This book provides an introduction to the basic ideas and concepts of quantum computation and information for both undergraduate and graduate students. The book starts with the quantum bits and the entangled states which turn out to bring revolutionary ideas in information theory. This book is self-contained and unified in its description of the cross-disciplinary nature of this field. The book aims to provide intuitive and transparent ideas of the subjects, and is not strictly mathematical. Quantum mechanics and mathematical tools (especially, number theory) are explained with many examples and illustrations. The students can obtain practical problem-solving ability by solving the exercises at the end of each chapter. Detailed solutions to all problems are provided at the end of the book.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (110 KB)
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- Mathematical Realization of Quantum Mechanics
- Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics
- EPR Pair and Measurement
- Classical Computers
- Quantum Gates
- Theory of Information and Communication
- Quantum Computation
- Quantum Cryptography
- Quantum Search Algorithm
- Physical Devices of Quantum Computers
Readership: Undergraduate- and graduate-level students, as well as scientists who are neither experts of quantum mechanics nor experts in information theory.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (110 KB)
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