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Neuroaesthetics cover

Neuroaesthetics has become an important new field in the sciences bringing together researchers from cognitive science (as a general term including brain science, psychology, anthropology, ethology, artificial intelligence), the humanities (including linguistics, philosophy), and the arts (artists from the visual arts, music and poetry). Thus, neuroaesthetics is a prime example of successful interdisciplinarity. In the book Neuroaesthetics: Exploring Beauty Within and Around Us we distinguish and represent in several articles two different kinds of interdisciplinarity: "Horizontal interdisciplinarity" brings together in a complementary way different fields like (as an example) psychology, linguistics and poetry. "Vertical interdisciplinarity" refers to research on data generating mechanisms like (as an example) neural activities in the brain being associated with subjective experiences of "beauty". In the book articles refer to the visual arts ("art in space"), to "faces in art", to poetry and music ("art in time"), and to general ideas (bridging art and science). This is a unique collection of articles with a broad scope.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Neuroaesthetics: The Art, Science, and Brain Triptychon
Chapter 2: Interdisciplinarity vs. Intradisciplinarity: A Failure in Neurobiology


  • General Ideas:
    • Neuroaesthetics: The Art, Science, and Brain Triptychon (Semir Zeki, Yan Bao and Ernst Pöppel)
    • Interdisciplinarity vs. Intradisciplinarity: A Failure in Neurobiology (Semir Zeki, Yan Bao and Ernst Pöppel)
    • Bridge or Chiasm between Art and Science? (Alexandra von Stosch and Ernst Pöppel)
    • An Aesthetic Frame for Three Modes of Knowing (Yan Bao, Dongxue Zhang, Chen Zhao, Ernst Pöppel and Vera Zabotkina)
    • Burke's "Sensitive" Sublime Rooted in Brain and Body Versus Kant Transcendental Concept in the German Romantic Discourse (Grazia Pulvirenti and Renata Gambino)
    • Aesthetic Appreciations: Bridges between Neuroscience, Psychology, and Psychotherapy (Matteo Sesia and Chen Zhao)
    • A Hidden Message: Decoding Artistic Intent (Jacek Rogala, Beata Bajno and Andrzej Wróbel)
    • Judgments of Mathematical Beauty are Resistant to Revision through External Opinion (Haoxuan Zhang and Semir Zeki)
    • Aesthetics as a Common Denominator for Moral and Commercial Judgments (Xuanyu Wang, Fabian Simmank, Dongxue Zhang, Yifan Zeng, Sarita Silveira, Tilmann Sander, Yan Bao and Marco Paolini)
    • (Neuro)Aesthetics: Beauty, Ugliness, and Ethics (Philip Dietrich and Thomas Knieper)
    • On the Necessity of Importing Neurobiology into Mathematics (Mikhail Filippov and Semir Zeki)
  • Art in Space:
    • Aristotle's Dream: Evolutionary and Neural Aspects of Aesthetic Communication in the Arts (Christa Sütterlin and Xinchi Yu)
    • The Golden Ratio as an Ecological Affordance Leading to Aesthetic Attractiveness (Daniela De Bartolo, Maria De Luca, Gabriella Antonucci, Stefan Schuster, Giovanni Morone, Stefano Paolucci and Marco Iosa)
    • Neuroaesthetics and the Iconography in Photography (Hennric Jokeit and Daniel Blochwitz)
    • The "Third Abstraction" of the Chinese Artist LaoZhu: Neural and Behavioral Indicators of Aesthetic Appreciation (Yan Bao, Taoxi Yang, Jinfan Zhang, Jiyuan Zhang, Xiaoxiong Lin, Marco Paolini, Ernst Pöppel and Sarita Silveira)
    • Enchanted in the Multiverse of LaoZhu: A Reflection (Yan Bao and Ernst Pöppel)
    • The Impact of Action Observation and Motor Imagery on the Aesthetic Preference of Chinese Calligraphy (Mingcheng He, Xianyou He, Zixin Zheng, Jiamin Deng and Chenjing Wu)
    • Factor Structure of Audiences' Physical Experience While Watching Dance (Maja S Vukadinović and Slobodan Marković)
    • Emotional Neuroaesthetics of Color Experience: Views from Single, Paired, and Complex Color Combinations (Naoyuki Osaka)
    • Perceived Cognitive Challenge Predicts Eye Movements While Viewing Contemporary Paintings (Joanna Ganczarek, Karolina Pietras and Roman Rosiek)
  • Faces in Art:
    • Symmetric in the Striate but Asymmetric in the Extra-Striate Cortex When Processing Three-Quarter Faces: Neural Underpinnings for Aesthetic Appreciations (Yifan Zeng, Xuanyu Wang, Sarita Silveira, Jana von Trott zu Solz, Fabian Simmank, Yuliya Zaytseva, Yan Bao and Marco Paolini)
    • Beauty in Life: An Eye-Tracking Study on Young Adults' Aesthetic Evaluation and Vitality Judgment of Pictorial Representations of Sleeping and Dead Subjects (Cinzia Di Dio, Davide Massaro, Federica A Savazzi, Vittorio Gallese, Tiziana Garau, Gabriella Gilli and Antonella Marchetti)
    • Rembrandt Portraits: Implicitly Detecting the Original Perspective (Xuanyu Wang and Yan Bao)
    • The Power of External Influences to Modify Judgments of Facial and Moral Beauty (Marcus J Glennon and Semir Zeki)
    • The Differential Power of Extraneous Influences to Modify Aesthetic Judgments of Biological and Artifactual Stimuli (Giacomo Bignardi, Tomohiro Ishizu and Semir Zeki)
    • Human Faces and Face-Like Stimuli are More Memorable (Marianna Kapsetaki and Semir Zeki)
  • Art in Time:
    • The Three-Second Time Window in Poems and Language Processing in General: Complementarity of Discrete Timing and Temporal Continuity (Xinchi Yu and Yan Bao)
    • A Time Window of 3 s in the Aesthetic Appreciation of Poems (Chen Zhao, Dongxue Zhang and Yan Bao)
    • The Two- to Three-Second Time Window of Shot Durations in Movies (Shuai Chen, Mengtong Cai and Yan Bao)
    • Composing in the Scanner: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Single Case Study on Visual and Auditory Imagery (Morteza Izadifar, Taoxi Yang, Marco Paolini, Arusu Formuli and Yan Bao)

Readership: The main readership is academia: scientists and students in psychology, neurobiology, linguistics, cognitive science, philosophy, cultural studies, philosophy, art sciences.