You have access to thisebookThis book is designed for students who are curious about the fascinating and complex world of particle accelerators. What cutting-edge physics and technologies power these incredible machines? What innovative ideas have shaped their evolution over the decades? And what exciting possibilities lie ahead for the future?
For decades, particle accelerators have been at the forefront of both scientific research and industrial innovation. This textbook delves into the physical principles behind these machines, using intuitive illustrations and straightforward mathematical models.
Written in an informal style, this book is aimed at graduate students without assuming prior knowledge of accelerators. Pure formalisms are avoided as much as possible to inspire readers and allow them to appreciate the fascinating physics that drives these state-of-the-art devices.
To serve as a textbook, references are listed only on the more established original literature and review articles instead of the constantly changing research frontiers.
This new edition features expanded sections to highlight material expected to be increasingly important in the future, along with revised sections for clarity and depth. Overall it is smoother, more reader-friendly, and enriched as a learning resource.
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- Introduction
- Transverse Motion
- Perturbation
- Chromatic Effect
- Longitudinal Motion
- Synchrotron Radiation
- Undulator and Free Electron Laser
- Collective Instability
Readership: Accelerator physicists and engineers; Practitioner in accelerator design and engineering; Physics student at an advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level.
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You have access to thisebookReview of the First Edition:
"Alexander Chao's Lectures on Accelerator Physics is a clearly written textbook covering all the important aspects of the subject, emphasizing physical concepts and the richness of the field. I believe that it will become the standard reference text for students and anyone working in this area, so important in many parts of modern science, from the exploration of the atomic/molecular structure of matter with synchrotron radiation and free-electron lasers to that of the ultimate structure of elementary particles."
Claudio Pellegrini
Professor Emeritus, UCLA
You have access to thisebookBorn in Taiwan, Alexander Wu Chao received his BSc degree from the National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan in 1970, and PhD at Stony Brook University, New York in 1974. After graduation, he joined Stanford Linear Accelerator Center as a postdoc and since then dedicated his career to accelerator theory. In 1984, he joined the Superconducting Super Collider Central Design Group at Berkeley as its accelerator physics division head, abd worked on the project until its closure by the US government in 1993. He returned to Stanford as a professor until becoming emeritus in 2019. Since then, he is also appointed a chair professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing.
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