This invaluable book provides a balanced and integrated introduction to the quantum world of atoms and molecules. The underlying basis of quantum mechanics is carefully developed, with respect for the historical tradition and from a molecular angle. The fundamental concepts in the theory of atomic and molecular structure are thoroughly discussed, as are the central techniques needed in quantum-chemical applications. Special attention is paid to exposing and clarifying the common ground of Hartree–Fock theory and density-functional theory. Throughout the text, the discussion is pedagogically obliging and aims at simplicity and mathematical clarity, while avoiding the use of advanced mathematics. End-of-chapter problems supplement the main text.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Rise of Atomic Theory (947 KB)
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- (1) The Rise of Atomic Theory
- (2) The Birth of Quantum Mechanics
- (3) Wave Mechanics
- (4) Particle in a Box
- (5) Quantum-Mechanical Operators
- (6) The Free Particle
- (7) The Harmonic Oscillator
- (8) The Central-Field Problem
- (9) The Hydrogen Atom
- (10) The Spinning Electron
- (11) The Periodic Table by Electron Counting
- (12) The Variational Method
- (13) Diatomic Molecules
- (14) Vibration and Rotation of Diatomic Molecules
- (15) Atomic Term Symbols
- (16) Atomic Terms. Wavefunctions and Energies
- (17) Electronic Terms of Diatomic Molecules
- (18) The Hartree-Fock Method
- (19) Density-Functional Theory
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students in quantum chemistry.
“It has all the signs of a good set of lectures …”
Progress in Quantum Electronics
“The book is mathematically rigorous and the author has made a real effort to make what can be a difficult subject straightforward to understand. The mathematical parts are clearly presented with sufficiently detailed steps to maintain the flow, but also to make it understandable … it would make an excellent source book for the library or for the book shelves of anyone teaching a course on quantum mechanics.”
Contemporary Physics