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A World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Storytelling cover

This set of multi-reference works is meant to be read together as the five volumes interlace one another like the laces of a shoe in the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh. The question of who will wear the shoes is long debated in art history and philosophy. If we take these five volumes from different points of view on the theory and practice of business storytelling then we have a crisscrossing, a new and impressive dialogue for the reader. This set is presented as a new way to lace up the laces of business storytelling.

Volume 1 aims to help and inspire leaders, business owners, and researchers in creating a commitment to ethical and sustainable changes and ideas, and live in a world of high complexity without getting stressed but experiencing freedom instead.

The book combines tools, case studies, and theories about the ethical change-management method of True Storytelling and other perspectives and views on ethics and storytelling. It delves into important topics such as true storytelling sustainability and freedom, storytelling and start-ups in the health industry, storytelling and diversity and culture, storytelling and teams, storytelling, sustainability and the UN Goals, storytelling and well-being, storytelling in higher education, and storytelling and fundraising.

Book authors are experienced and successful researchers, business owners, leaders, and consultants from Scandinavia, the USA, Africa, and Europe.

Volume 2 is an endeavor into the creation of new concepts for engaging with sustainability. It maintains that storytelling is important for our emplacement in nature and can be important for enacting another relationship between nature and the cultural artifice — our social and material constructions of houses, cities, villages, harbors, streets, and railways, and our use of objects and artifacts to construct our lives.

Business storytelling communication is that space for social symbolic work that brings the symbolic objects of the organization, the human, and the natural environment into a dialogical relationship. Volume 3 posits that organizations are arranged as social symbols that are arranged in institutions based on the needs of organics, for example health, food, shelter, mating, leisure, and labor. Organics, as a social symbolic object, specifically humans, have emotions, language, and culture to organize their institutions and organizations. In this book, readers will find that many of the authors attempt to understand the body's exclusion or attempt to bring the body back into the organization. Business storytelling communication takes aim at the social symbolic work of making space to negotiate the social arrangement of organizations with its organic components.

Volume 4 covers a variety of methodological topics from a storytelling perspective. Why a storytelling perspective? Consider that a common business research goal is to convince others that what the researcher has to say matters. If the researcher is a basic researcher who wishes to promote a theory, the goal is to make a convincing case for the value of that theory. If the researcher is an applied researcher who wishes to promote a particular application, intervention, or policy change, the goal is likewise to make a convincing case. Either way, the researcher has a story to tell, and the onus is on the researcher to tell the best possible story; storytelling failures likely will result in a failure to convince others of the value of one's theory or application.

Here is where methodological issues come into play. Poor methodology, whether in the form of less-than-optimal study designs or invalid statistical analyses, harms story quality. In contrast, high-quality methods and statistics enhance story quality. Moreover, the larger one's methodological and statistical toolbox, the greater the opportunities for researchers to tell effective stories. The chapters in this book come from a wide variety of perspectives and should enhance researchers' storytelling in the following ways. By opening many different methodological and statistical perspectives, researchers should be more able to think of research stories that otherwise would remain unavailable or inaccessible. Secondly, the present chapters should aid researchers in better executing their research stories. Therefore, researchers and graduate students will find this book an invaluable resource.

Volume 5 opens a window into the world of quantum storytelling as an organizational research methodology, providing numerous exemplars of work in this storytelling science that has disrupted qualitative inquiry only with the intention of providing expanded, improved, and generative ways of understanding and knowing the narratives that emerge from qualitative interviews and observations during organizational research studies.

  • Volume 1: Business True Storytelling:
    • About the Editor
    • About the Contributors
    • Introduction
    • True Storytelling — A Philosophy of Life and an Ethical Change-management Method (Jens Larsen)
    • Healthcare Entrepreneurs and True Storytelling (Anne-Marie Hall)
    • True Storytelling Antenarrative-Processes and the Existential-Ethics Turn (David M Boje)
    • How True Storytelling Brought Me Back to the Arctic and Helped Me Change the Focus of My Work (Eva Ritter)
    • True Storytelling Tools for Teams (Ken Long)
    • How to Fundraise: A Guide to Make Your Dream Come True (Lena Bruun)
    • Four Personal Stories about True Storytelling and the work of DEI (Oscar Edwards, Barbara Sullivan, Rico Smith, and Ernest Dillihay)
    • A Child is Not Born a Racist: The Seven Principles of True Storytelling Model for Personal Change Management (James R Sibel)
    • Autoethnography and True Storytelling (R Duncan M Pelly)
    • The Story Maker — Reflexive Resistance to the Performative University (Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen, David M Boje, Marita Susanna Svane, Ann Starbæk Bager, and Jens Larsen)
    • From Thoughts on the UN Sustainable Development Goals to a Sustainable Platform for "True Storytelling" about Cooperative Opportunities (Mogens Sparre)
    • Story-Bridging: Fostering Possibilities and Igniting Connections in a Separating and Polarizing World (Graham Williams, Terrence Gargiulo, and Stévé Bánhegyi)
    • On Truly Sustainable Development: Telling Stories of Sustainability that Matter (Jonas Holst)
    • Index
  • Volume 2: Business Storytelling and Sustainability:
    • About the Editor
    • About the Contributors
    • Business Storytelling and Sustainability: Introduction (Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen)
    • Storying Against Hope in the Anthropocene: On the Mechanology of Hyperstitions (Sideeq Mohammed)
    • Challenging the Supermarket Norm: Gaia Economies and Neoliberal Storyselling (Joe Storm, Johannes Larsson, Tracy Trägårdh, Juulia Baer-Bader, Tigist Bezu Mengistu, and Wiktoria Wachowiak)
    • Greenwashing in a Heterotopia: The Co-Constructed Autoethnography of "Terra Step" (R Duncan M Pelly and Rachel Brandon-Hopper)
    • Seaweed-Making in the Anthropocene (Johan Hultman, Filippa Säwe, and Cecilia Fredriksson)
    • Bee'otopia: Made by Bees (Kim Malmbak Meltofte Møller and Esben Bala Skouboe)
    • Closing the Gap: An Analysis of Sustainability Storytelling as Organizing with Arendt, Boje, and Czarniawska (Sissi Ingman)
    • Performance Scenography and the Allowance of the Human at Work: Reorganizing Matters of Relationalities of Sustaining Sentient Beings at Work (Anete Mikkala Camille Strand)
    • Leadership and Organizational Small Storymaking: Inviting Employee Engagement and Engendering Open and Sustainable Workplaces (Ann Starbæk Bager and John G McClellan)
    • Serres' "Biogea" and Descolas' "Ontologies": Tools for Restorying Business Narratives in the Age of Sustainability (Michel Fortier)
    • A "Terrestrial Ethics" of Storymaking for Sustainable Enterprise (Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen, Marita Susanna Svane, and David M Boje)
    • Epilogue: Gaia Storytelling for a Post-Learning Organization (Anete Mikkala Camille Strand and Julia Hayden)
    • Index
  • Volume 3: Business Storytelling Communication:
    • About the Editor
    • About the Contributors
    • Business Storytelling Communication: Introduction (Jillian Saylors)
    • Keeping the Body in Mind (Rita A Durant, Carolyn L Gardner, and Amit Abraham)
    • Making the Case for Flexibility: Applying Heidegger's Concepts of the "Open Region" and "Encountering" to Communication (Sabine Trafimow)
    • Embodied Communication with Students Who Have Autism Spectrum Disorders (Ulla Sparholt, Jillian Saylors, and Anete Mikkala Camille Strand)
    • Revisiting the Business Storytelling Paradigm: Why Writing on Business and Management Needs to Address the Concept of Writer Identity (Iga Maria Lehman)
    • ERGO: Game Structure for Co-creation (Mike Bonifer)
    • Storylistening: The Overlooked Practice in the Study of Storytelling (Ken Baskin)
    • Resisting the Grind: ADHD Faculty and the Neoliberal University (Richard Herder)
    • Sensitive Research: Storytelling and Dyslexia (Damien Aimar)
    • High-Functioning Autism in the "Wrong Jobs": Getting off the Cement Block (Gundars (Gundy) Kaupins)
    • Co-telling Urban Memories: A Case Study of Web-Mediated Narratives of a Danish City's Industrial Past (Elisabeth Ravn Adriansen and Klarissa Lueg)
    • Being in the Fishbowl: A Model for Complexity-Informed Emotional Intelligence in Open-Plan Office Spaces (Tonya L Henderson)
    • Authentic Autism (Jillian Saylors)
    • Index
  • Volume 4: Business Storytelling, Science and Statistics:
    • Preface
    • About the Editor
    • About the Contributors
    • Introduction to Business Storytelling, Science and Statistics (David Trafimow)
    • Shaping Junior Co-authors' Scholarly Stories (Michael R Hyman)
    • Classification and Regression Using Supervised Machine Learning Methods (Justin A MacDonald)
    • Methodological Considerations for Improving Human–Robot Interaction Experiments (Marlena R Fraune)
    • Applying Observation Oriented Modeling to Interpreting Prospective Memory Ongoing Activity Response Time Data (Melissa J Guynn and James W Grice)
    • The Story of My Journey Away from Significance Testing (David Trafimow)
    • Publishing Without Using Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (Michael J Marks and Sieun An)
    • Researchers are Also Just Humans (Michiel R de Boer)
    • From Neoclassical Economics to Behavioral Economics? (Hung T Nguyen)
    • A Bayesian Look at the Correlation–Causation Relation (David Trafimow)
    • Thinking About Causality With Hume: The Need for Greater Epistemic Validity and Ontic Reliability in the Social Sciences (Rohny Saylors)
    • Index
  • Volume 5: Business Storytelling and Grounding Methodology:
    • Preface
    • About the Editors
    • About the Contributors
    • Introduction to Grounding Methodology in Business Storytelling (Anton Shufutinsky, Marita Svane, and David M Boje)
    • Enabling a Turn Toward Relational Process Ontologies via Grounded Theory: Creating Theories that Perform Better Organizations (David M. Boje, Rohny Saylors, Marita Susanna Svane, Yue Cai Hillon, and Jillian Saylors)
    • There is No Ground and No Theory in Grounded Theory! Can We Create Both With Dialectic Ontology? (David M Boje, Rohny Saylors, Marita Susanna Svane, Yue Cai Hillon, and Jillian Saylors)
    • Storytelling When the Source of the Story Is Unavailable: The Multi-Bystander Interpretive Storytelling Approach (Anton Shufutinsky and Darrell Norman Burrell)
    • Treasure Hunting Truth Through Self-Correcting Methodology of True Storytelling (James R Sibel)
    • Issues of Diversity in the Information Technology Industry: Addressing Complex Problems Using Unstructured Interviews to Facilitate Insider-Based Co-Created Narratives (Mark Wynyard Van der klei)
    • Practicing Self-Corrective Inquiry Through the Storytelling Diamond: The Phenomenological Applications of Karl Popper's Deductive Falsificationist Epistemology to Antenarrative Qualia (Andani Thakhathi)
    • Depth Over Distance: Triskelion Multiplicity of Ontological Understanding Model in Establishing Solid Grounding in Self-Correcting Storytelling (Anthony J Saraceno)
    • The Fourth Wave of Grounded Theory: A Self-Correcting Top-Down Approach (Yassine Talaoui)
    • Conclusion (Anton Shufutinsky, Marita Susanna Svane, and David M Boje)
    • Index
Readership: The primary market for this MRW are academics who work in the disciplines of Business, Management, and Organizational Communication. The secondary market are academics currently teaching in business management, organizational behaviour, and organizational communication at the post-secondary level.