This volume contains a set of pedagogical reviews covering the most recent applications of low-dimensional quantum field theory in condensed matter physics, written by experts who have made major contributions to this rapidly developing field of research. The main purpose is to introduce active young researchers to new ideas and new techniques which are not covered by the standard textbooks.
- Some Geometry and Topology (G Marmo & G Morandi)
- Gauge Symmetries, Topology and Quantisation (A P Balachandran)
- The Chern-Simons-Landau-Ginzburg Theory of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (S C Zhang)
- Universitality in the Fractional Quantum Hall (E Fradkin & A Lopez)
- Anyons and Anyon Superconductivity (A L Fetter)
- Bosonization: How to Make It Work for You in Condensed Matter (R Shankar)
- Methods of Conformal Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics (A W W Ludwig)
- Integrable Models in Condensed Matter Physics (N Andrei)
- Quantum Antiferromagnets in Two Dimensions (S Sachdev)
Readership: Researchers and graduate students.