This volume, which is a compilation of lecture notes, seminar talks and contributed material presented at the above conference, discusses the modern approaches to hadronic physics: chiral perturbation theory, effective Lagrangians, models for hadronic structure and nuclear matter properties, method of light front quantization, etc. The lecture notes provide comprehensive pedagogical descriptions of methods and achievements in the corresponding topics, while the seminar talks review recent selected frontier work. The various contributions cover a wide spectrum of research problems in hadronic physics.
- Principles of Chiral Perturbation Theory (H Leutwyler)
- Two-Body Reactions Involving Antiparticles (K Holinde)
- QCD, Hadrons and Nuclei (K Yazaki)
- Hamiltonian Light-Front Field Theory and Quantum Chromodynamics (R J Perry)
- Experimental Evidences of Excess Pions (C A G Canal)
- Chiral Symmetry and the Two Pion Exchange Nucleon-Nucleon Potential (C A da Rocha & M R Robilotta)
- Axial-Charge Transitions: Relativistic Study of One and Two-Body Contributions (E D Izquierdo et al.)
- Large Scale Structure of QCD Vacuum (R Méndez-Galain)
- QCD Vacuum Correlations in High Energy Phenomenology (E Ferreira)
- BRST Quantization of a Soliton Model in 2+1 Dimensions (J P Garrahan et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: Graduate students, high energy physicists and nuclear physicists.