This brief discourse is an introduction to the historical development of medicine in China, whose influence on Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia was profound and even reached far west into the Islamic world. The authors wish to make the interested reader aware of China's rich contribution to the world growth of the medical sciences. Too often the view has been taken that the history of medicine began with the discoveries of the Greeks and those ancient nations from whom they learnt. The authors want to redress this view and acquaint readers with a glimpse of the concepts and history of Chinese medicine and hope that they will feel encouraged to delve deeper.
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- Part 1:
- Chinese Medicine: An Overview of Its Concepts and History
- Part 2:
- Areas Influenced by Chinese Thought
- A Brief History of Medicine in Japan
- A Brief Note on the History of Medicine in the Islamic World
- A Moment of Reflection
Readership: Students of health science, medicine, social science, history of science, East Asian philosophy, Chinese and Japanese studies; practitioners of alternative medicine and Chinese medicine; health practitioners; academics; and the general public.
“… this volume is a compact, tantalizing excursion through centuries of medical tradition, in a range of cultures … it does make a long, complex and fascinating history accessible to medical professionals and students of Chinese history who may be tempted to delve further into this rich and interesting field.”
American Journal of Chinese Medicine
“If you want a concise, easy-to-read, easy-to-absorb summary of events and trends from the 29th century BC to the present, this compact book will comfortably and quickly answer many questions.”
American Journal of Acupuncture
“Concepts of Chinese Science and Traditional Healing Arts gives an especially useful account of the historical achievements of Chinese medicine.”
Far Eastern Economic Review