This book explains how to use R software to teach econometrics by providing interesting examples, using actual data applied to important policy issues. It helps readers choose the best method from a wide array of tools and packages available. The data used in the examples along with R program snippets, illustrate the economic theory and sophisticated statistical methods extending the usual regression. The R program snippets are not merely given as black boxes, but include detailed comments which help the reader better understand the software steps and use them as templates for possible extension and modification.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (42 KB)
Chapter 1: Production Function and Regression Methods Using R (580 KB)
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Exercises (some with detailed answers)
- Production Function and Regression Methods Using R
- Univariate Time Series Analysis with R
- Bivariate Time Series Analysis Including Stochastic Diffusion and Cointegration
- Utility Theory and Empirical Implications
- Vector Models for Multivariate Problems
- Simultaneous Equation Models
- Limited Dependent Variable (GLM) Models
- Dynamic Optimization and Empirical Analysis of Consumer Behavior
- Single, Double and Maximum Entropy Bootstrap and Inference
- Generalized Least Squares, VARMA, and Estimating Functions
- Box–Cox, Loess and Projection Pursuit Regression
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students of economics and econometrics, applied statisticians and finance professionals.
“Outstanding tool … simple examples on a vast range of topics that illustrate the practical side of econometric work.”
Prof. Peter C B Phillips
Yale University
“Unified and broadly accessible presentation of modern econometrics.”
Prof. William A Barnett
University of Kansas
“Theoretical concepts are clearly explained in a non-technical way … major addition … I strongly recommend this book.”
Prof. Jean-Marie Dufour
McGill University
“Done a great service … program snippets illustrate economic theory and sophisticated statistical methods.”
Prof. Subal C Kumbhakar
State University of New York, Binghamton
“Emphasizes often overlooked careful data analysis prior to model specification … presents a very convincing case … recommend it to my graduate students.”
Prof. Jean-François Richard
Univ. of Pittsburgh
“Superb … unique … will be greatly used outside the econometrics field … great width, depth and originality … very user-friendly.”
Prof. Aman Ullah
Univ. of California, Riverside
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (42 KB)
Chapter 1: Production Function and Regression Methods Using R (580 KB)
9789812818867SM01.iso (30055 KB)
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