The use of spreadsheets to obtain solutions to a diverse array of examples offers a reader-friendly way of addressing a topic (optimization) that can sometimes be viewed as intimidating. Many people are readily familiar with spreadsheets and how they work, yet are apt to be unaware of the incredible power of Excel for solving some rather complex optimization problems. A major goal of the book is to sell readers on why it is so important to understand optimization, and a large collection of examples for a wide range of business decision making areas (e.g., production planning and scheduling, workforce planning and scheduling, location and supply chain distribution, location of emergency services, assembly line balancing, vehicle routing, project scheduling, revenue management, advertising, product design, payout schedules, productivity measurement, investment portfolio management, sports league scheduling, ranking models, etc.) affords a practical mechanism for achieving that goal. Another important contribution of the book is that it provides coverage of the mechanics of some common yet sophisticated statistical methods (regression, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, and cluster analysis), which are often opaque to many users of such methods.
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Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Introduction
- Optimization Examples in Prescriptive Analytics:
- Production Planning
- Workforce Planning
- Continuous Facility Location
- Discrete Facility Location
- Routing Problems
- Facility Layout
- Project Scheduling
- Marketing
- Finance
- Sports
- Optimization Examples for Multivariate Statistical Methods Used in Predictive and Descriptive Analytics:
- Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Linear Discriminant Analysis
- Factor Analysis
- Cluster Analysis
Readership: Advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and practitioners in the fields of business analytics, operations and supply-chain management, operations research, industrial engineering, and applied multivariate statistics.
Michael Brusco is the Haywood & Betty Taylor Eminent Scholar in Business Administration and a professor in the Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain at Florida State University's College of Business. His academic specialty is operations management, and he teaches courses in the MBA and Master of Science in Business Analytics (MS-BA) programs. His research has focused primarily on models and methods for scheduling, clustering, sequencing, and variable selection in multivariate statistics. He has published papers on these and other topics in Annals of Operations Research, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Computers and Operations Research, Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, IIE Transactions, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Management Science, Marketing Science, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research, Psychological Methods, Psychometrika, Science, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Technometrics, and numerous other journals. More recently, he has worked on the development of Excel spreadsheets for business analytics and operations management courses and this work has appeared in pedagogical journals such as Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, INFORMS Transactions on Education, and Spreadsheets in Education.
Stephanie Stahl is an author and researcher with years of experience in computer programming, writing, editing, and quantitative psychology research. Her experience spans both academic and non-academic domains and her written work includes both fiction and non-fiction. Her academic research includes the 2005 Springer monograph titled, Branch-and-Bound Applications in Combinatorial Data Analysis. She has also published a number of academic articles on topics such as clustering, seriation and scaling, and permutation tests. Her work has been published in a variety of journals including British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology, European Journal of Parapsychology, Journal of Classification, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Parapsychology, and Psychometrika.