This book contains contributions by leading experts which cover an extensive range of topics in semigroups theory. Some of the articles exhibit the strong links with theoretical computer science. Several survey articles summarize the salient features of special fields of the theory of particular interest in the contemporary research. Special care has been taken in the presentation of the papers, making them accessible to a large audience.
- Inverse Transversals — A Guided Tour (T S Blyth)
- Deciding Some Embeddability Problems for Semigroups of Mappings (D H Fremlin & P M Higgins)
- Introduction to E-Inversive Semigroups (H Mitsch)
- Rings Graded by Inverse Semigroups (W D Munn)
- Varieties of Bands (M Petrich)
- Transformation Semigroups: Past, Present and Future (R P Sullivan)
- The Finite Basis Problem for Finite Semigroups: A Survey (M V Volkov)
- and other papers
Readership: Researchers and graduate students in algebra.