This volume consists of a collection of research articles on classical and emerging Statistical Paradigms — parametric, non-parametric and semi-parametric, frequentist and Bayesian — encompassing both theoretical advances and emerging applications in a variety of scientific disciplines. For advances in theory, the topics include: Bayesian Inference, Directional Data Analysis, Distribution Theory, Econometrics and Multiple Testing Procedures. The areas in emerging applications include: Bioinformatics, Factorial Experiments and Linear Models, Hotspot Geoinformatics and Reliability.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (82 KB)
Chapter 1: Weak Paradoxes And Paradigms (209 KB)
- Reviews:
- Weak Paradoxes and Paradigms (Jayanta K Ghosh)
- Nonparametrics in Modern Interdisciplinary Research: Some Perspectives and Prospectives (Pranab K Sen)
- Parametric:
- Bounds on Distributions Involving Partial, Marginal and Conditional Information: The Consequences of Incomplete Prior Specification (Barry C Arnold)
- Stepdown Procedures Controlling a Generalized False Discovery Rate (Wenge Guo and Sanat K Sarkar)
- On Confidence Intervals for Expected Response in 2n Factorial Experiments with Exponentially Distributed Response Variables (H V Kulkarni and S C Patil)
- Predictive Influence of Variables in a Linear Regression Model when the Moment Matrix is Singular (Md Nurul Haque Mollah and S K Bhattacharjee)
- New Wrapped Distributions — Goodness of Fit (A V Dattatreya Rao, I Ramabhadra Sarma and S V S Girija)
- Semi-Parametric:
- Non-Stationary Samples and Meta-Distribution (Dominique Guégan)
- MDL Model Selection Criterion for Mixed Models with an Application to Spline Smoothing (Antti Liski and Erkki P Liski)
- Digital Governance and Hotspot Geoinformatics with Continuous Fractional Response (G P Patil, S W Joshi and R E Koli)
- Bayesian Curve Registration of Functional Data (Z Zhong, A Majumdar and R L Eubank)
- Non-Parametric & Probability:
- Nonparametric Estimation in a One-Way Error Component Model: A Monte Carlo Analysis (Daniel J Henderson and Aman Ullah)
- GERT Analysis of Consecutive-k Systems: An Overview (Kanwar Sen, Manju Agarwal and Pooja Mohan)
- Moment Bounds for Strong-Mixing Processes with Applications (Ratan Dasgupta)
Readership: Researchers, professionals and advanced students working on Bayesian and frequentist approaches to statistical modeling and on interfaces for both theory and applications.