"High-order harmonics emerging from the interaction of strong laser fields with solid matter constitute a novel, highly sensitive tool for interrogating electronic structure and dynamics in solids. At the interface of attosecond physics and condensed matter physics, this book provides an excellent overview of the current state of the art."
Ferenc Krausz
Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2023
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) in solids, the nonlinear upconversion of coherent radiation resulting from the interaction of a strong and short laser pulse with bulk matter, has come of age. Since the seminal experiments and theoretical developments, there has been a constant and vibrant interest in this topic. In this book, we invite experimental and theoretical experts in the field with the aim to summarize the progress made so far and propose new possibilities and prospects for the generation of high-order harmonics using solid samples. Nowadays, it is possible to engineer, both spatially and temporally with nanometric and attosecond resolution, the driven fields. This could bring solid HHG to the next exciting frontier as novel and fully tunable table-top coherent sources.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Probing Topological Phase Transition Using High-order Harmonic Generation
- Probing Topological Phase Transition Using High-Order Harmonic Generation (Shambhu Ghimire)
- Manipulation of Quantum Properties in 2D Materials with Strong Tailored Fields (Eduardo B Molinero, Rui E F Silva and Álvaro Jiménez-Galán)
- Wannier Approach to the Semiconductor Bloch Equations (Eduardo B Molinero, Álvaro Jiménez-Galán and Rui E F Silva)
- Theory of Topological Effects on High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids (Hannah Jürβ, Helena Drüeke, Dieter Bauer and Francisco Navarrete)
- High-Harmonic Spectroscopy of Coherently Vibrating Solids (Navdeep Rana and Gopal Dixit)
- Analyzing High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids Based on Semi-Classical Recollision Models (Hongdan Zhang, Ruixin Zuo, Shidong Yang, Alexander Trautmann, Xiaohong Song, Torsten Meier and Weifeng Yang)
- Quantum Optical Analysis of High-Order Harmonic Generation in Semiconductors (Javier Rivera-Dean, Philipp Stammer, Andrew S Maxwell, Theocharis Lamprou, Andrés F Ordóñez, Emilio Pisanty, Paraskevas Tzallas, Maciej Lewenstein and Marcelo F Ciappina)
- Theoretical Explorations of High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids: From 1D to 3D (Xiao-Shuang Kong, Xiao-Yuan Wu, Jian-Zhao Jin, Wan-Dong Yu and Liang-You Peng)
- High-Order Harmonic Generation in Semiconductors with Excitonic Effects (Matthias Reichelt, Ruixin Zuo, Xiaohong Song, Weifeng Yang and Torsten Meier)
- Solid-State Harmonic Generation Governed by Crystal Symmetry (Chen Qian and Ruifeng Lu)
- High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids: Dependence on Target and Laser Properties (Francisco Navarrete, Marcelo F Ciappina and Uwe Thumm)
- High-Order Harmonic Generation from Unconventional Superconductors (Tobias Graβ, Jordi Alcalà, Utso Bhattacharya, Jens Biegert, Marcelo F Ciappina, Ugaitz Elu, Piotr T Grochowski, Maciej Lewenstein, Anna Palau, Themistoklis P H Sidiropoulos, Tobias Steinle and Igor Tyulnev)
- Interference Effects in High-Order Harmonic Generation in Solids (Guang-Rui Jia, Tian-Jiao Shao, Tao-Yuan Du, Ling-Jie Lü, Xin-Qiang Wang and Xue-Bin Bian)
Readership: This book is a useful reference for academics, researchers and graduate students working in the field of Strong Field Physics, solid-state Chemistry, Plasmonics, Condensed Matter Physics, Attosecond Science and Ultrafast Optics.
- Tobias Graß,
- Jordi Alcalà,
- Utso Bhattacharya,
- Jens Biegert,
- Marcelo F. Ciappina,
- Ugaitz Elu,
- Piotr T. Grochowski,
- Maciej Lewenstein,
- Anna Palau,
- Themistoklis P. H. Sidiropoulos,
- Tobias Steinle, and
- Igor Tyulnev
"High-order harmonics emerging from the interaction of strong laser fields with solid matter constitute a novel, highly sensitive tool for interrogating electronic structure and dynamics in solids. At the interface of attosecond physics and condensed matter physics, this book provides an excellent overview of the current state of the art."
Ferenc Krausz
Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2023
"This is a timely book with many chapters on the important topic of high harmonic generation and ultrafast phenomena in solids. The chapter authors are all excellent researchers."
Jiangbin Gong
Provost's Chair Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore
"High-order harmonic generation in solids has been a very hot topic in strong-field physics because of its attractive applications for obtaining high-intensity table-top coherent lights and generating intense attosecond pulses. Many important progresses have been achieved both in experiments and theories especially for uncovering the mechanism of high-order harmonic generation from solids in the last decade. This book will give very good summaries and outlooks for this hot topic in time. Graduate students and young scientists can benefit a lot from this important book."
Song-Feng Zhao
Professor, Northwest Normal University, China
"Prof. Ciappina's book on solid-state higher-harmonic generation is a valuable repository on the most important current developments in the field. By bringing together the expertise from top researchers in the field, including both theorists and experimentalists, it provides a comprehensive overview of key topics such as ultrafast and strong-field optics, non-linear optics and petahertz electronics. Moreover, the book is written with experimentalists in mind, which makes it more useful than other works that are mostly focused on the formalism."
Ching Hua Lee
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore
"This book provides a first collection of various aspects of one of the advanced topics of nonlinear optics — formation and analysis of the conditions for efficient generation of the harmonics in solid materials. It covers interesting topics such as interference effects, HHG in 2D structures, anisotropy of this process in solids, nanoscale integration of high-harmonic sources, plasmonic-driven solid HHG, and other aspects of this actively developing field. The well-known authors of the chapters of this collection cover various areas of HHG in solids. This book will be useful for researchers working in the field of high-order harmonics generation by different methods, as well as for students preparing to study nonlinear optical processes in materials."
Rashid A Ganeev
Senior Researcher, University of Latvia, Latvia

Dr Marcelo Ciappina is Associate Professor at the Guangdong Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, China. He is also Guest Professor at Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, and Associate Editor of Ultrafast Science, a Science partner journal. He has co-authored over 250 journal papers with an H-index of 34. He is regarded as an expert in theory and numerical simulations of nonlinear laser interactions with atoms, molecules and complex systems. In recent years he has been one of the pioneers in a novel and fascinating field that merges two relatively new areas of research: attosecond and nanoscale physics.

Dr Paraskevas Tzallas is Research Director at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (IESL-FORTH), Greece. He has co-authored over 150 journal papers with an H-index of 34. His research achievements include the first direct observation of attosecond light bursts emitted from gas and solid state media, the first observation of atomic direct double ionization by harmonic superposition, generation of intense continuum XUV radiation by multi-cycle laser fields, among others.