This book systematically discusses the modern theory of propagation and interaction of elastic waves in solids with microstructure. Mathematical models of solids taking into account microstructure, geometrical and physical nonlinearity, damage media, interaction of deformation and magnetic field are obtained. Different wave effects characteristic of solids with microstructure are studied. The opportunity to use these effects in problems of ultrasonic testing of materials and devices of constructions is considered.
- The Fundamental Hypothesis of Microstructured Elastic Solids. Structural–Phenomenological Model
- Gradient Elasticity Media. Dispersion. Dissipation. Nonlinearity
- Gradient Elasticity Media. Damaged Medium. Magnetoelasticity
- Cosserat Continuum
- Waves in Two-Component Mixture of Solids
- Waves in Micromorphic Solids
- Elasto-Plastic Waves in the Medium with Dislocations
- Wave Problems of Micropolar Hydrodynamics
Readership: Undergraduates, graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the mechanics of solids as well as in physical and technical acoustics.