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CPT and Lorentz Symmetry cover

This book contains the Proceedings of the Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, held at Indiana University in Bloomington May 17–26, 2022. The Meeting focused on tests of these fundamental symmetries and on related theoretical issues, including scenarios for possible violations. Experimental topics covered at the meeting include astrophysical observations of neutrinos, photons, cosmic rays, pulsars, and gravitational waves; investigations at accelerators and storage rings involving neutral mesons, muons, quarks, and flavor-changing processes; gravity tests in the laboratory and in the solar system; spectroscopic studies of ions, atoms, molecules, and exotic atoms; measurements involving spin motion; comparative tests between matter and antimatter; lasers and masers; measurements involving neutrons; investigations with cavities, oscillators, and resonators; neutrino oscillations, propagation, and endpoint measurements.

Theoretical and phenomenological topics discussed involved the identification of signatures for CPT and Lorentz violation in particle physics, electromagnetism, and gravity; mechanisms and toy models for spacetime-symmetry breakdown; studies in field theory, gravitation, and particle physics; and condensed-matter applications.

Sample Chapter(s)
Testing CPT Invariance by High-Precision Comparisons of Fundamental Properties of Protons and Antiprotons at BASE


  • Preface
  • Testing CPT Invariance by High-Precision Comparisons of Fundamental Properties of Protons and Antiprotons at BASE (E J Wursten, M J Borchert, J A Devlin, S R Erlewein, M Fleck, J A Harrington, J I Jäger, B M Latacz, P Micke, G Umbrazunas, F Abbass, M Bohman, S Kommu, D Popper, M Wiesinger, C Will, H Yildiz, K Blaum, Y Matsuda, A Mooser, C Ospelkaus, A Soter, W Quint, J Walz, Y Yamazaki, C Smorra, and S Ulmer)
  • Status of the GINGER Project (A. D V Di Virgilio)
  • Renormalization Group Ambiguities in the SME (B Altschul)
  • Testing Discrete Symmetries in Ortho-Positronium Decays with the J-PET Detector (E Czerwiński)
  • SME Gravity: Structure and Progress (J D Tasson)
  • Concepts in Lorentz and CPT Violation (V A Kostelecký)
  • Maximally Precise Tests of the Standard Model: Elimination of Perturbative QCD Renormalization Scale and Scheme Ambiguities (S J Brodsky)
  • In-Beam Hyperfine Spectroscopy of Antihydrogen, Hydrogen, and Deuterium (E Widmann)
  • Lorentz Violation in Gravitational Waves (M Mewes)
  • Using Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Rays and Air Showers to Test Lorentz Invariance Within Modified Maxwell Theory (M Risse)
  • Recent Experimental Limits on the Standard-Model Extension (N E Russell)
  • Massive Gravity and Lorentz Symmetry (R Potting)
  • Lorentz Violation in Neutrino Oscillations Using IceCube Atmospheric Neutrino Interferometry (B Skrzypek and C A Argüelles)
  • Understanding the Gravitational and Magnetic Environment of a Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometer (A Lezeik, D Tell, K H Zipfel, V Gupta, E Wodey, E M Rasel, C Schubert, and D Schlippert)
  • LIV in Matter (L F Urrutia)
  • Entanglement, CPT, and Neutral Kaons (A Di Domenico)
  • Lorentz Violation, CPT Violation, and Spectroscopy Experiments (A J Vargas)
  • Measuring Lorentz Violation in Weak Gravity Fields (Z Li)
  • Gravity Tests with Radio Pulsars in Perturbative and Nonperturbative Regimes (L Shao)
  • Lorentz-Symmetry Violation in Scenarios of Non-Linear Electromagnetic Models: A Preliminary Inspection (P. Gaete and J A Helayël-Neto)
  • Positronium Gravitation: The QUPLAS Roadmap (M Giammarchi)
  • Lorentz Tests with Astrophysical Photons (F Kislat)
  • New Signals in Precision Gravity Tests and Beyond (Q G Bailey, J L James, and J R Slone)
  • Lorentz-Violating Electrodynamics in Continuous Matter (M M Ferreira Jr, P D S Silva, and M Schreck)
  • Lorentz Violation from Torsion (D Colladay)
  • Towards Resolved Sideband Laser Cooling of Single 9Be+ Ions in a Penning Trap for Precision Experiments with (Anti-)Protons (J M Cornejo, J-A Coenders, M Niemann, T Meiners, J Mielke, A Bautista-Salvador, R Lehnert, S Ulmer, and C Ospelkaus)
  • New Developments in the Hamiltonian Formulation of the Gravitational Standard-Model Extension (M Schreck)
  • The Graviton Mass in Very Special Relativity (J Alfaro and A Santoni)
  • Probing Gravity for One Minute with an Optical-Lattice Atom Interferometer (C D Panda, M Tao, J Eggelhof, M Ceja, A Reynoso, V Xu, and H Müller)
  • Transport Phenomena in Weyl Semimetals from Effective Actions of the Standard-Model Extension (N McGinnis)
  • The Unambiguous Lorentz-Violating Induced Terms (A R Vieira)
  • Searching for Lorentz-Violating Signatures in Astrophysical Photon Observations (J-J Wei)
  • SME Gravity in the Early Universe (N A Nilsson)
  • Constraining GUP Models Using Limits on SME Coefficients (A H Gomes)
  • Explicit Diffeomorphism Breaking, No-Go Conditions, and the Gravity Sector of the SME (R Bluhm)
  • A Four-Parameter Black-Hole Solution in the Bumblebee Gravity Model (R Xu)
  • Lorentz Violation in Electromagnetic Moments of Fermions (J Montaño-Domínguez, H Novales-Sánchez, M Salinas, and J J Toscano)
  • Cosmology in Symmetric Teleparallel Bumblebee Gravity (J E G Silva)
  • On the Hamiltonian of Gravity Theories Whose Action is Linear in Spacetime Curvature (Y Bonder)
  • Quark- and Hadronic-Level CPT-Violation Phenomenology of Neutral Mesons at d = 5 in the SME (A Roberts)
  • Antimatter Research: Advances of AEḡIS (B Rienäcker)
  • Recent Experimental Progress on Probing Lorentz Violation in Pure Gravity for d = 6 (T Jin, J-R. Li, Y-J Tan, and C-G Shao)
  • Coherent States for Trapped Ions: Applications in Quantum Optics and Precision Measurements (B Mihalcea)
  • Lorentz-Symmetry Breaking and Supersymmetry (J R Nascimento and A Yu Petrov)
  • The Analogy Between LV Fermion–Gravity and Fermion–Photon Couplings (Z Xiao and C Ye)
  • The ADM Formulation of SME Gravity (C M Reyes)
  • New-Physics Constraints Derived From SME-Coefficient Limits Using IceCube Astrophysical Neutrino-Flavor Data (C A Argüelles, K Farrag, and T Katori)
  • Axial Torsion Masses Enhance Sensitivity to Lorentz Violation with CERN Data (L C Garcia de Andrade)
  • Lorentz-Violating Electrodynamics with Sources and Mirrors (A F Ferrari)
  • Searches for Lorentz and CPT Violation with Confined Particles (Y Ding)
  • Precession of Neutron Stars Under Lorentz Violation and Observational Consequences (Y Gao, R Xu, and L Shao)
  • Discriminating Between Lorentz Violation and Non-Standard Interactions Using Core-Passing Atmospheric Neutrinos at INO-ICAL (S Sahoo, A Kumar, S K Agarwalla, and A Dighe)
  • Lorentz-Violating Inflation and the Swampland (O Trivedi)
  • Search for CPT- and Lorentz-Invariance Violation in the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab ()
  • Quantum Coherence and CPT-Symmetry Tests in Entangled Neutral Kaons at KLOE (G Fantini)
  • Decoherence and CPT Violation in Neutrino Oscillations (E Rani, H Pãs, and D Hellmann)
  • κ-Deformed Complex Fields, (Discrete) Symmetries, and Charges (A Bevilacqua)
  • DUNE Sensitivity to Lorentz- and CPT-Symmetry Violations: Considering a Model with Two Free SME Parameters (S M J Silva, C A Moura, O G Miranda, and G Moreno-Granados)
  • New Limits on Lorentz and CPT Symmetry Through 50 Gravitational-Wave Events (Z Wang, L Shao, and C Liu)
  • Lorentz and CPT Symmetry Breaking via Dispersion and Birefringence Effects of Gravitational Waves (K O'Neal-Ault, L Haegel, Q G Bailey, J Tasson, M Bloom, and L Shao)
  • Modular J-PET with Improved o-Ps Detection Efficiency for CPT Tests (N Chug and A Gajos)
  • Curved Momentum-Space Equivalent to the Linear and Quadratic Generalized Uncertainty Principle (F Wagner)
  • Calculations in Lorentz-Breaking Scalar QED (J C C Felipe, A Yu Petrov, A P B Scarpelli, and L C T Brito)
  • Cherenkov Radiation in Chiral Media (E Barredo and L F Urrutia)
  • Author Index

Readership: Professionals and graduate students who seek an overview of current cutting-edge topics in experimental and theoretical activities in the field of Lorentz- and CPT-symmetry studies. Researchers who seek an entry point into the field of Lorentz- and CPT-symmetry tests.