This invaluable volume is a collection of articles in memory of Jacques-Louis Lions, a leading mathematician and the founder of the Contemporary French Applied Mathematics School. The contributions have been written by his friends, colleagues and students, including C Bardos, A Bensoussan, S S Chern, P G Ciarlet, R Glowinski, Gu Chaohao, B Malgrange, G Marchuk, O Pironneau, W Strauss, R Temam, etc.
The book concerns many important results in analysis, geometry, numerical methods, fluid mechanics, control theory, etc.
- Stable and Unstable Ideal Plane Flows (C Bardos et al.)
- Sensitivity of Darcy's Law to Discontinuities (C Bernardi & O Pironneau)
- Reiterated Homogenization of Degenerate Nonlinear Elliptic Equations (J Byström et al.)
- On the Connection in Finsler Space (S S Chern)
- On the Classification of Initial Data for Nonlinear Wave Equations (C Gu)
- Local Exact Boundary Controllability for a Class of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems (T Li & B Rao)
- On Nonlinear Differential Galois Theory (B Malgrange)
- Quadrilateral Mesh (P Ming & Z Shi)
- On the Hyperbolic Obstacle Problem of First Order (J F Rodrigues)
- and other articles
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics, numerical analysis and applied science.