has by now achieved an exposure of order 105 km2 sr yr, exploring about 85% of the sky. In this talk, I will review some of the recent results, including the detailed measurements of the features in the cosmic ray spectrum, the study of the anisotropies in the cosmic ray arrival directions both at large and intermediate angular scales, the inferred mass composition, and multimessenger searches.
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) space mission is now being designed, as a result of an international collaboration among several chinese and european institutions, to make cosmic ray (CR) direct measurements at the highest possible energies with current technologies.
HERD primary scientific goals include precise measurements of the energy spectra of CR individual species up to few PeV, reaching the knee of the all-particle spectrum, and study electrons and photon of spectra from GeV up to tens of TeV, also contributing to multimessenger observations together with other satellites and ground-based experiments.
In order to reach these goals HERD is configured to accept incident particles from its top and the four lateral sides. The baseline design includes covering the top and fours sides with: the Silicon Charge Detector (SCD), for incident particle trajectory and charge measurement, the Plastic Scintil- lator Detector (PSD), for photon tagging and precise charge measurement, and a scintillating Fiber Tracker (FIT). The core of the facility is made by a LYSO crystal calorimeter (CALO) that with its 3 interaction lengths and 55 radiation lengths will allow the measurement of incident gamma-rays, electrons and cosmic ray nuclei with unprecedented resolution and 3D reconstruction. In addition, on one side a Transition Radiation detector (TRD) will be installed for on-orbit calibration of the CALO.
Traditionally when a star was near the solar conjunction, its magnitude was not measured from groundbased observations. In this way the lightcurves of variable stars show yearly gaps of about two or three months each year. Some observations made in twilight and in daytime in Rome of Betelgeuse, Antares and Venus are described.
The occurrence of the deep minimum of Betelgeuse in 2020 has been object of a Worldwide debate, mainly on the public media. The session dedicated to Betelgeuse in the XVI Marcel Grossmann Meeting focused the many aspects of this debate, offering a good state of art of this subject, after and during an unprecedented observational effort from ground, airborne and from the space.
In a backyard observatory in Mainz, Germany, several stars have been observed at daylight using a 250mm Newton telescope and a CCD camera. The sky background was measured on several days; values of 1.8 - 4.7 mag/arcsec2 were found at angles of 10°-100° distance to the Sun. Photometry of Betelgeuse was performed as a first attempt in 2020 with stacked images of Betelgeuse; it was improved in 2021 by using a neutral density filter (1 percent transmission) and measuring calibration and extinction coefficients on 4-8 bright reference stars. Photometry of Betelgeuse resulted in calculated errors of less than 0.05 mag from February to July 2021. It could be shown, that daylight observations of Betelgeuse can fill the observational gap with reliable magnitude data, when Betelgeuse is near to the Sun.
The reasons behind the Great Dimming and subsequent rising in the brightness of Betelgeuse between October 2019 and March 2020 still continues to baffle astronomers. It has been shown by George et al. (2020) that critical slowing down preceded the dimming event. This suggested that the dimming was as a result of the change in the nature of the nonlinear dynamics of the star. In this work we present additional evidence for dynamical changes in Betelgeuse prior to the Great Dimming event, using nonlinear time series analysis. We study the relations between the different bands in the photometry data collected from the Wing photometery (IR/near-IR) and Wasatonic observatory (V-band). We also analyse how the early warning signals studied previously changed during and after the Great Dimming.
Betelgeuse is the nearest red supergiant, one of the brightest stars in our sky, and statistically speaking it would be expected to be “typical”. Yet it exhibits many features that seem “curious”, to say the least. For instance it has a high proper motion. It rotates fast. It has little dust. It dimmed unexpectedly. Is any of these, and other, phenomena atypical, and taken together does it make Betelgeuse atypical? This is important to know, because we need to know whether Betelgeuse might be a prototype of red supergiants in general, or certain subclasses of red supergiants, since we can study it in such great detail. It is also important to know as it may be a link to understanding other, apparently atypical cases such as supernova 1987A, and maybe even such exotica as Thorne-Żytkov objects. Studying this question in itself helps us understand how we deal with rarity and coincidence in understanding the Universe we live in.
The observations of Betelgeuse since Christmas 2011 were started either to study the star and to contribute to observational astronomy from urban contexts, with high level of light pollution, using the naked eye. Since then 811 observations to November 9, 2021 have been made and communicated to the AAVSO international database. Antares and also other interesting long-period variable stars like VY CMa, RS Oph (recurrent nova), V766 Cen and several novae and SN2014J are part of the 2.5 K database of visual observations, obtained with the Argelander method applied to naked eye or telescopic observations. It is an invitation for the young generations, to contribute to these studies with careful and feasible observations, which require a reduction for airmass extinction of the variable star and of the comparison stars, when they are not on the same narrow field of view. The possibility to deduce the airmass by reading the notes (containing the location of the observation) of all the AAVSO-SGQ catalogue is finally presented as a point of force of my observations.
Betelgeuse is the brightest variable star in the sky, with a pulsational main period of 14 months and typical magnitude variation of 0.5 magnitudes. In 2020 its deep dimming was of one whole magnitude, particularly evident to each attentive observer. The technique of airmass correction to detect the stellar signal from the atmospheric extinction treats the naked eye observations as the digital astronomical observations. Harlow Shapley said in 1930s “theories come and go, while a good observation stands forever” and he spoke about naked eye observations, nowadays they are less considered in science mainly because of philosophical reasons concerning the subjectivity of knowledge and the deceit of the senses, while the knowledge of the eye physiology and of data reduction could recover the correct relationship between the human being and the Universe.
The first evidence of the stellar aberration come out from telescopic meridian observations, including daytime ones. The distance in ecliptic longitude between the star and the Sun has to change from 180° to 90° to have the maximum effect in the delay of the transit, with respect to a constant sidereal day of 23h 56m 04.09s. We present the measurements of meridian transits of Antares and Ras Alhague during the Summer 2021, at the meridian line of St. Peter’s square, whose gnomon is the Vatican obelisk. The possibility to observe such transits in daylight has been also verified with Antares (21 August, 2021) and Venus (October 2021). The geometry of the instrument and its configuration is ideal to introduce students to the observations of this special relativistic effect, from an experimental point of view. The transits observed from the same position, the Scorpio zodiacal disk, from October 16 to November 11, 2021 permitted to scan the axis of the obelisk and the one of the uppermost cross, finding an offaxis of (16±3) mm West for the upper pyramid and a further deviation of (5 ± 3) mm West of the cross.
Betelgeuse was reported as a magnitude “1-” in the Almagest of Ptolemy (150 AD), while it is of first magnitude star in the Uranometria of Bayer (1603). The latter with the stellar catalogue of Philippe de la Hire were used to include in 1701 the stars in the Great Meridian Line of St. Maria degli Angeli by Francesco Bianchini (1662-1729). For Sirius and Arcturus a series of star were positioned on the floor of the Basilica in correpondence with their positions up to two hours before their meridian transit, with 15 minutes of interval in the case of Sirius. Other stars in the floor represent the motion of the Sun on 20 August 1702 and in the Equinoxes, so that since two hours before the meridian transit it was possible to see how the Sun approached the Celestial Equator. Their astrometrical calibration with the Sun along the year is here published for the first time: for some of the stars the timing accuracy of their location is within a few seconds, as well as their distance from the pinhole, while in other cases it may reflect the “quantization” due to the terracotta bricks on the former floor of the Basilica. Because of the precession and proper motion the position of Sirius on the line changed from 1701 to 2021, and it has taken into account in this analysis. The black marble stars of the Vatican obelisk meridian line (1817), are calibrated with respect to the 3D star on top of the obelisk, by projecting the Sun behind it through a 7×18 prismatic monocular.
It is commonly known that the steady-state model of the universe was proposed and championed in a series of influential papers around mid-twenty century by Fred Hoyle, Hermann Bondi, and Thomas Gold. In contrast it is little known that, many years before, Albert Einstein briefly explored the same idea; that is of a “dynamic steady state” universe. In 1931 during his first visit to Caltech, Einstein tried to develop a model where the universe expanded and where matter was supposed to be continuously created. This latter process was proposed by him to keep the matter density of the universe constant. However, Einstein shortly abandoned the idea. The whole event has already been described and analyzed by C. O’Raifeartaigh and B. McCann in 2014. It is the purpose of this brief note to point out what might have prompted Einstein to consider a continuous creation of matter and the prevailing circumstances at that time that drove Einstein’s intent.
Jayme Tiomno belonged to the ‘founder’s generation’ of physicists in Brazil. He began working in relativity theory early in his career, at a time when it was not at all ‘fashionable’, through the influence of his early mentor, Mario Schenberg in São Paulo. When he went to graduate school in Princeton, in February 1948, his advisor there, John Wheeler, gave him a project in General Relativity, even though this was more than 4 years before Wheeler’s ‘turn’ from nuclear and particle physics to field theory and gravitation.
Tiomno and Wheeler however soon discovered their mutual interest in meson decays, and Tiomno’s Masters and PhD theses were on topics from particle physics, which remained his major field of interest for the following 20 years, during which he collaborated with Abdus Salam, among others. Only when he returned to Princeton in 1971, a refugee from the oppressive dictatorship in Brazil, did he again begin working in gravitation and field theory, having missed the ‘golden age’ initiated in part by Wheeler’s group.
At the IAS, Tiomno experienced a renaissance of his interest in field theory, working with Remo Ruffini and others. He continued this work in the 1980’s after he was able to return to the CBPF in Rio de Janeiro (which he had helped to found). His participation in the Marcel Grossmann Meetings was limited but significant.
In this contribution we report about Feynman’s approach to gravitation, starting from the records of his interventions at the Chapel Hill Conference of 1957. As well known, Feynman was concerned about the relation of gravitation with the rest of physics. Probably for this reason, he promoted an unusual, field theoretical approach to general relativity, in which, after the recognition that the interaction must be mediated by the quanta of a massless spin-2 field, Einstein’s field equations should follow from the general properties of Lorentz-invariant quantum field theory, plus self-consistency requirements. Quantum corrections would then be included by considering loop diagrams. These ideas were further developed by Feynman in his famous lectures on gravitation, delivered at Caltech in 1962-63, and in a handful of published papers, where he also introduced some field theoretical tools which were soon recognized to be of general interest, such as ghosts and the tree theorem. Some original pieces of Feynman’s work on gravity are also present in a set of unpublished lectures delivered at Hughes Aircraft Company in 1966-67 and devoted primarily to astrophysics and cosmology. Some comments on the relation between Feynman’s approach to gravity and his ideas on the quantum foundations of the fundamental interactions are included.
An account of Richard Feynman’s work on gravitational waves is given. Feynman’s involvement with this subject can be traced back to 1957, when he attended the famous Chapel Hill conference on the Role of Gravitation in Physics. At that conference, he presented in particular the celebrated sticky bead argument, which was devised to intuitively argue that gravitational waves must carry energy, if they exist at all. While giving a simple argument in favor of the existence of gravitational waves, Feynman’s thought experiment paved the way for their detection and stimulated subsequent efforts in building a practical detecting device. Feynman’s contributions were systematically developed in a letter to Victor Weisskopf, completed in February 1961, as well as in his Caltech Lectures on Gravitation, delivered in 1962-63. There, a detailed calculation of the power radiated as gravitational radiation was performed, using both classical and quantum field theoretical tools, leading to a derivation of the quadrupole formula and its application to gravitational radiation by a binary star system. A comparison between the attitudes of Feynman and of the general relativity community to the problems of gravitational wave physics is drawn as well.
We review three definitions (missing point(s) unsteadiness, infinite quadratic curvature invariant, and geodesic incompleteness) of what a gravitational singularity is, and argue that prediction of a gravitational singularity is problematic for General Relativity (GR), indicating breakdown of Lorentzian geometry, only insofar as it concerns the infinite curvature singularity characterization. In contrast, the geodesic incompleteness characterization is GR’s innovating hallmark, which is not meaningfully available in Newtonian gravity formulations (locally infinite density field, and locally infinite gravitational force) of what a gravitational singularity is. It is the continuous, non-quantized, nature of Lorentzian geometry which admits gravitational contraction be continued indefinitely. The Oppenheimer-Snyder 1939 analytical solution derives formation of a locally infinite curvature singularity and of incomplete geodesics, while Penrose’s 1965 theorem concerns formation of incomplete (null) geodesics only. We critically examine the main physical arguments against gravitational singularity formation in stellar collapse, with scope restriction to decades spanning in between Schwarzschild’s 1916 solution and Penrose’s 1965 singularity theorem. As the most robust curvature singularity formation counter-argument, we assess Markov’s derivation of an upper bound on the quadratic curvature invariant RμνλδRμνλδ≤1ℓ4P from a ratio of natural constants ħ, c and G, in connection with Wheeler’s grounding of the premise that the Planck scale ℓP is ultimate.
Peter Bergmann initiated in 1966 an application of Hamilton-Jacobi techniques to general relativity. Little had been done by this time on extending this analysis to gauge theories. He proved that when, as in the case of Einstein’s theory, the phase space generator of evolution consisted of a linear combination of constraints, the Hamilton principal function must be independent of spacetime coordinates. Also the Hamilton Jacobi equations that determined this functional of the 3-metric retained their form under phase space functionals that were invariant under the action of the spacetime diffeomorphism group. Komar followed up beginning in 1967 with a series of papers in which he proved that a complete solution of the Hamilton Jacobi equations was determined by a commuting set of diffeomorphism invariants. These invariants thereby labeled equivalence classes of solutions of Einstein’s equations under the action of the full four-dimensional diffeomorphism group. Furthermore, this set satisfied canonical commutation relations with another invariant set. The hope and expectation was that these invariants could be promoted to quantum operators in a quantum theory of gravity. This framework will be contrasted with J. A. Wheeler’s geometrodynamical program in which the only underlying covariance group is spatial diffeomorphisms. The full spacetime diffeomorphism symmetry is replaced by the notion of ‘multi-fingered’ time. A related dispute concerning the ‘sandwich conjecture’ will be discussed, relevant to the functional integral approach to quantum gravity. Two three geometries cannot determine a corresponding four geometry if they lie in distinct four dimensional diffeomorphism equivalence classes.
It is often claimed that the fundamental laws of physics are deterministic and time-symmetric and that therefore our experience of the passage of time is an illusion. This talk will critically discuss these claims and show that they are based on the misconception that the laws of physics are an exact and complete description of nature. I will argue that all supposedly fundamental deterministic and time-symmetric laws have their limitations and are supplemented by stochastic and irreversible elements. In fact, a deterministic description of a system is valid only as long as interactions with the rest of the world can be ignored. The most famous example is the quantum measurement process that occurs when a quantum system interacts with a macroscopic environment such as a measurement apparatus. This environment determines in a top-down way the possible outcomes of the measurement and their probabilities. I will argue that more generally the possible events that can occur in a system and their probabilities are the result of top-down influences from the wider context. In this way the microscopic level of a system is causally open to influences from the macroscopic environment. In conclusion, indeterminism and irreversibility are the result of a system being embedded in a wider context.
The way we experience time is in the accumulation of experiences and events that happen in the moment, and then are behind us. Since the time of Anaximander at least; philosophers have tried to explain both the nature of time and its origin or basis. In modern times; scientists are the ones exploring the domain of time, so now they attempt to explain the nature and basis of time – with varying degrees of success. This is complicated because explanations from Classical Physics or Relativity are different from, and incompatible with, answers from Quantum Mechanics, so we hope Quantum Gravity theories will help resolve this. Recent advances in Mathematics hold promise for a unified basis explaining both the thermodynamic and quantum-mechanical time arrows in a way that consistently informs our Philosophy. However; we may need to explore beyond the island of familiar Maths, to reconcile the divergent pictures of how and why time passes.
The broad debate on foundational issues in quantum mechanics, which took place at the famous 1957 Chapel Hill conference on The Role of Gravitation in Physics, is here critically analyzed with an emphasis on Richard Feynman’s contributions. One of the most debated questions at Chapel Hill was whether the gravitational field had to be quantized and its possible role in wave function collapse. Feynman’s arguments in favor of the quantization of the gravitational field, based essentially on a series of gedanken experiments, are here discussed. Then the related problem of the wave function collapse, for which Feynman hints to decoherence as a possible solution, is discussed. Finally, another topic is analyzed, concerning the role of the observer in a closed Universe. In this respect, Feynman’s many-worlds characterization of Everett’s approach at Chapel Hill is discussed, together with later contributions of his, including a kind of Schrödinger’s cat paradox, which are scattered throughout the 1962-63 Lectures on Gravitation. Philosophical implications of Feynman’s ideas in relation to foundational issues are also discussed.
This is the summary of the parallel session entitled “Time and Philosophy in Physics”, chaired by Shokoufe Faraji in the sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. This parallel session aimed to discuss open issues related to Time and fundamental laws from different perspectives in a complementary point of view.
We review the two-families scenario of compact stars. Under the hypothesis that strange quark matter is the ground state of dense matter one can infer the existence of two separated branches of stars: hadronic stars and quark stars. While the first branch is populated by very compact and light stars, the second branch can be populated by very massive stellar objects. A possible confirm to this scenario derives from the gravitational waves detections GW170817 and GW190814, the first one suggesting the existence of stars with radii as small as 11km for M ∼ 1.4M⊙ and the second one suggesting the existence of a compact star with a mass above 2.5M⊙.
Neutron stars harbour extremely powerful magnetic fields, leading to their shape being deformed. Their magnetic deformation depends both on the geometry - and strength - of their internal magnetic field and on their composition, encoded by the equation of state. However, both the details of the internal magnetic structure and the equation of state of the innermost part of neutron stars are mostly unkown. We performed a study of numerical models of magnetised, static, axisymmetric neutron stars in general relativity and in one of its most promising extensions, scalar-tensor theories. We did so by using several realistic equations of state currently allowed by observational and nuclear physics constraints, considering also those for strange quark stars. We show that it is possible to find simple relations among the magnetic deformation of a neutron star, its Komar mass, and its circumferential radius in the case of purely poloidal and purely toroidal magnetic configurations satisfying the equilibrium criterion in the Bernoulli formalism. These relations are quasi-universal, in the sense that they mostly do not depend on the equation of state. Our results, being formulated in terms of potentially observable quantities, could help to understand the magnetic properties of neutron stars interiors and the detectability of continuous gravitational waves by isolated neutron stars, independently of their equation of state. In the case of scalar-tensor theories, these relations depend also on the scalar charge of the neutron stars, thus potentially providing a new way to set constraints on the theory of gravitation.
We study the stress tensor of the outer crust of Neutron Stars (NSs) under the approximation of the one component plasma (OCP) with screening. In our approach a system of identical ions is placed in an electron degenerate Fermi sea. By using Molecular Dynamics simulations at finite temperature we obtain the stress tensor components and associated pressure including Ewald sums for the electron screened ion potential. Our results show that a careful characterization of the crystallized phase at low temperature is necessary in order to obtain the true ground state. These ion phases are of interest for modelling the effects of large tidal forces and the gravitational wave signal linked to the violent events in binary NS mergers and possible crust crunching in NS continuous emission.
The concept of boson stars (BSs) was first introduced by Kaup and Ruffini and Bonazzola in the 1960s. Following this idea, we investigate an effect of self-interacting asymmetric bosonic dark matter (DM) according to Colpi et al. model for BSs (1986) on different observable properties of neutron stars (NSs). In this paper, the bosonic DM and baryonic matter (BM) are mixed together and interact only through gravitational force. The presence of DM as a core of a compact star or as an extended halo around it is examined by applying different boson masses and DM fractions for a fixed coupling constant. The impact of DM core/halo formations on a DM admixed NS properties is probed through the maximum mass and tidal deformability of NSs. Thanks to the recent detection of Gravitational-Waves (GWs) and the latest X-ray observations, the DM admixed NS’s features are compared to LIGO/Virgo and NICER results.
With recent observations of gravitational wave signals from binary neutron star mergers (BNSM) by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration and NICER, the nuclear equation of state (EoS) is becoming increasingly testable by analysis with numerical simulations. Numerous simulations currently exist exploring the EoS at different density regimes for the constituent neutron stars. In this paper we summarize the GR three-dimensional hydrodynamics based simulations of BNSMs for EoSs with a specific emphasis on quark matter EoS at the highest densities.
Recent observational data on transiently-accreting neutron stars has unequivocally shown fast-cooling sources, such as in the case of neutron star MXB 1659-29. Previous calculations have estimated its total neutrino luminosity and heat capacity, as well as suggested that direct Urca reactions take place in 1% of the volume of the core. In this paper, we reproduce the inferred luminosity of this source with detailed models of equations of state (EOS) and nuclear pairing gaps. We show that three superfluidity gap models are inconsistent with data for all EOS and another three are disfavoured because of fine tuning arguments. We also calculate the total heat capacity for all constructed stars and show that independent observations of mass and luminosity could set constraints on the core superfluidity of a source as well as the density slope of the symmetry energy, (L). This is an important step towards defining a universal equation of state for neutron stars and therefore, towards a better understanding of the phase diagram of asymmetric matter at high densities.
QED’s predictions that photons propagating in a magnetized vacuum should feel the vacuum birefringence are still standing. Magnetars have strong magnetic fields and may give us signals of this effect through the delay of photons travelling from this source to detectors and the polarization position or by the angle and degree of polarization of the radiation emitted. Starting from non linear electrodynamics, we analyze and discuss for weak and strong field approximations the theoretical predictions for both using a toy model of rotating neutron stars with dipolar magnetic field shape and photon trajectories that lie radial.
We present our studies on the neutrino pairs annihilation into electron-positron pairs (νˉν→e−e+) near the surface of a neutron star in the framework of extended theories of gravity. The latter modifies the maximum energy deposition rate near to the photonsphere and it might be several orders of magnitude greater than that computed in the framework of General Relativity. These results provide a rising in the Gamma-Ray Bursts energy emitted from a close binary neutron star system and might be a fingerprint of modified theories of gravity, changing our view of astrophysical phenomena.
We provide an update on the ongoing monitoring and study of the highly-relativistic double neutron star binary system PSR J1757–1854, a 21.5-ms pulsar in a highly eccentric, 4.4-hour orbit. The extreme nature of this pulsar’s orbit allows it to probe a parameter space largely unexplored by other relativistic binary pulsars. For example, it displays one of the highest gravitational wave (GW) luminosities of any known binary pulsar, as well as the highest rate of orbital decay due to GW damping. PSR J1757–1854 is also notable in that it is an excellent candidate for exploring new tests of General Relativity and other gravitational theories, with possible measurements of both Lense-Thirring precession and relativistic orbital deformation (through the post-Keplerian parameter δθ) anticipated within the next 3–5 years.
Here we present a summary of the latest interim results from the ongoing monitoring of this pulsar as part of an international, multi-telescope campaign. This includes an update of the pulsar’s long-term timing and post-Keplerian parameters, new constraints on the pulsar’s proper motion and corresponding Shklovskii kinematic correction, and new limits on the pulsar’s geodetic precession as determined by monitoring for secular changes in the pulse profile. We also highlight prospects for future work, including an updated timeline on new relativistic tests following the introduction of MeerKAT observations.
A scenario for the formation of an isolated X-ray pulsar 1E161348-5055 with an anomalously long period of 6.7 hours is proposed. It is shown that this pulsar can be a descendant of a massive X-ray binary system, which disintegrated about 2000 years ago after a supernova explosion caused by the core collapse of a massive component. X-ray radiation of this object in the present epoch is generated as a result of accretion of matter onto (about 10 million years old) neutron star from the residual non-Keplerian accretion disk. The pulsar’s nebula RCW 103 is a supernova remnant formed by the explosion of its massive companion in the final evolutionary phase of a massive binary system.
Even though Pulsar Timing Arrays already have the potential to detect the gravitational wave background by finding a quadrupole correlation in the timing residuals, this goal has not yet been achieved. Motivated by some theoretical arguments, we analyzed some advantages of including the millisecond pulsars within globular clusters, especially those in their cores, in current and future Pulsar Timing Array projects for detecting the gravitational waves emitted by an ensemble of supermassive black holes.
Globular clusters are known to host an unusually large population of millisecond pulsar when compared to the Galactic disk. This is thanks to the high rate of dynamical encounters occurring in the clusters that can create the conditions to efficiently recycle neutron stars into millisecond pulsars. The result is a rich population of pulsars with properties and companions difficult or impossible to replicate in the Galactic disk. For these reasons, globular clusters have been and still are a prime target of searches for new and exciting pulsars. Because of their large distances, the limiting factor inhibiting these discoveries is the telescope sensitivity. The MeerKAT radio telescope, a 64-dish interferometer in South Africa, guarantees unrivalled sensitivity for globular clusters in the southern sky. Observations of well-studied globular clusters with MeerKAT have already returned more than 35 new pulsars with many more expected. These exciting discoveries will help us to understand more about the neutron star equation of state, stellar evolution, accretion physics and to hunt for intermediate mass black holes. In this talk I will present the prospects and current discoveries of the globular cluster working group in the MeerTIME and TRAPUM programmes.
We investigate gravitational lensing by rotating Simpson-Visser black hole in the strong field limit and find that deflection angle αD, photon sphere radius xm and ratio of the flux of the first image to all other images rmag decreases. In contrast, angular position θ1, angular separation s increases more rapidly with l and their behaviour is similar to that of the Kerr black hole. By considering the supermassive black holes NGC 4649, NGC 1332, Sgr A* and M87* as rotating Simpson-Visser black holes, we found that the latter can be quantitatively distinguished from the Kerr black hole when probed by gravitational lensing effects. The deviation of the lensing observables Δθ1 and Δs by considering the Sgr A* and M87* as rotating Simpson-Visser black holes from Kerr black hole for 0 < l/2M < 0.6 (a/2M = 0.45) are in the range 0.0422 − 0.11658 μas and 0.031709 − 0.08758 μas, which are too small to be distinguished by the current Event Horizon Telescope observations, and one has to wait for future observations by new generation EHT that can pin down the exact constraint.
We discuss a recently proposed geometric method for constructing a nontrivial Killing tensor of rank two in a foliated spacetime of codimension one that lifts trivial Killing tensors from slices to the entire manifold. The existence of nontrivial Killing tensor is closely related to generalized photon surfaces. The method is illustrated on some known cases and used to construct the hitherto unknown Killing tensor for the Nutty dyon in dilaton-axion gravity.
The image of a source around a black hole is replicated an infinite number of times by photons performing an arbitrary number of turns around the black hole. Such relativistic images generate a characteristic staircase structure in the complex visibility measured in interferometric observations. For a quasi-static source, we present analytical formulae describing the visibility function in the strong deflection limit of gravitational lensing. These formulae are then used to extract the properties of the metric from features in the visibility.
Each and every observational information we obtain from the sky regarding the brightnesses, distances or image distortions resides on the deviation of a null geodesic bundle. In this talk, we present the symplectic evolution of this bundle on a reduced phase space. The resulting formalism is analogous to the one in paraxial Newtonian optics. It allows one to identify any spacetime as an optical device and distinguish its thin lens, pure magnifier and rotator components. We will discuss the fact that the distance reciprocity in relativity results from the symplectic evolution of this null bundle. Other potential applications like wavization and its importance for both electromagnetic and gravitational waves will also be summarized.
We study the shadow cast by rotating black holes surrounded by plasma in the context of the 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory of gravity. The metric for these black holes results from applying the Newman-Janis algorithm to a spherically symmetric solution. We obtain the contour of the shadow for a plasma frequency model that allows a separable Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We introduce three observables in order to characterize the position, size, and shape of the shadow.
We study neutrino flavour oscillations in curved spacetime especially emphasising neutrino lensing in Schwarzschild spacetime, and highlight the role that neutrinos lensing induced by a gravitational source can play in inferring neutrino absolute mass and mass hierarchy. Further, the wave packet approach in neutrino lensing and its modifications compared with the plane wave approach is analysed. Finally, we discuss the decoherence effect in the wave packet approach and its possible use in inferring absolute neutrino mass and neutrino mixing parameters.
We present the fundamentals of the recently proposed geometric description of photon regions in terms of foliation into fundamental photon hypersurfaces, which satisfies the umbilic condition for the subbundle of the tangent bundle defined by the generalized impact parameter.
Current astrophysical observations show that on large scale the Universe is electrically neutral. However, locally this may be quite different. Black holes enveloped by a plasma in the presence of a strong magnetic field may have acquired a significant electric charge. We can also expect that some of these charged black holes are moving. Consequently to describe them we need spacetime metrics describing moving black holes. In general relativity such a solution is given by the charged C-de Sitter-metric. In this article we will assume that it can be used to describe moving charged black holes. We will investigate how to observe the electric charge using gravitational lensing. First we will use elliptic integrals and functions to solve the geodesic equations. Then we will derive lens equation, travel time and redshift. We will discuss the impact of the electric charge on these observables and potential limitations for its observation.
Ultra-sensitivity of a planet’s gravity assist to changes of the test-body impact parameter prompts a space experiment testing the nature of the gravitational field in the Solar system. The Sun, Earth and Venus serve as the space lab with a primitive space probe (space ball) as a test body moving on a ballistic trajectory from the Earth to Venus (rendering GA) and backwards to the Earth’s orbit. We explain why in Newton and Einstein gravity, the probe’s final positions (reached at the same time) may differ greatly; an Earth’s observer can measure the gap.
A method is described for creating a measurable unbalanced gravitational acceleration using a gravitomagnetic field surrounding a superconducting toroid as described by Forward. An experimental superconducting magnetic energy storage toroid configuration of wound superconducting nanowire is proposed to create a measurable acceleration field along the axis of symmetry, providing experimental confirmation of the additive nature of a Lense–Thirring derived gravitomagnetic field. In the present paper gravitational coupling enhancement of this effect is explored using high-permittivity material, as predicted by Sarfatti and his modification to Einstein’s general relativity field equations for gravitational coupling in matter.
Ring laser Gyroscopes (RLG) are very versatile devices that find application in many fields as navigation, seismology and geophysics. Moreover, thanks to their sensitivity and accuracy, in the last years they have been used in fundamental physics research field.
GINGER (Gyroscopes IN GEneral Relativity) research group aims to exploit a large RLG to test general relativity theory. Our research team has two working RLG, both with a square shape, one installed in Pisa and named GP2. (1.6 m side), and the other installed in the INFN underground laboratory of Gran Sasso near L’Aquila named GINGERINO (3.6 m side). The final goal of GINGER is to measure the Earth rotation rate with enough precision to take into consideration general relativity predicted corrections.
To reach this target, one of the requirements is the stability of the laser and the optical cavity of the RLG. We will show the last developed techniques aimed to satisfy this stability requirement. Working on GP2 we have tested two different techniques to control the ring shape. One is based on the stabilization of the two Fabry-Pèrot resonators formed along the square diagonals by the opposite mirrors of the RLG. The other, consist in controlling the ring perimeter by monitoring its free spectral range through a beet-note between one of the counterpropagating beams and a frequency stabilized laser source. We will show the characteristics, the potentialities and the tests of these two methods.
We present here the proposal to use the LISA interferometer for detecting the gravitomagnetic field due to the rotation of the Milky Way, including the contribution given by the dark matter halo. The galactic signal would be superposed to the gravitomagnetic field of the Sun. The technique to be used is based on the asymmetric propagation of light along the closed contour of the space interferometer (Sagnac-like approach). Both principle and practical aspects of the proposed experiment are discussed. The strategy for disentangling the sought for signal from the kinematic terms due to proper rotation and orbital motion is based on the time modulation of the time of flight asymmetry. Such modulation will be originated by the annual oscillation of the plane of the interferometer with respect to the galactic plane. Also the effect of the gravitomagnetic field on the polarization of the electromagnetic signals is presented as an in principle detectable phenomenon.
Geometric optics approximation is sufficient to describe the effects in the near-Earth environment. In this framework Faraday rotation is purely a reference frame (gauge) effect. However, it cannot be simply dismissed. Establishing local reference frame with respect to some distant stars leads to the Faraday phase error between the ground station and the spacecraft of the order of 10−10 in the leading post-Newtonian expansion of the Earth’s gravitational field. While the Wigner phase of special relativity is of the order 10−4–10−5. Both types of errors can be simultaneously mitigated by simple encoding procedures. We also present briefly the covariant formulation of geometric optic correction up to the subleading order approximation, which is necessary for the propagation of electromagnetic/gravitational waves of large but finite frequencies. We use this formalism to obtain a closed form of the polarization dependent correction of the light ray trajectory in the leading order in a weak spherically symmetric gravitational field.
GINGER (Gyroscopes IN General Relativity) project aims to directly measure the Lense–Thirring (LT) and de Sitter (dS) effects on the Earth and it is based on an array of underground Ring Laser Giroscopes (RLG), the most sensitive inertial sensors to measure the rotation rate of the Earth. Since LT and dS act on a ring laser as angular rotation vectors summed to the earth rotation rate, by using at least two gyroscopes it is possible to retrieve the General Relativity (GR) contribution to the rotation rate. The kinematic component is independently measured by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) with very high accuracy. Ginger could also make it possible to discriminate among different theories, minimizing modeling. The measurement of the Earth angular rotation rate, in order to be fruitful for a fundamental physics test, has to have sensitivity of 1 part in 109 or better. The most recent analysis of our prototype GINGERINO data indicate a sensitivity better than 1 part 1012, i.e. 0.1% of the LT term.
The observational evidence for the recent acceleration of the universe shows that canonical theories of cosmology and particle physics are incomplete and that new physics is out there, waiting to be discovered. A compelling task for astrophysical facilities is to search for, identify and ultimately characterize this new physics. I present very recent developments in tests of the stability of nature’s fundamental constants, as well as their impact on physics paradigms beyond the standard model. Specifically I discuss new observational constraints at low redshifts and at the BBN epoch, and highlight their different implications for canonical quintessence-type models and for non-canonical string-theory inspired models. Finally I also present new forecasts, based on realistic simulated data, of the gains in sensitivity for these constraints expected from ELT-HIRES, on its own and in combination with Euclid.
The ESA mission Gaia directly measures the kinematics of the stellar component of the Galaxy with the goal to create the largest, most precise three-dimensional map of the Milky Way. The very core of the Gaia data analysis and processing involves General Relativity to guarantee accurate scientific products. In parallel, any Galactic model should be developed consistently with the relativistic-compliant kinematics delivered by Gaia. In this respect, this contribution presents the first test for a relativistic Galactic rotation curve with the Gaia second release products. Both a general relativistic model and a classical analogue were fit to the best-ever kinematics, derived exclusively from Gaia data, of a carefully selected homogenous sample of disk stars tracing the axisymmetric part of the Galactic potential. The relativistic rotation curve results statistically indistinguishable from its state-of-the-art dark-matter-based analogue. This supports the ansatz that the background geometry could drive the stellar velocities in the plane of our Galaxy far away from its center and mimic dark matter. Furthermore, one of Einstein’s equations provides the necessary baryonic matter density to close the observed gap with respect to the expected Newtonian velocities without the need of extra mass.
In the main article [CQG 38 (2021) 055003], a new “canonical” form for the Lewis metrics of the Weyl class has been obtained, depending only on three parameters — Komar mass and angular momentum per unit length, plus the angle deficit — corresponding to a coordinate system fixed to the “distant stars” and an everywhere timelike Killing vector field. Such form evinces the local but non-global static character of the spacetime, and striking parallelisms with the electromagnetic analogue. We discuss here its generality, main physical features and important limits (the Levi-Civita static cylinder, and spinning cosmic strings). We contrast it on geometric and physical grounds with the Kerr spacetime — as an example of a metric which is locally non-static.
Combined influence of rotation of a black hole and ambient magnetic fields creates conditions for powerful astrophysical processes of accretion and outflow of matter which are observed in many systems across the range of masses; from stellar-mass black holes in binary systems to supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei. We study a simplified model of outflow of electrically charged particles from the inner region of an accretion disk around a spinning (Kerr) black hole immersed in a large-scale magnetic field. In particular, we consider a non-axisymmetric magnetosphere where the field is misaligned with the rotation axis. In this contribution we extend our previous analysis of acceleration of jet-like trajectories of particles escaping from bound circular orbits around a black hole. While we have previously assumed the initial setup of prograde (co-rotating) orbits, here we relax this assumption and we also consider retrograde (counter-rotating) motion. We show that the effect of counter-rotation may considerably increase the probability of escape from the system, and it allows more efficient acceleration of escaping particles to slightly higher energies compared to the co-rotating disk.
A rapidly spinning compact object couples to an ambient curved background via the so-called spin-curvature coupling. In expressing this, one has to deal with the ambiguity of the definition of the center of mass of the body. What is worse, in a Hamiltonian formalism, this choice corresponds to an unphysical “parasitic” degree of freedom in the dynamical system. A solution to this is to apply a Hamiltonian constraint on the system and to obtain a set of brackets where the center-of-mass degree of freedom is erased from the algebra. I report on my progress in this procedure in the case of the so-called Tulczyjew-Dixon (or “covariant”) supplementary spin condition and in my effort to cover the resulting phase space with canonical coordinates.
We show that using Fermi coordinates it is possible to describe the gravitational field of a wave using a gravitoelectromagnetic analogy. In particular, we show that using this approach, a new phenomenon, called gravitomagnetic resonance, may appear. We describe it both from classical and quantum viewpoints, and suggest that it could in principle be used as the basis for a new type of gravitational wave detectors.
I present some recent progresses in the study of the EPRL self-energy amplitude. New numerical methods allow to analyze how the divergence scales, for which previous works only provided bounds spanning more than 9 orders of magnitude. I discuss the role that the Immirzi parameter plays in the asymptotic behavior, and the dependence of the scaling on some boundary data. Finally, I discuss the dynamical expectation values of some relevant geometric boundary observables.
Black holes formation and evolution have been extensively studied at the classical level. However, not much is known regarding the end of their lives, a phase that requires to consider the quantum nature of the gravitational field. A black-to-white hole transition can capture the physics of this phenomenon, in particular the physics of the residual small black holes at the end of the Hawking evaporation. This work shows how the spin foam formalism is able to describe this non-perturbative phenomenon. A thorough examination of the black hole spacetime region in which quantum effects cannot be neglected indicates that the scenario in which the black hole geometry undergoes a quantum transition in a white hole geometry is natural and conservative. This quantum transition is then studied using the spin foam formalism and the resulting transition amplitude is explicitly computed.
We show that quantum gravity states associated to open spin network graphs implicitly define maps from the bulk to the boundary of the corresponding region of quantum space. Employing random tensor network techniques, we then investigate under which conditions the flow of information from the bulk to the boundary is an isometric map, which is a necessary condition for holography.
We argue that the minimal length discretization generalizing the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, in which the gravitational impacts on the non–commutation relations are thoughtfully taken into account, radically modifies the spacetime geometry. The resulting metric tensor and geodesic equation combine the general relativity terms with additional terms depending on higher–order derivatives. Suggesting solutions for the modified geodesics, for instance, isn’t a trivial task. We discuss on the properties of the resulting metric tensor, line element, and geodesic equation.
Third quantization of canonical quantum gravity allows us to consider the multiverse as the playground of a field theory of universes. In the scenario where two universes are created by analogy with pair production in quantum field theory, we analyze the entanglement entropy between them and get some conclusions about the structure of the multiverse.
Theories of Quantum Gravity predict a minimum measurable length and a corresponding modification of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to the so-called Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). However, this modification is usually formulated in non-relativistic language, making it unclear whether the minimum length is Lorentz invariant. We have formulated a Relativistic Generalized Uncertainty Principle, resulting in a Lorentz invariant minimum measurable length and the resolution of the composition law problem. This proved to be an important step in the formulation of Quantum Field Theory with minimum length. We derived the Lagrangians consistent with the existence of minimal length and describing the behaviour of scalar, spinor, and U(1) gauge fields. We calculated the Feynman rules (propagators and vertices) associated with these Lagrangians. Furthermore, we calculated the Quantum Gravity corrected scattering crosssections for a lepton-lepton scattering. Finally, we compared our results with current experiments, which allowed us to improve the bounds on the scale at which quantum gravity phenomena will become relevant.
Many quantum gravity theories predict several interesting phenomenological features such as minimal length scales and maximal momenta. Generalized uncertainty principles (GUPs), which are extensions of the standard Heisenberg uncertainty principle, have proven very useful in modelling the effects of such features on physics at sub-Planck energy scales. In this talk, we use a GUP modelling maximal momentum to establish a correspondence between the GUP modified dynamics of a massless spin 2 field and Stelle gravity with suitably constrained parameters. Thus, Stelle gravity can be regarded as the classical manifestation of the imposition of a momentum cutoff at the quantum gravity level. We then study the applications of Stelle gravity to cosmology. Specifically, we analytically show that Stelle gravity, when applied to a homogeneous, isotropic background, leads to inflation with exit. Lastly, using numerical simulations and data from CMB observations, we obtain strong bounds on the GUP parameter. Unlike previous works which fixed only upper bounds for GUP parameters, we show that we can bound the GUP parameter from above and from below.
We study Quantum Gravity effects in cosmology, and in particular that of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle on the Friedmann equations. We show that the Quantum Gravity induced variations of the energy density and pressure in the radiation dominated era provide a viable explanation of the observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe.
This article summarizes a new approach to quantum gravity based on the concepts of modular spacetime, Born geometry, and metastring theory and their applications to quantum gravity phenomenology. In particular, we discuss a new understanding of dark matter in terms of metaparticles (zero modes of the metastring) and its relation to dark energy (the curvature of dual spacetime) in view of the actual astronomical observations.
The problem of time emerging in the canonical quantization procedure of gravity signals a necessity to properly define a relational time parameter. Previous approaches, which are here briefly discussed, make use of the dependence of the quantum system on semiclassical gravitational variables in order to define time. We show that such paths, despite the following studies, lead to a non-unitary evolution. We propose a different model for the quantization of the gravity-matter system, where the time parameter is defined via an additional term, i.e. the kinematical action, which acts as a clock for quantum matter. The procedure here used implements a Born-Oppenheimer-like separation of the system, which maintains covariance under the foliation of the gravitational background and keeps the correct classical limit of standard quantum field theory on a fixed background. It is shown with a WKB expansion that quantum gravity corrections to the matter dynamics arise at the next order of expansion, and such contributions are unitary, signaling a striking difference from previous proposals. Applications to a cosmological model are presented and the analogies of the kinematical term with an incoherent dust are briefly discussed.
Noncommutative geometry is one of the quantum gravity theories, which various researchers have been using to describe different physical and astrophysical systems. However, so far, no direct observations can justify its existence, and this theory remains a hypothesis. On the other hand, over the past two decades, more than a dozen over-luminous type Ia supernovae have been observed, which indirectly predict that they originate from white dwarfs with super-Chandrasekhar masses 2.1 − 2.8 M⊙. In this article, we discuss that considering white dwarfs as squashed fuzzy spheres, a class of noncommutative geometry, helps in accumulating more mass than the Chandrasekhar mass-limit. The length-scale beyond which the effect of noncommutativity becomes prominent is an emergent phenomenon, which depends only on the inter-electron separations in the white dwarf.
We propose a polymer quantization scheme to derive the effective propagation of gravitational waves on a classical Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime. These waves, which may originate from a high energy source, are a consequence of the dynamics of the gravitational field in a linearized low-energy regime. A novel method of deriving the effective Hamiltonian of the system is applied to overcome the challenge of polymer quantizing a time-dependent Hamiltonian. Using such a Hamiltonian, we derive the effective equations of motion and show that (i) the form of the waves is modified, (ii) the speed of the waves depends on their frequencies, and (iii) quantum effects become more apparent as waves traverse longer distances.
The general matter bounce scenario, including an Ekpyrotic field to avoid anisotropic instabilities, is studied in a loop quantized isotropic and homogeneous FLRW setting. The matter bounce scenario provides a convenient way to include quantum corrections from the bounce in the perturbations originating in the far past, which also produce a scale invariant power spectrum. LQC provides the right setting for studying quantum corrections in a matter bounce scenario as the bounce in LQC occurs entirely due to quantum geometrical effects without needing any exotic matter fields to avoid the singularity. A detailed exploration of this general matter-Ekpyrotic scenario in spatially flat FLRW spacetime in LQC filled with minimally coupled dust and Ekpyrotic scalar field is studied with the help of numerical simulations. Various features of the background dynamics are shown to be robust under variations in initial conditions and choice of parameters. We use the dressed metric approach for the perturbations and obtain a scale invariant power spectrum for modes exiting the horizon in the dust dominated contracting phase. In contrast to previous studies considering a constant equation of state for the Ekpyrotic field, we found that the magnitude of the power spectrum changes during the evolution. The scale invariant section of the power spectrum also undergoes a rapid increase in its magnitude in the bounce regime, while its scale invariance is unaffected. We argue that apart from increasing the magnitude, the bounce regime may only substantially affect the modes outside the scale invariant regime. However, the spectral index is found to be too close to unity, thus inconsistent with the observational constraints, necessitating further modifications of the model.
We review recent developments in the primordial power spectra of two modified loop quantum cosmological models (mLQCs) which originate from the quantization ambiguities while loop quantizing the spatially-flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe. The properties of the background dynamics and the primordial scalar power spectra in two modified models, namely mLQC-I and mLQC-II, are reported. In both models, the inflationary scenario can be naturally extended to the Planck regime when a single scale field is minimally coupled to gravity with an inflationary potential and the big bang singularity is replaced with a quantum bounce. The qualitative difference lies in the behavior of the contracting phase where a quasi de Sitter phase emerges in mLQC-I. When applying the dressed metric approach and the hybrid approach to mLQCs, we find the most distinguishable differences between these models and the standard loop quantum cosmology (LQC) occur in the infrared and intermediate regimes of the power spectra.
There is an increasing interest in very early stages of the Universe in which the energy density of the inflaton could be dominated by its kinetic part. This includes classical inflationary scenarios with deviations from slow-roll regimes that can introduce modifications to the power spectra of the primordial fluctuations. Another example are certain quantum bouncing cosmologies. For instance, this is the typical situation in loop quantum cosmology if quantum corrections may leave observable traces in the power spectra. In models of this type, we discuss the leading-order effects of an inflaton potential on the primordial perturbations. These effects are of two kinds, referred to the case without potential. First, there are changes in the background-dependent mass appearing in the dynamical equations of the perturbations in conformal time. Second, away from conventional slow roll, a Bunch-Davies vacuum may no longer be natural, and possible new choices depend on the potential.
We reexamine the computation of the equations of motion of the Ashtekar–Olmedo–Singh black hole model in order to establish whether it is possible to construct a Hamiltonian formalism such that parameters that regulate the introduction of quantum geometry effects are suitably treated as true constants of motion. After suggesting that these parameters should capture contributions from two sectors of phase space that had been considered independent in the literature, we proceed to obtain the corresponding dynamical equations and investigate the repercussions of this more general choice. We restrict our discussion exclusively to these dynamical issues. We also analyze whether the proposed procedure can be reconciled with the results of Ashtekar, Olmedo, and Singh, at least in some limit.
We review recent results that apply a reduced phase space quantization of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) for a spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe filled with reference fields and an inflaton field in a Starobinsky inflationary potential. All three models that we consider are two-fluid models and they differ by their choice of global clock which are chosen to be either Gaussian dust, Brown-Kuchař dust or a massless Klein-Gordon scalar field. Although two-fluid models are more complicated than models involving the inflaton only, it turns out that some of the technical hurdles in conventional quantum cosmological models can be bypassed in these models. Using the effective dynamics resulting from the reduced phase space quantization we discuss some phenomenological implications of these models including the resolution of the big bang singularity via a quantum bounce and in addition address the question whether different choices of clocks can leave an imprint on the inflationary dynamics.
We compare the behavior of the effective masses in the Mukhanov-Sasaki equations of the linear scalar perturbations in the dressed metric and hybrid approaches in the standard loop quantum cosmology (LQC) and the modified LQC models (mLQCs). The effective mass of the Mukhanov-Sasaki equations depend on both the specific model and the approach we study. Analyzing the behavior of the effective masses plays an important role in the choice of the initial states for the scalar perturbations. Based on the properties of the effective masses in the contracting phase, we provide the initial states of the linear perturbations in LQC and mLQCs for the dressed metric and the hybrid approaches.
We develop a systematic method to obtain spherically symmetric midisuperspace models with modifications inherited from loop quantum gravity. We obtain a family of effective constraints satisfying Dirac’s deformation algebra and show that holonomy corrections can be consistently implemented in the presence of matter with local degrees of freedom.
We study the radiation profile of the unitarily evolving wave packet constructed for the quantum model of spherically symmetric dust shell collapsing in marginally bound Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) model. In this analysis, we consider the quantum model of dust shell collapse in LTB spacetime, where the dust shell collapse to black hole singularity is replaced by a bounce. We identify the observable natural to collapse/expansion character of dust shell, and study the mode decomposition in the quantum model. The incoming/outgoing modes are associated with the eigenfunctions of the Hermitian extension of the operator corresponding to this observable. For the wave packet representing the collapsing and expanding phase of the dust shell, we estimate the contributions of the incoming/outgoing modes. We find that the collapsing and expanding branches do not comprise entirely of incoming and outgoing radiation. The dust shell dynamics is insensitive to the large wavenumber modes as their contribution is negligible. Near the bounce point, the contribution of outgoing (incoming) modes in the collapsing (expanding) branch is substantial and it decreases as the dust shell moves away from the singularity. In the early (later) stage of the collapsing (expanding) phase, the incoming (outgoing) modes dominate. As the dynamics of the dust shell is sensitive to the near-infrared modes of the radiation, the information of the bounce is carried over to infrared modes much before it reaches the observer. In the infrared regime, a flip is observed from largely incoming to largely outgoing radiation as the evolution progresses from collapsing to expanding phase. The information of the short-scale physics is carried over to the longest wavelength in this quantum gravity model.
We show that loop quantum gravity effects leads to the finiteness of expansion and its rate of change in the effective regime in the interior of the Schwarzschild black hole. As a consequence the singularity is resolved. We find this in line with previous results about curvature scalar and strong curvature singularities in Kantowski-Sachs model which is isometric to Schwarzschild interior.
We review recent developments in the physical implications of two loop quantization strategies for the interior of a homogeneous dust cloud. The first is the loop quantization with holonomies and the triads while the second is with holonomies and the gauge covariant fluxes. Although both of the quantization schemes resolve the classical central singularity regardless of the initial conditions, they also lead to a distinct phenomenology. For the first loop quantization, we find that when the dust mass is larger than a threshold value, both black hole and white hole would form and their evolution is symmetric with respect to the bounce point, leading to black hole-white hole twins. In contrast, in the second quantization, the evolution of the outermost dust shell is asymmetric with respect to the bounce point, and as a result the black hole-white hole twins can never form. Even in the situation when both black hole and white hole can form, the mass of the latter is only 2/π of the mass of the former.
We summarize the main results of 19 talks presented at the QG3 session (loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes) of the 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting held online from July 5th-10th, 2021.
For the first time, a reliable estimation for the equations of state (EoS), bulk viscosity, and relaxation time, at temperatures ranging from a few MeV up to TeV or energy density up to 1016 GeV/fm3. This genuine study covers both strong and electroweak epochs of the early Universe. Non–perturbation (up, down, strange, charm, and bottom quark flavor) and perturbative calculations (up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top quark flavors), are phenomenologically combined, at vanishing baryon–chemical potential. In these results, calculations from Polyakov linear–sigma model (PLSM) of the vacuum and thermal condensations of the gluons and the quarks (up, down, strange, and charm flavors) are also integrated. Furthermore, additional degrees of freedom (photons, neutrinos, charged leptons, electroweak particles, and scalar Higgs boson) are found significant along the entire range of temperatures. As never done before, the present study brings the standard model of elementary particles closer to the standard model for cosmology.
We review our recent results on the creation from the vacuum of neutral fermions with anomalous magnetic moments by a Sauter-like magnetic field. We construct in- and out solutions of the Dirac-Pauli equation with this field and calculate with their help pertinent quantities characterizing the vacuum instability, such as differential mean numbers and flux density of created pairs and and vacuum-to-vacuum transition amplitudes. Special attention is paid to situations where the external field lies in two particular configurations, varying either “gradually” or “sharply” along the inhomogeneity direction. We also estimate critical magnetic field intensities, near which the phenomenon could be observed.
We study the screening of a strong magnetic field operated by an initial huge number of e± pairs (we do not discuss here their production mechanism). The background fields configuration is of crossed fields, (→B=Bˆz, →E=Eˆy), with E/B < 1. In this system the following series of processes occur: 1) the electric field accelerates the pairs, which radiate high-energy synchrotron photons; 2) these synchrotron photons interact with the background magnetic field via the magnetic pair production process (MPP hereafter), i.e. γ + B → e+ + e−, producing additional pairs; 3) the dynamic of all the pairs around the magnetic field lines generates a current that induces a magnetic field oriented in the opposite direction to the background one and then shielding it. We get that, for instance, for an initial number of pairs N±,0 = 1010, an initial magnetic field of 1012 G can be reduced by a few percent. The whole screening process described by the steps above, occurs in the short timescales 10−21 ≤ t ≤ 10−15 s, i.e. the time necessary before the particles acceleration timescale equals the synchrotron cooling timescale. Further developments (as the study of this mechanism in different geometries of the →E and →B fields, quantum effects in overcritical fields, other mechanisms for the production, distribution and multiplicity of the e± pairs) are necessary in order to apply this model to specific and extreme astrophysical systems (as Black Hole or Neutron Star).
Particle creation by strong and time-varying backgrounds is a robust prediction of quantum field theory. Another well-established feature of field theory is that classical symmetries do not always extend to the quantized theory. When this occurs, we speak of quantum anomalies. In this contribution we discuss the entwining relationship between both predictions, relating chiral anomalies with an underlying process of particle creation. Within this context, we will also argue that the symmetry under electric-magnetic duality rotations of the source-free Maxwell theory is anomalous. This is a quantum effect, and it can be understood as the generalization of the fermion chiral anomaly to fields of spin one. This implies that the net polarization of photons propagating in a gravitational field could change in time.
Strong gravity regions, like the neighborhood of black holes or neutron stars, can induce non-minimal couplings between electromagnetic fields(EM) and gravity. In these regions, gravitational fields behave as a non-linear medium in which the electromagnetic fields propagate. For a system of mass M and size R, the surface potential scales as M/R. Pulsar timing array, Double pulsar Shapiro delay, and Event horizon telescope probe that largest surface potentials [10−4 − 10−2]. With many future experiments, it is possible to constrain the non-minimal coupling between electromagnetic fields and gravity. As a step in this direction, we consider the non-minimal coupling of EM field tensor through Riemann tensor for a dynamical black-hole, described by Sultana-Dyer(SD) metric. The non-minimal coupling leads to modified dispersion relations of photons, which get simplified at ˜E/˜L>>1 regime, where ˜E and ˜L are two conserved quantities obtained by taking into account the symmetries of the metric. We calculate polarization-dependent photon deflection angle and arrival time from these dispersion relations, which we evaluate considering different astrophysical sources of photons. We compare the analytical results with the current astrophysical observations to constraint the non-minimal coupling parameters to Riemann tensor more stringently.
We explain a conjecture which states that the proper-time series expansion of the one-loop effective Lagrangian of quantum electrodynamics can be partially summed in all terms containing the field-strength invariants ℱ=14FμνFμν(x),G=14˜FμνFμν(x). This summation is encapsulated in a factor with the same form as the (spacetime-dependent) Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian density. We also discuss some implications and a possible extension in presence of gravity. We will focus on the scalar field case.
We explore the question whether the presence of soft photons in a system can have direct or indirect consequences in the outcome of suitably defined quantum processes involving the system. We consider an local quantum detector with dual energy levels and coupled to the background gauge invariant charged scalar field in a flat spacetime. The de-excitation rate for downward transitions for such a system on an inertial trajectory is found to depend on the soft charges corresponding to the radial component of the electric field dressing chosen at the asymptotic boundary. While the excitation rate for upward transitions still vanishes as expected. The implications are discussed.
Particles are spontaneously created from the vacuum by time-varying gravitational or electromagnetic backgrounds. It has been proven that the particle number operator in an isotropically expanding universe is an adiabatic invariant. In this work we show that, in some special cases the expected adiabatic invariance of the particle number breaks down in presence of electromagnetic backgrounds. We also show a close relation between this breaking of the adiabatic invariance and the emergence of the axial anomaly.
We explore the two-dimensional motion of relativistic electrons when they are trapped in magnetic fields having spatial power-law variation. Its impacts include lifting of degeneracy that emerged in the case of the constant magnetic field, special alignment of Landau levels of spin-up and spin-down electrons depending on whether the magnetic field is increasing or decreasing from the centre, splitting of Landau levels of electrons with zero angular momentum from that of positive one and the change in the equation of state of matter. Landau quantization (LQ) in variable magnetic fields has interdisciplinary applications in a variety of disciplines ranging from condensed matter to quantum information. As examples, we discuss the increase in quantum speed of the electron in presence of spatially increasing magnetic field; and the attainment of super Chandrasekhar mass of white dwarfs by taking into account LQ and Lorentz force simultaneously.
From previous work, the semiclassical backreaction equation in 1+1 dimensions was solved and a criterion was implemented to assess the validity of the semiclassical approximation in this case. The criterion involves the behavior of solutions to the linear response equation which describes perturbations about solutions to the semiclassical backreaction equation. The linear response equation involves a time integral over a two-point correlation function for the current induced by the quantum field and it is expected that significant growth in this two-point function (and therefore in quantum fluctuations) will result in significant growth in solutions to the linear response equation. It was conjectured for early times that the difference of two nearby solutions to the semiclassical backreaction equation, with similar initial conditions, can act as an approximate solution to the linear response equation. A comparative analysis between the approximate and numerical solutions to the linear response equation, for the critical scale for particle production, will be presented for the case of a massive, quantized spin 1⁄2 field in order to determine how robust the approximation method is for representing its solutions.
Doran horizon penetrating coordinates are adopted to study specific perfect MHD processes around a Kerr black hole, focusing in particular on the physical relevance of selected electrodynamical quantities.
Photon-graviton conversion in a magnetic field is a process that is usually studied at tree level, but the one-loop corrections due to scalars and spinors have also been calculated. Differently from the tree-level process, at one-loop one finds the amplitude to depend on the photon polarization, leading to dichroism. However, previous calculations overlooked a tadpole contribution of the type that was considered to be vanishing in QED for decades but erroneously so, as shown by H. Gies and one of the authors in 2016. Here we compute this missing diagram in closed form, and show that it does not contribute to dichroism.
It appears that studying data from the catalogue of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) can be used to examine the birefringence phenomenon in the magnetosphere of the magnetars. By analysing the data from the McGill Online Magnetar and HEASARC Fermi Burst Catalogues, in this work we studied the angular distances between GRBs and magnetars in projection, we built their distribution map by the end of 2020, and the relative lag time periods of lights coming from GRBs and magnetars. It is confirmed that there are 29 galactic magnetars and their candidates, while the other two are located out of the Milkyway. The maximum separation angle for GRB and Magnetar projectiles was 3.76 degrees (4U0142+61 and GRB110818860), while minimum angular resolution was 0.54 degrees (SGR 1627-41 and GRB090829672). Currently, we discuss the relationship of GRB light intensity by their lag time as it would come after bending in the magnetosphere of the magnetar.
We study the absorption cross section of a massless test scalar field, for arbitrary frequency values, in the background of an Ayón-Beato-García electrically charged regular black hole spacetime. We show that Ayón-Beato-García regular black holes can mimic the absorption properties of Reissner-Nordström black holes in the whole frequency range, for small-to-moderate values of the normalized electric charge.
The progenitor evolution and the explosion mechanism of Type Ia supernovae remain unexplained. Nonetheless, substantial progress has been made over the past years with three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of different scenarios. Here, we review some recent work pertaining to the leading paradigms of modeling: thermonuclear explosions of white dwarf stars near and below the Chandrasekhar mass limit. We discuss implications of the different explosion channels and their predictions of observables.
What the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are, whether they are near-Chandrasekhar mass or sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs, has been the matter of debate for decades. Various observational hints are supporting both models as the main progenitors. In this paper, we review the explosion physics and the chemical abundance patterns of SNe Ia from these two classes of progenitors. We will discuss how the observational data of SNe Ia, their remnants, the Milky Way Galaxy, and galactic clusters can help us to determine the essential features where numerical models of SNe Ia need to match.
We investigate the structure of polarized charged white dwarfs with finite temperature as a possible type Ia supernovae source. The white dwarf is modeled considering an isothermal core with central temperature 108 [K] and an envelope where the temperature distribution depends on the mass density. Regarding the fluid, we assume that it is composed of nucleons and electrons. The structure of the polarized charged white dwarfs is obtained by solving the Einstein-Maxwell equations with charge densities represented by two Gaussians, forming an electric dipole layer at the stellar surface. We obtain larger and more massive white dwarfs when polarized charge and the Gaussians width are increased. We find that to appreciate effects in the white dwarf’s structure, the electric polarized charge must be in the order of 5.0 × 1020[C]. We obtain a maximum white dwarf mass of around 2.4M⊙ for a polarized charge of 1.5 × 1021[C]. This mass result can indicate that polarized charged white dwarfs are possible progenitors of superluminous type Ia supernovae. Furthermore, the mass-central density curves we obtain are very similar to the ones reached recently for ultra-magnetized white dwarfs.
This contribution summarises our recent determination of the spin period of the magnetic white dwarf in CTCV J2056-3014, a cataclysmic variable binary system. Its X-ray and optical emission comes from its magnetic accretion column and is modulated with a 29.6 s period, due to the WD rotation. We briefly discuss this object in the context of other fast-spinning white dwarfs.
We discuss some aspects of Sousa et al. [1, 2] concerning two mechanisms of gravitational wave (GW) emission in fast-spinning white dwarfs (WDs): accretion of matter and magnetic deformation. In both cases, the GW emission is generated by an asymmetry around the rotation axis of the star. However, in the first case, the asymmetry is due to the amount of accreted matter in the magnetic poles, while in the second case it is due to the intense magnetic field. We have estimated the GW amplitude and luminosity for three binary systems that have a fast-spinning magnetized WD, namely, AE Aquarii, AR Scorpii and RX J0648.0-4418. In addition, we applied the magnetic deformation mechanism for SGRs/AXPs described as WD pulsars. We found that, for the first mechanism, the systems AE Aquarii and RX J0648.0-4418 can be observed by the space detectors BBO and DECIGO if they have an amount of accreted mass of δm ≥ 10−5M⊙. For the second mechanism, the three systems studied require that the WD has a magnetic field above ∼ 109 G to emit GWs that can be detected by BBO. Furthermore, we found that some SGRs/AXPs as WD pulsars can be detected by BBO and DECIGO, whereas SGRs/AXPs as highly magnetized neutron stars are far below the sensitivity curves of these detectors.
Over the last decade or so, we have been developing the possible existence of highly magnetized white dwarfs with analytical stellar structure models. While the primary aim was to explain the nature of the peculiar overluminous type Ia supernovae, later on, these magnetized stars were found to have even wider ranging implications including those for white dwarf pulsars, soft gamma-ray repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars, as well as gravitational radiation. In particular, we have explored in detail the mass-radius relations for these magnetized stars and showed that they can be significantly different from the Chandrasekhar predictions which essentially leads to a new super-Chandrasekhar mass-limit. Recently, using the stellar evolution code STARS, we have successfully modelled their formation and cooling evolution directly from the magnetized main sequence progenitor stars. Here we briefly discuss all these findings and conclude with their current status in the scientific community.
Electron captures by atomic nuclei in dense matter are among the most important processes governing the late evolution of stars, limiting in particular the stability of white dwarfs. Despite considerable progress in the determination of the equation of state of dense Coulomb plasmas, the threshold electron Fermi energies are still generally estimated from the corresponding Q values in vacuum. Moreover, most studies have focused on nonmagnetized matter. However, some white dwarfs are endowed with magnetic fields reaching 109 G. Even more extreme magnetic fields might exist in super Chandrasekhar white dwarfs, the progenitors of overluminous type Ia supernovae like SN 2006gz and SN 2009dc. The roles of the dense stellar medium and magnetic fields on the onset of electron captures and on the structure of white dwarfs are briefly reviewed. New analytical formulas are derived to evaluate the threshold density for the onset of electron captures for arbitrary magnetic fields. Their influence on the structure of white dwarfs is illustrated by simple analytical formulas and numerical calculations.
In this work, we investigate the observable white dwarfs with high-surface gravity in the framework of general relativity. We consider the stellar fluid composed of nucleons and electrons confined in a Wigner-Seitz cell surrounded by free photons. Besides, we implement a temperature depending on the mass density with the presence of an isothermal core. The impact of temperature on the equilibrium and stability of white dwarfs is observed. We compare our results with massive white dwarfs estimated from the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Survey and Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that the high-surface gravity white dwarfs are well described by our curves with higher central temperatures. Our results suggest that these hot massive stars detected are within the range of white dwarfs with more radial stability. Moreover, we note the radial instability is attained before the pycnonuclear reaction for Tc ≥ 1.0 × 108[K].
Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (SGR/AXPs) are widely accepted to be magnetars, isolated neutron star (NS) with a huge decaying magnetic field. They can emit from radio up to hard X-rays, being infrared (IR) one of the most interesting and poorly studied energy ranges. The origin of this IR emission is still controversial, since some authors argue in favor of a magnetospheric emission, whereas others point out to a disk. In this work, we revisit the IR emission of SGR/AXPs in a disk perspective. We find that all SGR/AXPs with IR emission in the K-band are consistent with the presence of an irradiated disk. Even though this finding does not rule out any of the proposed natures, it is a piece of new evidence to confirm the presence of disk around this class. If the disk origin where unambiguously confirmed, this would have important impacts on understanding the origin of SGR/AXPs.
Here we present results from an in-depth search for pulsed emission from both close binary systems AE Aquarii (AE Aqr) and AR Scorpii (AR Sco) in radio and gamma-ray energies. Both systems were observed recently with the MeerKAT telescope, and combined with this, we utilized the combined 10 year Pass 8 Fermi-LAT dataset to search for pulsed gamma-ray emission from both white dwarfs in these systems. Pulsed emission was detected in MeerKAT data from both these close binary systems at a period that is at, or close to, the spin period of the white dwarf. The search for pulsed gamma-ray emission revealed pulsed emission at the spin period of the white dwarf of AE Aqr after selecting data sets with duration of 2 weeks that show excess emission above the 2 σ significance level. Braking these two-week sets up in 10 minute intervals and stacking the power spectra revealed pulsed emission at both the spin (P * = 33.08 s) and its associated first harmonic (P1 = 16.54 s). A full 10 year analysis of the AR Sco data revealed pulsed emission at the spin period/beat period of the white dwarf, albeit at a lower significance level. Several control analyses were performed to verify the authenticity of the emission in both radio and gamma-rays, which will be discussed in the main text. The results of this study definitely reveal that both white dwarfs in these systems contain a particle accelerator that accelerates charged particles to high energies resulting in associated non-thermal radio and gamma-ray emission.
The equilibrium configuration of white dwarfs composed of anisotropic fluid distribution in the presence of a strong magnetic field is investigated in this work. By considering a functional form of the anisotropic stress and magnetic field profile, some physical properties of magnetized white dwarfs, such as mass, radius, density, radial and tangential pressures, are derived; their dependency on the anisotropy and central magnetic field is also explored. We show that the orientations of the magnetic field along the radial direction or orthogonal to the radial direction influence the stellar structure and physical properties of white dwarfs significantly. Importantly, we show that ignoring anisotropy governed by the fluid due to its high density in the presence of a strong magnetic field would destabilize the star. Through this work, we can explain the highly massive progenitor for peculiar over-luminous type Ia supernovae, and low massive progenitor for under-luminous type Ia supernovae, which poses a question of considering 1.4 solar mass white dwarf to be related to the standard candle.
The following section is included: