Volume 3 features stories that reflect the exacerbated inequalities of race, gender, and income across the world. These inequalities and power relations remain continuously con-tested, particularly in these trying times, despite being captive to a particular economic ideology built on the premise of exploitation and subjugation. The stories told in this volume tell against the orthodoxy, the colonizer, and the (seemingly) powerful. They are organized as stories of resistance, emancipation, and transformation. They invite us to rethink the multiple ways to (re)structure power relations between the colonizer and the colonized, and open up spaces for the marginalized underprivileged voices.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction: Others' Stories and Building Counter-Hegemonies
Chapter 1: When the Salmon Spoke: A Community-led, Storied Resilience from and Resistance to Colonial Violence
- About the Editors
- About the Contributors
- Introduction: Others' Stories and Building Counter-Hegemonies
- Part I: Stories of Resistance and Change:
- When the Salmon Spoke: A Community-led, Storied Resilience from and Resistance to Colonial Violence (Tis Peterman, Kirby Muldoe, Maia Wikler and Ryan Conarro)
- "We Cannot Cut the Tree if We Don't Have Permission from its Mother": Kukama Resistance through Life-affirming Cosmologies (Ricardo Antonio Segovia and Ana Maria Peredo)
- A Counter-Storytelling about Extractivism in a Brazilian Mining Area (Jussara J Pereira)
- Part II: Emancipation of the Other:
- Emancipation as Submission: Muhammad Iqbal, Storytelling and Critical Theory (Shoaib Ul-Haq)
- Partisan Storytelling: Methodological Considerations from Research within the Movement of Workers in Autogestión (Marco Gottero)
- Calling the Girl at the Mohandeseen Office: The Other as a Source of Self-Transformation (Anna Wettermark)
- Part III: Transforming the Business and Economy:
- "Building a Ladder of Arrows: Re-Storying Partnership through The War with the Sky People" (Rebecca Johnson)
- Restorying the Spoiled Identities and Narratives of Vance Miller: From Entrepreneurial Hero to Post Colonial Villain? (Lorraine Warren and Robert Smith)
- "Before the Sun Goes Down": Literature as a Space of Possibilities for Research in Organization Studies (Fernanda Rocha da Silva, Gabriel Farias Alves Correia and Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri)
- Equity Through Conciliation for Sustainability: An Indigenous Perspective of Property Rights from Sri Lanka (Yashoda Bandara and Kumudinei Dissanayake)
- Can the Homemaker Contribute to Commerce? Alignment of Household Micro-Practices with Strategizing Principles of Marwari Businesses (Jitesh Mohnot and Sankalp Pratap)
- Index
Readership: The primary market for this MRW are academics who work in the disciplines of Business, Management, Organizational Communication, and gender and diversity studies. The secondary market are academics currently teaching in business management, organizational behavior, and organizational communication at the post-secondary level.