In this fifth volume of the authoritative series, the simulation of forest fires, flames, and hydrodynamics is presented in the first three articles. The next two deal with quantum simulations, in particular for two dimensions (quantum Hall effect and monolayers). Biology is connected with the last two articles: we learn from biological evolution to complement computer hardware and software with evolware, or we simulate immunology.
- Fire Spread in Natural Fuel: Computational Aspects (J A M S Duarte)
- Direct Numerical Simulation — A Tool to Study Turbulent Reacting Flows (M Baum)
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability (J Moscinski et al.)
- Quantum Simulations in Materials Science: Molecular Monolayers and Crystals (P Nielaba)
- Criticality in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect (A Hansen et al.)
- Evolving Uniform and Non-Uniform Cellular Automata Networks (M Sipper)
- Modeling and Immune System: Architecture and Dynamics of Idiotypic Networks (K Lippert & U Behn)
Readership: Students, researchers and scientists in computational physics, condensed matter physics, theoretical biology and engineering.