This volume discusses theoretical and experimental activities in the investigation of nucleon and nuclear structure by electromagnetic and hadronic probes at intermediate and high energies. The focus is on laboratory activities, recent progress concerning the structure of hadrons, relativistic many-body approaches, deep inelastic scattering and correlations in nuclei.
Sample Chapter(s)
Recent Results on Spin Dependent Electron Scattering in Amsterdam (712 KB)
- GEP/GMP for Bound Protons: First Results for 16O with the Recoil Polarization Technique (C Glashausser)
- Quasielastic Proton Knockout from 16O (K De Jager)
- Applications of Computed Nuclear Structure Functions to Inclusive Scattering, R-Ratios and Their Moments (A S Rinat)
- Hyperspherical Harmonic Methods for Few-Nucleon Systems (S Rosati et al.)
- The Bethe–Brueckner–Goldstone Expansion in Nuclear and Neutron Matter (M Baldo)
- Pion Electroproduction on the Nucleon and the Generalized GDH Sum Rule (L Tiator et al.)
- Universality of Regge Trajectories in a Simple Model (B Silvestre-Brac et al.)
- Neutron Electromagnetic Form Factors (H Gao)
- Probing Nucleon Strangeness and a QCD Many-Body Approach (S R Cotanch)
- A Hypercentral Approach to Nucleon Form Factors (M M Giannini et al.)
- A New Resonance in K+Λ Electroproduction: The D13(1895) and Its Electromagnetic Form Factors (C Bennhold)
- Where is the Baryon Number in the Proton? (B Z Kopeliovich)
- Spin and Total Angular Momentum of the Glue (V Barone & A Drago)
- Interference Fragmentation Functions in Deep Inelastic Scattering (R Jakob et al.)
- and other papers
Readership: High-energy, theoretical and nuclear physicists.