The Fourth Conference on Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis brought together experts in harmonic analysis, operator algebras and probability theory. Most of the articles deal with the limit behavior of systems with many degrees of freedom in the presence of symmetry constraints. This volume gives new directions in research bringing together probability theory and representation theory.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Index Theory for Wiener-Hopf Operators on Convex Cones (1,709 KB)
- A Variant of the Frobenius Reciprocity for Restricted Representations on Nilpotent Lie Groups (A Baklouti et al.)
- Transforms, Polynomials and Integrable Models Associated with Reflection Groups (C F Dunkl)
- Positive and Negative Definite Functions on Hypergroup and Its Dual (H Heyer)
- Towards Projective Representations and Spin Characters of Finite and Infinite Complex Reflection Groups (T Hirai et al.)
- Extensions of Commutative Hypergroups (S Kawakami)
- Semi-bounded Unitary Representations of Infinite Dimensional Lie Groups (K-H Neeb)
- Limit Theorems for Radial Random Walks on Homogeneous Spaces with Growing Dimensions (M Voit)
- and other papers
Readership: Researchers in analysis and differential equations, geometry and topology, probability and statistics.