This review volume contains the most up-to-date articles on the chemical aspects of high temperature oxide superconductors. These articles are written by some of the leading scientists in the field and includes a comprehensive list of references. This is an essential volume for researchers working in the fields of ceramics, materials science and chemistry.
- Crystal Chemistry and Superconductivity in the Copper Oxides (J B Goodenough & A Manthiram)
- Defects and Microstructures in Layered Copper Oxides (M Hervieu et al.)
- Important Common Features of the Cuprate Superconductors: Relation between the Electronic Structure and Superconductivity (C N R Rao)
- Design of New Cuprate Superconductors and Prediction of Their Structures (T Arima & Y Tokura)
- The Modulation in Bismuth Cuprates and Related Materials (J M Tarascon et al.)
- Application of High-Pressure and High-Oxygen Pressure to Cu-Oxides (M Takano et al.)
- Thermodynamics of Y-Ba-Cu-O System and Related Aspects (S F Pashin & Yu D Tretyakov)
- Field Modulated Microwave Absorption in High-Temperature Superconducting Oxides (M Puri & L Kevan)
- High Temperature Superconductor Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Ablation (S B Ogale)
- Magnetic Properties and Field Modulated Microwave Absorption of YBa2Cu3O7 Thin Films (C Schlenker et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: Solid state chemists, condensed matter physicists and materials scientists.