This book deals mainly with gravitational physics and its application to the very early universe and models for relativistic objects. It reviews our present knowledge about the origin and formation of large-scale structure, quantum cosmology and some problems of observational cosmology. Experimental tests of general relativity, gravitational wave astrophysics and string theory complete the lists of themes in this volume which contains invited and contributed papers.
Sample Chapter(s)
Typical Scales in the Distribution of Cosmic Matter (394 KB)
- Typical Scales in the Distribution of Cosmic Matter (G Börner et al.)
- Superlarge Scale Structure in the Universe from Deep Galaxy Surveys (O E Buryak et al.)
- Topological Defects and Structure Formation (R H Brandenberger)
- Spectra of Perturbations Produced by Double Inflation with an Intermediate Matter-Dominated Stage (D Polarski & A A Starobinsky)
- Signatures of a Non-Gaussian Inflationary Model (D S Salopek)
- String Theory in Curved Space Times and the Quantization of Gravity (N Sanchez)
- Decoherence in Quantum Cosmology (C Kiefer)
- Gravitational Waves from Rotational Collapse (G Schäfer)
- Basic Brane Mechanics (B Carter)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists and astrophysicists.