This book constitutes the proceedings of the X Jorge André Swieca Summer School — Particles and Fields. It includes topics on non-commutative geometry, constructive quantum field theory and duality in quantum field theory, as well as various subjects in high energy physics and phenomenology.
- Introduction to QCD (M L Mangano)
- W Physics (M E Pol)
- Search for New Particles in the Context of SUSY (L Pape)
- Constructive Renormalization Theory (V Rivasseau)
- S-Matrices and the Bootstrap Procedure in Two-Dimensional Field Theories (A Pocklington)
- Supersymmetry Effects on High-Precision Electroweak Observables (A Djouadi)
- Vacuum Effective Action and Inflation (J C Fabris et al.)
- New Perturbative Approach to Quantum Field Theory (V Gupta)
- and other papers
Readership: Theoretical and experimental physicists working on quantum field theory and particle physics.