This book contains papers by leading physicists on developments in high energy physics, string theory and cosmology. Topics covered include recent results from accelerator and non-accelerator experiments, CP-violation, neutrino physics, precision tests of the Standard Model, quantum gravity and two-dimensional gravity, superstring theory and superstring phenomenology, relativistic astrophysics and cosmology.
Sample Chapter(s)
New Particle Searches at CDF (461 KB)
- The SSC Physics Program (S Reucroft)
- Direct Measurements of Neutrino Mass — A Status Report (R G H Robertson)
- Neutrino Oscillations — Current Status and Future Prospects (F Boehm)
- Detection of Elementary Particles Using Superconducting Phonon Sensors on Silicon Crystals (B Cabrera)
- Precision Tests of Electroweak Theory and “New Physics” (W J Marciano)
- Lepton Family Flavor Violatiion in a Class of String Models (P Nath & R Arnowitt)
- Phenomology of Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons: From LEP to LHC and SSC (F Zwirner)
- The Chronology Protection Conjecture (S W Hawking)
- Cosmological Structure Formation (D N Schramm)
- Nonperturbative Quantum Gravity: The Emergence of Discrete Structure at the Planck Scale (L Smolin)
- Field Theory of Matrix Models and Strings (A Jevicki)
- Strings Beyond Superstring (P C Argyres & S H H Tye)
- An Exactly Soluble Superconformal Theory from a Mirror Pair of Calabi-Yau Manifolds (P Candelas et al.)
- Effective Theories and Thresholds in Particle Physics (M K Gaillard)
- and other papers
Readership: High energy physicists.