This volume contains current work at the frontiers of research in quantum probability, infinite dimensional stochastic analysis, quantum information and statistics. It presents a carefully chosen collection of articles by experts to highlight the latest developments in those fields. Included in this volume are expository papers which will help increase communication between researchers working in these areas. The tools and techniques presented here will be of great value to research mathematicians, graduate students and applied mathematicians.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (195 KB)
Chapter 1: Existence of the Fock Representation for Current Algebras of the Galilei Algebra (4,977 KB)
- Existence of the Fock Representation for Current Algebras of the Galilei Algebra (L Accardi et al.)
- Modular Structures and Landau Levels (F Bagarello)
- On Spectral Approach to Pascal White Noise Functionals (A Barhoumi et al.)
- Spectral Analysis for Twisted Waveguides (P Briet)
- On the Classification of Invarient State of Generic Quantum Markov Semigroups: The Gaussian Gauge Invariant Case (S Hachicha)
- On Difficulties Appearing in the Study of Stochastic Volterra Equations (A Karczewska)
- Entanglement Protection and Generation in a Two-Atom System (M Orszag)
- Hilbert Molecules — Square Roots of Positive Maps (M Skeide)
- Multiparameter Quantum Stochastic Processes (W J Spring)
- and other papers
Readership: Researchers in mathematical physics, stochastic analysis and probability and statistics.