This volume treats various facets of the dark matter problem. Its themes include astronomical data (galaxy rotation curves, dynamics of galaxy clusters, microlensing of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud), particle physics (nonbaryonic dark matter, neutrinos) and computer simulation of the evolution of large-scale structure in the universe. Solar neutrinos and prospects for their detection through underground experiments are also discussed. The book will provide a useful reference for all those interested in astroparticle physics.
- Evidence for Dark Matter (M Rowan-Robinson)
- LEP and Dark Matter (J Steinberger)
- Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (G Steigman)
- The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (C S Frenk)
- Structure Formation in CDM and CHDM Cosmologies (J R Primack)
- Recent Results in Neutrino Physics (J W F Valle)
- Solar Neutrinos: Theoretical Aspects (A Yu Smirnov)
- Present and Future Underground Experiments (D B Cline)
- Solar Neutrino Spectroscopy with BOREXINO (L Oberauer)
- Symmetries Beyond the Standard Model (G G Ross)
- Mixed Dark Matter and Low-Energy Supersymmetry (A Masiero et al.)
- Looking for Distinctive Signals of Particle Dark Matter (A Morales)
- Neutrino Properties in a GUT Analysis for Fermion Masses (G K Leontaris & J D Vergados)
- and other papers
Readership: Physicists and astrophysicists.