Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (62 KB)
The First Evidence for Three-Jet Events in e+e- Collisions At Petra — First Direct Observation Of The Gluon (5,225 KB)
- Parallel Sessions:
- Precision Tests of the Standard Model (H Videau & G Passarino)
- Light Hadron Spectroscopy (P Bluem & N A Törnqvist)
- Field Theory and Superstrings (J Louis & A Sevrin)
- Structure Functions (R Devenish & E Reya)
- CP-Violation CKM Matrix, and Rare Decays (L Fayard & A Sanda)
- Physics with Future Colliders (D Froideveaux & P Zerwas)
- Non-Perturbative Methods (C Sachrajda & Ph Boucaud)
- Electroweak Physics with Heavy Flavours (G Hanson & D Wyler)
- New Particle Searches (U Becker & G J Gounaris)
- Perturbative QCD and Jets (L Jönsson & W Giele)
- High Energy Nuclear Interactions (R Kamermans & K Kajantie)
- Accelerator Projects (E Iarocci & T Weiland)
- Cosmology and Particle Physics (S Cooper & S Sarkar)
- Heavy Flavour Physics (I Shipsey & A Ali)
- Beyond the Standard Model (S Pokorski & A Masiero)
- V-Physics and Non-Accelerator Experiments (M Nakahata & S Petcov)
- Soft Interactions at High Energy (F Barreiro & P Landshoff)
- Plenary Sessions:
- High Energy QCD and Small-x Physics (A Mueller)
- Soft Interactions at High Energy (A Levy)
- Deep Inelastic Scattering (F Eisele)
- Highlights of Astroparticle Physics (V Berezinsky)
- Physics with Future Colliders (L Maiani)
- Neutrino Physics (D Wark)
- Heavy Flavours (J-M Gérard)
- New Particle Searches (J F Grivaz)
- Heavy Ion Collisions (I Tserruya)
- Particle Astrophysics (B Sadoulet)
- New Trends in Particle Theory (E Verlinde)
- Recent Developments in Detectors (B Dolgoshein)
- Accelerator Physics and Technologies for Future Linear Colliders (D Burke)
- Precision Tests of the Standard Model (A Olchevski)
- Tests of the Standard Model (W Hollik)
- Top Quark Physics (A Menzione)
- Extensions of the Standard Model (F Zwirner)
- The LHC Project (C H Llewellyn-Smith)
- Outlook (D H Perkins)
- and other papers
Readership: Postgraduate students and above in high energy physics.