The Eloisatron Project aims at the study of physics phenomena in hadron–hadron colliders at the limits of maximum energy and luminosity. QCD processes involving multiparticle final states have shown "universality features" in different production reactions once the "leading effects" are correctly accounted for. The study of these phenomena has three components: (i) at now-available energies; (ii) at future energies in the years to come; (iii) at extreme energies. The link between these components can be achieved by QCD and its developments.
This volume reviews the recent status of QCD and discusses novel aspects of perturbative and non-perturbative approaches to different kinds of interactions. It contains various contributions on multihadron production (theory and phenomenology), perturbative QCD and pomeron physics. Also, the latest experimental results on pp, ep and e⁺e⁻ interactions are presented.
- Opening Lecture:
- Universality Features and Leading Effects at Hadron Supercolliders (T Taylor et al.)
- Multihadron Production: Theory and Phenomenology:
- The Dual Parton Model and the Leading Particle (A Capella)
- Universality of Thermal Hadron Production in pp, pp and e⁺e⁻ Collisions (F Becattini)
- Soft Particle Production in QCD Jets (S Lupia)
- Rapidity Gaps in e⁺e⁻ Annihilation and Parton–Hadron Duality (W Ochs & T Shimada)
- Perturbative QCD and Pomeron Physics:
- Pomeron and QCD Physics at Low x: A Comparison (A Kaidalov)
- On the Perturbative Pomeron in QCD (O V Kancheli)
- Monte Carlo Calculations for the Hard Pomeron (L P A Haakman et al.)
- Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein Functions for Parton Distributions (I Doršner et al.)
- Is Feynman Scaling Obeyed in High Energy Hadron Reactions? (G Kamberov & L Popova)
- Multiple Interactions in Photo- and Low-x Electroproduction (G Gustafson)
- Use of the Gribov Theorem on Soft Emission in Massless Gauge Theories (V S Fadin)
- The K Term (L Trentadue)
- Fracture Functions: An Update (L Trentadue)
- The Latest Experimental Data:
- Rapidity Gaps and Diffraction at D0 (M A Abolins)
- Latest LEP Results above Z0 Peak (Yu Galaktionov)
- The Structure of DIS Hadronic Final States at HERA (T Massam)
- The Leading Proton Spectrometer (T Massam)
- The Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber (E Cerron-Zeballos et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: High energy physicists.