The field of knowledge-based systems (KBS) has expanded enormously during the last years, and many important techniques and tools are currently available. Applications of KBS range from medicine to engineering and aerospace.
This book provides a selected set of state-of-the-art contributions that present advanced techniques, tools and applications. These contributions have been prepared by a group of eminent researchers and professionals in the field.
The theoretical topics covered include: knowledge acquisition, machine learning, genetic algorithms, knowledge management and processing under uncertainty, conflict detection and resolution, structured knowledge architectures, and natural language-based man-machine communication.
The Applications include: Real-time decision support, system fault diagnosis, quality assessment, manufacturing production, robotic assembly, and robotic welding.
The reader can save considerable time in searching the scattered literature in the field, and can find here a powerful set of how-to-do issues and results.
- General Techniques and Tools:
- Recent Advances in Knowledge Acquisition Methodology (S G Tzafestas & E S Tzafestas)
- Machine Learning: A Survey (A Cornuéjols & M Moulet)
- Some Results in Inductive Learning: Version Space, Explanation — Based and Genetic Algorithm Approaches (S G Tzafestas et al.)
- Synergy Between Knowledge Management and KBS V&V (S Nilsen & T Sivertsen)
- Knowledge Processing Under Uncertainty (V Sridhar & M Narasimha Murty)
- Belief Revision Under Uncertainty in a Multi-Agent Environment (A F Dragoni)
- KSM: An Environment for Design of Structured Models (J Cuena & M Molina)
- Parallel Speculative Computation of Production Systems (A Sohn & M Sato)
- Conflict Detection and Resolution for Nonlinear Planning (K Chung)
- Natural Language Communication in Interactive Man-Machine Systems: Knowledge Structures and the Generation of Sentences (E C Koenig)
- Genetics-Based Learning and Statistical Generalization (B W Wah et al.)
- Applications:
- High Performance Parallel Genetic Algorithms Simulation Based Optimization: Theory and Practice (B P Zeigler et al.)
- Combining Experiential Knowledge and Model-Based Reasoning for Diagnostic Problem Solving (P Torasso & L Portinale)
- Multiple Simultaneous Fault Diagnosis of Complex Mechanical Systems Based on Shallow Knowledge (S G Tzafestas & P J Dalianis)
- Building a Case-Based Reasoner for Quality Assessment from Bayesian Belief Networks Modeling Manufacturing Processes (J E Vargas)
- Application of Axiomatic Design in Intelligent Design for Assembly Environment (S B Billatos)
- Knowledge-Based Systems in Robotized are Welding (G Bolmsjo)
- An Exercise of Knowledge Oriented Design: Architecture for Real Time Decision Support Systems (J Cuena & J Hernandez)
- Knowledge-Based Distributed Production Management in Integrated Manufacturing Systems (A Villa & M Nicolich)
- A Knowledge-Based Tool for Reactive Scheduling (D Costello et al.)
- Architectural and Functional Issues of a Decision Support Expert System for Concurrent Design (S G Tzafestas et al.)
- Coordination and Integration Models for Distributed and Heterogeneous CIM Information (C-O Kim & S Y Nof)
Readership: Computer scientists, engineers and mathematicians.