Chickens cannot be bought in Vietnam restaurants for love or money. New reports are emerging every week of the global reach of avian influenza in birds. Africa and Europe are now affected by what was thought to be an Asian poultry disease. Governments worldwide are stockpiling antiviral drugs and forming rationing plans. Citizens are concerned that they will not be in “the list” of those who will receive these wonder drugs. Reports are emerging of antiviral drug resistance as the influenza virus mutates.
What is the influenza virus? Why are people so worried about pandemic influenza? What is a pandemic? Will it really happen? What is the real situation of avian influenza in humans in Asia? What are governments in the region doing to control the epidemic in birds? Are we overreacting to a couple of hundred cases in humans across Asia and Europe? What if there is no pandemic?
In this timely book, a group of experts from across Asia come together to answer these and other issues. While there are many questions which can never be answered, here for the first time is a series of scholarly articles written for the layperson by scientists and clinicians addressing the issues surrounding avian influenza and global pandemic influenza in humans.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Avian Influenza: Basic Science, Potential for Mutation, Transmission, Illness Symptomatology and Vaccines (578 KB)
- Avian Influenza: Basic Science, Potential for Mutation, Transmission, Illness Symptomatology and Vaccines (L Y-A Chai)
- Virology View (P K-S Chan)
- The First Cases of H5N1 Infection in the World (R Y-T Sung)
- The Second Phase After H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Infection: The Three-Wave Spread in Thailand (S Chutinimitkul et al.)
- Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Avian Influenza (T Khawcharoenporn et al.)
- Avian Flue: The Indonesian Experience (N M K Masjkuri et al.)
- Bird Flu in Indonesia (N Abikusno)
- Cultural, Social and Economic Influences of the Flu (V Lee & K-H Phua)
- The Consequences and Management of an Established Pandemic of Influenza (D A Fisher)
- The Socioeconomic Effects of an Avian Influenza Pandemic (G C-H Koh & D S-Q Koh)
- The Efficacy of Chinese Medicine for SARS: Review of Important Publications from China During the Crisis (P-C Leung)
- Scientific, Organizational and Economic Issues in Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Development (V T-K Chow)
- Estimating Reduction in Hospitalizations Resulting from Different Levels of Antiviral Use During an Influenza Pandemic (R Gani)
- Hong Kong's Public Health Preparedness for Avian Influenza Pandemic Under a Three-Tier Response System (R M-K Lam & P-Y Leung)
- Singapore's Efforts and Experiences in Influenza Control (P A Tambyah)
- Influenza, the Rockefeller Institute and, “The Swine Flu Episode, 1976” (R M Krause)
Readership: General public, virologists, microbiologists, medical and flu researchers and academics, animal scientists, public health specialists, infectious disease experts, government health ministries, viral research institutes, centers for disease control and the WHO.