This book describes new applications for spatio-temporal chaotic dynamical systems in elementary particle physics and quantum field theories. The stochastic quantization approach of Parisi and Wu is extended to more general deterministic chaotic processes as generated by coupled map lattices. In particular, so-called chaotic strings are introduced as a suitable small-scale dynamics of vacuum fluctuations. This more general approach to second quantization reduces to the ordinary stochastic quantization scheme on large scales, but it also opens up interesting new perspectives: chaotic strings appear to minimize their vacuum energy for the observed numerical values of the free standard model parameters.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (549 KB)
Chapter 1.1: Stochastic quantization (214 KB)
Chapter 1.2: Dynamical generation of the noise (311 KB)
Chapter 1.3: The free Klein-Gordon field with chaotic noise (257 KB)
Chapter 1.4: Chaotic quantization in momentum space (100 KB)
Chapter 1.5: Gauge fields with chaotic noise (121 KB)
Chapter 1.6: Distinguished properties of Tchebyscheff maps (209 KB)
Chapter 1.7: Graph theoretical method (324 KB)
Chapter 1.8: Perturbative approach (157 KB)