New Edition: Topics in Lean Supply Chain Management (2nd Edition)
This uniquely designed textbook is structured to support educators in teaching the lean supply chain principles, concepts, and ideas used by industry and researched by scholars. It examines a wide range of current topical subjects in a structured format to help educators impart the value of combining lean management with supply chain management.
It focuses on many of the newest and most exciting areas of change in lean and supply chain management. In addition to basic content on the principles of lean and supply chain management, this book converts recent journal research into an easy-to-understand textbook material. While this textbook is suitable as a topical course for operations or supply chain management undergraduate students, it is self-contained and also suitable for graduate students who have had no prerequisite knowledge in operations or production management.
The Instructor's Manual, Test Bank (can be used in Blackboard courses) and the PowerPoint presentations of the text materials are available free of charge for all instructors who adopt this book as a course text. Please send your request to
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Lean (193 KB)
Chapter 4: Topics in Lean Supply Chain Leadership (132 KB)
Chapter 11: Topics in Lean Supply Chain E-Commerce (92 KB)
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- Introduction to Lean and Supply Chain Management:
- Lean
- Supply Chains
- The Nexus of Lean and Supply Chain Management
- Topics in Lean Supply Chain Management:
- Topics in Lean Supply Chain Leadership
- Strategic Customer Value Focus in Lean Supply Chain Management
- Topics in Aligning Lean Supply Chain Strategy, Tactics, and Operational Plans
- Ethics, Trust, and Collaboration Topics in Lean Supply Chains
- Topics in Globalization and Cultural Impacts on Lean Supply Chains
- Topics in Lean Supply Chain Information Systems
- Topics in Lean Supply Chain New Product Development
- Topics in Lean Supply Chain E-Commerce
- Topics in Lean Supply Chain Outsourcing
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate business students interested in supply chain management, operations management and lean management.
Marc J Schniederjans is the C Wheaton Battey Distinguished Professor of Business at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he teaches graduate and undergraduate classes in operations management, management information systems, and decision sciences. Schniederjans has won numerous teaching awards and has authored or coauthored 19 books in the field of management. He has published more than 100 journal articles and has served on the editorial review or advisory boards of more than 20 journals. He is a Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute and has served as a consultant and trainer to a variety of business and government agencies. Marc can be reached by e-mail at
Dara G Schniederjans is currently a PhD. student majoring in POM at the Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University. Dara earned her Bachlors degree in business at the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities. She is a member of the Decision Sciences Institute and the Academy of Management. Her research interests include leadership, outsourcing, guanxi, and ethics. Dara has co–authored and co-edited books on outsourcing and supply chain management. She has published articles in journals such as Journal of the Operational Research Society and The Journal of Global Studies. Dara can be reached by e-mail at
Ashlyn M Schniederjans is currently an Associate in the investment banking division at Barclays Capital in New York. She previously worked in the investment banking division at Morgan Stanley in both New York and Mumbai, India and served as a research associate for Fayez Sarofim & Co, a 19 billion investment firm. Ashlyn has co-authored books on outsourcing and IT investment. She earned her MBA from Harvard Business School graduating and received her Bachelors degree in economics at Johns Hopkins University. Ashlyn can be reached by email at