Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Preliminary Considerations
1.1. Introduction
1.2. The Need for Extended Surfaces
1.3. The Isothermal Surface
1.4. The Compact Surfaces
1.5. Closure
Chapter 2 Preliminary Considerations
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Design Equations
2.3. Detailed Design Procedure
2.4. Closure
Chapter 3 Preliminary Considerations
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Limiting Assumptions in Extended Surface Analysis
3.3. Additional Heat Dissipating Cases
3.4. A Linear Transformation
3.5. Other Linear Transformations
3.6. The Longitudinal Fin
3.7. The Cylindrical Spine
3.8. Algorithms for the Combination of Fins
3.9. The Murray-Gardner Limitation 5
3.10. The Choking Phenomenon
3.11. The Adiabatic Plane
3.12. The Equivalent Fin Height
3.13. Finding the Array Efficiency
3.14. Equation Summaries
3.15. Detailed Design Procedures
3.16. Closure
Chapter 4 Preliminary Considerations
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Equation Summaries
4.3. Detailed Design Procedures
Chapter 5 Preliminary Considerations
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Single Elements
5.3. The Single Stack with Unequal Loading
5.4. The Double Stack with Unequal Loading
5.5. Closure
Chapter 6 Micropumps and Pumping Requirements
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Fan Dynamics
6.3. Matching the Cold Plate to the Fan
Chapter 7 Preliminary Considerations
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Heat Transfer Coefficients
7.3. Pressure Loss in Finned Passages
7.4. Some Criteria for Coolant Selection
7.5. Fluid Selection
7.6. Design Procedure for Liquid Cooling
7.7. Closure