The last few years have witnessed rapid advancements in information and coding theory research and applications. This book provides a comprehensive guide to selected topics, both ongoing and emerging, in information and coding theory. Consisting of contributions from well-known and high-profile researchers in their respective specialties, topics that are covered include source coding; channel capacity; linear complexity; code construction, existence and analysis; bounds on codes and designs; space-time coding; LDPC codes; and codes and cryptography.
All of the chapters are integrated in a manner that renders the book as a supplementary reference volume or textbook for use in both undergraduate and graduate courses on information and coding theory. As such, it will be a valuable text for students at both undergraduate and graduate levels as well as instructors, researchers, engineers, and practitioners in these fields.
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Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Linear Complexity and Related Complexity Measures (345 KB)
- Applications of Coding Theory to Computational Complexity:
- Linear Complexity and Related Complexity Measures (A Winterhof)
- Lattice and Construction of High Coding Gain lattices from Codes (M-R Sadeghi)
- Distributed Space-Time Codes with Low ML Decoding Complexity (G S Rajan & B S Rajan)
- Methods of Algebraic Combinatiorics in Coding Theory/Codes Construction and Existence:
- Coding Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics (M Huber)
- Block Codes from Matrix and Group Rings (P Hurley & T Hurley)
- LDPC and Convolutional Codes from Matrix and Group Rings (P Hurley & T Hurley)
- Search for Good Linear Codes in the Class of Quasi-Cyclic and Related Codes (N Aydin & T Asamov)
- Source Coding/Channel Capacity/Network Coding:
- Applications of Universal Source Coding to Statistical Analysis of Time Series (B Ryabko)
- Introduction to Network Coding for Acyclic and Cyclic Networks (Á I Barbero & Øyvind Ytrehus)
- Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding on a Multiple Access Channel (V Sharma & R Rajesh)
- Other Selected Topics in Information and Coding Theory:
- Low-Density Parity-Check Codes and the Related Performance Analysis Methods (X-D Ma)
- Variable Length Codes and Finite Automata (M-P Béal et al.)
- Decoding and Finding the Minimum Distance with Gröbner Bases: History and New Insights (S Bulygin & R Pellikaan)
- Cooperative Diversity Systems for Wireless Communication (M Uysal & M M Fareed)
- Public Key Cryptography and Coding Theory (P Véron)
Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of coding and information theory.