This volume constitutes the proceedings of the third Franco-Japanese symposium on singularities, held in Sapporo in September 2004. It contains not only research papers on the most advanced topics in the field, but also some survey articles which give broad scopes in some areas of the subject. All the articles are carefully refereed for correctness and readability.
Published by Mathematical Society of Japan and distributed by World Scientific Publishing Co. for all markets except North America
- Cobordism of Fibered Knots and Related Topics (V Blanlœil & O Saeki)
- Proportionality of Indices of 1-Forms on Singular Varieties (J-P Brasselet, J Seade & T Suwa)
- Motivic Sheaves and Intersection Cohomo-Logy (M Hanamura)
- On Hyperbolic Perturbations of Algebraic Links and Small Mahler Measure (E Hironaka)
- Stably Hyperbolic Polynomials (V P Kostov)
- On Weighted-Degrees for Algebraic Local Cohomologies Associated with Semiquasihomogeneous Singularities (Y Nakamura & S Tajima)
- The Geometry of Continued Fractions and the Topology of Surface Singularities (P Popescu-Pampu)
- Exemples de Fonctions de Artin de Germes D'espaces Analytiques (G Rond)
- Perverse Sheaves and Milnor Fibers Over Singular Varieties (K Takeuchi)
- On Horn-Kapranov Uniformisation of the Discriminantal Loci (S Tanabé)
- Duality of Euler Data for Affine Varieties (M Tibǎr)
- Algèbre Graduée Associée À Une Valuation De K[X] (M Vaquié)
- Plane Curve Singularities Whose Milnor and Tjurina Numbers Differ by Three (M Watari)
- Characteristic Classes of (Pro)Algebraic Varieties (S Yokura)
Readership: Researchers in the theory of singularities, mathematicians in general, PhD students in mathematics.