This book brings together domains in financial asset pricing and valuation, financial investment theory, econometrics modeling, and the empirical analyses of financial data by applying appropriate econometric techniques. These domains are highly intertwined and should be properly understood in order to correctly and effectively harness the power of data and methods for investment and financial decision-making. The book is targeted at advanced finance undergraduates and beginner professionals performing financial forecasts or empirical modeling who will find it refreshing to see how forecasting is not simply running a least squares regression line across data points, and that there are many minefields and pitfalls to avoid, such as spurious results and incorrect interpretations.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Probability Distribution and Statistics (197 KB)
Chapter 3: Two-Variable Linear Regression Application: Financial Hedging (183 KB)
Chapter 9: Estimation Errors and T-Tests Application: Eventstudies (128 KB)
Chapter 12: Specification Errors (198 KB)
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- Probability Distribution and Statistics
- Statistical Laws and Central Limit Theorem Application: Stock Return Distributions
- Two-Variable Linear Regression Application: Financial Hedging
- Model Estimation Application: Capital Asset Pricing Model
- Constrained Regression Application: Cost of Capital
- Time Series Analysis Application: Inflation Forecasting
- Random Walk Application: Market Efficiency
- Autoregression and Persistence Application: Predictability
- Estimation Errors and T-Tests Application: Event Studies
- Multiple Linear Regression and Stochastic Regressors
- Dummy Variables and ANOVA Application: Time Effect Anomalies
- Specification Errors
- Cross-Sectional Regression Application: Testing CAPM
- More Multiple Linear Regressions Application: Multi-Factor Asset Pricing
- Errors-in-Variable Application: Exchange Rates and Risk Premium
- Unit Root Processes Application: Purchasing Power Parity
- Conditional Heteroskedasticity Application: Risk Estimation
- Mean Reverting Continuous Time Process Application: Bonds and Term Structures
- Implied Parameters Application: Option Pricing
- Generalised Method of Moments Application: Consumption-Based Asset Pricing
Readership: Advanced finance undergraduates and beginner professionals performing financial forecasts or empirical modeling.
“The book provides excellent applications of some econometric techniques to important finance and economic problems. This is a useful text for the MS students in the quantitative finance programmes.”
Andrew H Chen
Distinguished Professor of Finance
Cox School of Business
Southern Methodist University, USA
“This book combines works on empirical and statistical data with concepts and methods in finance. Such a presentation, especially the ‘application chapters’, is refreshing and gives the student of quantitative finance a very good view of how theory and practice come together.”
Chong Chi Tat
University Professor
Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore
“The book will be very useful for students of finance and financial engineering. The arguments are presented intuitively, then developed with mathematical rigor, and supported with excellent examples and problems — and they cover a wide range of applications in finance.”
Krishna Ramaswamy
Edward Hopkinson, Jr. Professor of Investment Banking
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA
“A really useful econometrics book written specifically for finance readers. I wish I had a copy years ago.”
Dr Tee Lim
Barr Rosenberg Research Center, USA
“The approach of explaining quantitative theories and methods through examples of their applications is very useful. Beginners will find econometrics a lot easier to pick up using this book, while experienced readers will enjoy taking a tour over the actual case studies to appreciate the power of econometrics.”
Dr Liu Xiaoqing
Senior Vice President
Treasury and Market, DBS Bank
“Professor Kian Guan, a respected scholar in the field of finance, has written two extremely valuable texts on ‘Financial Valuation and Econometrics’ and ‘Probability and Financial Theory’. These texts develop the core ideas of finance in the last 40 years and their applications in an accessible manner without sacrificing rigor. I recommend the texts for scholars teaching financial theory, capital markets, and financial engineering.”
Suresh M Sundaresan
Chase Manhattan Bank Professor of Economics and Finance
Columbia Business School, University of Columbia, USA