This book is based on the author's 34 years of experience as a teacher/researcher of coastal engineering and management and on recent reflections on newly relevant issues, such as consequences of failure, impacts of rising sea levels, aging infrastructure, real estate development, and contemporary decision making, design and education.
This textbook for undergraduate students, postgraduate students and practicing engineers covers waves, structures, sediment movement, coastal management, and contemporary coastal design and decision making, presenting both basic principles and engineering solutions. It discusses the traditional methods of analysis and synthesis (design), but also contemporary design taking into account environmental impacts, consequences of failure, and current concerns such as global warming, aging infrastructure, working with stakeholder groups, regulators, etc.
This second edition expands greatly on the topics of failure and resilience that surfaced as a result of recent disasters from hurricane surges and tsunamis. It updates the discussion of design and decision making in the 21st century, with many new examples presented.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (226 KB)
Chapter 2: Water Waves (346 KB)
Chapter 3: Short-Term Wave Analysis (391 KB)
Chapter 5: Wave Generation (263 KB)
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- Water Waves
- Short-Term Wave Analysis
- Long-Term Wave Analysis
- Wave Generation
- Wave Transformation and Breaking
- Tides and Water Levels
- Rare Extraneous Events
- Design of Structures
- Breakwaters
- Introduction to Coastal Management
- Coastal Sediment Transport
- Basic Shore Processes
- Coastal Design
- One-Dimensional Modeling of Coastal Morphology
- Shore Protection
- Contemporary Concepts
- Problems
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and academics in coastal engineering and management.
Bill Kamphuis is Emeritus Professor of Coastal Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He was for 32 years director of the Queen's University Coastal Engineering Research Laboratory and is president of J.W. Kamphuis, Associates Limited, Coastal Consultants. He received his Ph.D. from Queen's in 1965, worked at the National Research Council of Canada from 1965 to 1968 and then moved to Queen's University, where he became a full professor in 1974 and emeritus professor in 2001. He is a registered professional engineer, life member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), member of the International Association for Hydraulic Research (IAHR) and founding president of the Canadian Coastal Science and Engineering Association.
He is the recipient of ASCE's 2006 International Coastal Engineering Award. Professor Kamphuis was instrumental in developing a world class program of Coastal Engineering at Queen's University and has taught courses in coastal engineering, coastal processes, tides and estuaries, fluid mechanics, hydraulics, open channels and hydrology. He also specialized in numerical analysis and is a recognized expert in the fields of (physical and numerical) modeling. He has been invited to lecture at many institutions, has published over 130 research papers covering a broad range of topics in Coastal Engineering and is the author of the widely used reference and textbook: “Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management“. As a consultant, he carries out an international practice and authored of over 150 consulting reports, prepared for clients. He is a church organist, enjoys sailing and kayaking in summer, and teaches skiing in winter.