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Intensional Programming I cover

There is a growing interest in programming languages and systems, and computational models based on intensional logics — such as temporal logic, interval logic and modal logic — and possible world semantics. In fact, a whole new programming model called intensional programming has emerged with applications in a wide range of areas including parallel programming, dataflow computation, temporal reasoning, scientific computation, software version control, real-time programming, temporal query languages, executable temporal logics, spreadsheets, attribute grammars, and hardware synthesis, to name a few. Intensional Programming is especially suited to application domains where the notion of dynamic change is central.

This collection will feature papers by leading researchers in the field of intensional programming dealing with theoretical foundations, design, implementation and prototype development issues, comparative studies, and applications, as well as those describing new challenges arising out of applications. It contains revised and extended versions of the papers presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Languages for Intensional Programming held on May 3–5, 1995 at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.

  • Multidimensional Program Verification: Reasoning about Programs that Deal with Multidimensional Objects (E Ashcroft)
  • Intensional and Extensional Graphical Models for GLU Programming (R Jagannathan)
  • Programming Distributed Systems Based on Graphs (J-N Cao & K Zhang)
  • ALFA Fine Grain Dataflow Machine (L Verdoscia)
  • Particle In-Cell Simulation with Lucid (J Plaice)
  • Real-Time Object-Oriented Specification and Verification (S Yamane)
  • The Possible-World Wide Web (W Wadge & A Yoder)
  • An Asynchronous Calculus Based on Absence of Actions (P Krishnan)
  • A Meta-Level Approach to Modal Logic Programming (S Akama)
  • and other papers

Readership: Systems and knowledge engineers and computer scientists.