This is an interdisciplinary book for knowledge workers in business, finance, management, and socio-economic sciences. It provides a guide to and techniques for forecasting, decision making, conclusions, and evaluations in an environment involving uncertainty, vagueness, and impression. Traditional modeling techniques do not capture the nature of complex systems especially when humans are involved. Fuzzy logic provides effective tools for dealing with such systems. Emphasis is on applications presented in case studies including Time Forecasting for Project Management, New Product Pricing, Client Financial Risk Tolerance Policy, Deviation and Potential Problem Analysis, Inventory Control Model, Stock Market Strategy.
- Fuzzy Sets
- Fuzzy Logic
- Fuzzy Averaging for Forecasting
- Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment
- Fuzzy Logic Control for Business, Finance, and Management
- Applications of Fuzzy Logic Control
- Fuzzy Queries from Databases: Applications
Readership: Students and researchers interested in fuzzy systems in business, finance, management, operations research, applied mathematics, applied fuzzy logic and social science.
“Following on the heels of their successful text
Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic, Applications, George and Maria Bojadziev have authored a book that reflects a significant shift in the applications of fuzzy logic — a shift which has become discernible during the past few years …
Fuzzy Logic for Business, Finance, and Management provides a reader-friendly and up-to-date exposition of the basic concepts and techniques which underlie fuzzy logic and its applications to both control and business, finance, and management. With high skill and sharp insight, the authors illustrate the use of fuzzy logic techniques by numerous examples and case studies. Clearly, the writing of
Fuzzy Logic for Business, Finance, and Management required a great deal of time, effort, and expertise. George and Maria Bojadziev deserve our thanks and congratulations for producing a text that is so informative, so well-written and so attuned to the needs of our information-based society.”
from the foreword by Lotfi Zadeh
Founder of fuzzy logic