The book represents an accessible and comprehensive point of reference for both the academic and the practitioner world in showing how education can be transformed and innovated to become more sustainable and resilient. The recent covid crisis shows that the education system and approaches used are not sustainable but can be ambushed and reactive. How can we (in the present) determine what we should learn to be prepared for the future? How can education be changed so that we learn more quickly and more effectively? Not only focusing on new methods/technologies but also on innovation of the learning process. How to use the experience to create future proof education and how certain innovations in education play a role in this transition? These are some of the questions answered in the book. It represents an overview of the state of affairs of innovative techniques used in education from both distance and face-to-face education. The topic of innovation is highly relevant for both the business world and a challenging and complex subject for the education industry. This is a unique book that offers new empirical insights for practitioners and policy makers of the field. Our approach in designing this book was a critical reflection of field expertise and scholarly experience, tailored to the knowledge needs dictated by the novelty and complexity of the topic.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Educating for the Future
- Educating for the Future (Cosmina L Voinea and Nadine Roijakkers)
- Reflection on Futurology in Education (Ramona Chiributa)
- Simultaneous Learning in Higher Education Institutes in the Aftermath of COVID-19 (Khwaja Naveed and Salim Khan)
- Spotlights on the Future Expert: How Can the Present Prepare for the Future? (Dorothy Duchatelet, Halszka Jarodzka and Els Boshuizen)
- Design Thinking for Higher Education Programs: The Case of an Online MBA Program (Petru L Curșeu, Dieudonnee Cobben, Nadine Roijakkers, Gerard Mertens and Rogier van de Wetering)
- Educational Activity During the Suspension of Face-to-Face Courses: The Case of Romania (Georgeta Ghionea)
- Corporate Entrepreneurship Education as the Forgotten Stepchild: Revisiting Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for CE (Mariusz Soltanifar, Gina O'Connor, Mathew (Mat) Hughes and James Hayton)
Readership: Academics, practitioners and policy makers in the field of Education.
Dr Cosmina Lelia Voinea is Assistant professor of Strategic Management and the Director of the PhD Program at the Faculty of Management of The Open University of the Netherlands. Cosmina devotes her research to understanding the mechanisms of sustainability and sustainable business models specific both to organizational dynamics as well as external institutional contingencies. Her work has been disseminated through presentations at academic international conferences and international publications such as Scandinavian Journal of Management, Management International Review. Her academic and reviewer performance has been recognized by several awards including Best Paper award received from Strategic Management Group.
Prof. dr Nadine Roijakkers is the Director of the Expertise Centre for Education & Full Professor of Open Innovation at the Open University of the Netherlands. Nadine has published articles on alliance management and open innovation management in journals such as Long Range Planning, Research Policy, British Journal of Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Small Business Economics, California Management Review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and R&D Management Journal. Nadine is the co-editor of the first edited volume on Researching Open Innovation in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises published by World Scientific and the Routledge edited book on Sustainable Innovation: Strategy, Process, and Impact.