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From Nuclei to Stars cover

In one way or another, Gerry Brown has been concerned with questions about the universe, about its vast expanse as well as about its most miniscule fundamental constituents of matter throughout his entire life. In his endeavours to understand the universe in many manifestations from nuclei all the way to the stars, he has been influenced by some of the most prominent physicists of the 20th century, and he himself, in turn, has influenced a great many scholars. This volume, a collection of articles dedicated to Gerry on his 85th birthday, contains discussions of many of the issues which have attracted his interest over the years. The contributions are written by his former students, co-authors, colleagues and admirers and they are strongly influenced byGerry's own scientific tastes. With this compilation we want to express our respect, admiration and gratitude; we want to celebrate Gerry's scientific and scholarly achievements, the inspirational quality of his teaching and the enthusiasm which he himself displayed in his research and which stimulated so many of his students and colleagues over the decades.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: What is the Universe? G.E.Brown — His Life and Work (510 KB)

  • What is the Universe? G E Brown — His Life and Work (Sabine Lee)
  • Toward a Fully Relativistic Theory of Quantum Information (Christoph Adami)
  • Hadron Production in Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions and the QCD Phase Diagram: an Update (P Braun-Munzinger and J Stachel)
  • The Nuclear Shell Model for Nuclei in the Region of 208Pb (B Alex Brown)
  • Nuclear Medium Effects from Hadronic Atoms (E Friedman and A Gal)
  • Three-Body Interactions in Fermi Systems (B Friman and A Schwenk)
  • Meson Assisted Strange Dibaryons (A Gal)
  • Lattice Nuclear Force (T Hatsuda)
  • Density-Dependent Nuclear Interactions and the Beta Decay of 14C: Chiral Three-Nucleon Forces and Brown-Rho Scaling (J W Holt, N Kaiser and W Weise)
  • Effective Field Theory and High-Precision Calculations ofNuclear Electroweak Processes (Kuniharu Kubodera and Mannque Rho)
  • The Vlow-k Low-Momentum Interaction and its Applicationto Finite-Nuclei and Neutron Stars (T T S Kuo)
  • What a Two Solar Mass Neutron Star Really Means (James M Lattimer and Madappa Prakash)
  • Formation and Evolution of Black Hole Binaries in the Galaxy (Chang-Hwan Lee)
  • Chiral Symmetry and the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction (R Machleidt and D R Entem)
  • Chiral Symmetry, Nuclear Forces and All That (Ulf-G Meiβner)
  • Transport Properties of a Non-Relativistic Delta-Shell Gas with Long Scattering Lengths (Sergey Postnikov and Madappa Prakash)
  • Subtle is the Manifestation of Chiral Symmetry in Nuclei and Dense Nuclear Matter (Mannque Rho)
  • Multi-W-Z-top Bags, and their Possible Role in Cosmological Baryogenesis (Edward Shuryak)
  • Theory of Finite Fermi Systems — The Stony Brook JülichInteraction (J Speth, S Krewald and F Grümmer)
  • Separation Energy, Rearrangement Energy and Single Nucleon Wave Functions in Nuclei (Igal Talmi)
  • Holographic Nucleons (Ismail Zahed)

Readership: Students, researchers and academics interested in nuclear physics, quantum physics and astrophysics.