This book is suitable for a first year, non-calculus physics course. It covers mechanics, fluids, gravitation, thermal physics, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics, including atoms, an introduction to quantum mechanics, special relativity, and nuclear and particle physics. Trigonometric functions and vectors are introduced as needed.
Errata (37 KB)
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (38 KB)
Introduction (97 KB)
Chapter 1: The sizes of Typical Objects, and How We Know (178 KB)
Chapter 2: Linear Motion (1,323 KB)
Chapter 3: Galileo; Free Fall, Projectile Motion (812 KB)
Chapter 4: Newtonian Mechanics (1,226 KB)
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- Mechanics:
- The Sizes of Typical Objects, and How We Know
- Linear Motion
- Galileo; Free Fall, Projectile Motion
- Newtonian Mechanics
- Work and Energy
- Impulse and Momentum
- Rotational Dynamics
- Solar System and Gravitation
- Oscillations and Waves
- Thermal Physics
- States of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases
- Electricity and Magnetism:
- Static Electricity
- Currents and Circuits
- Magnetism
- Electromagnetism — II
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Geometrical Optics — Image Formation
- Physical Optics
- Modern Physics:
- The Beginning of Modern Physics
- Atoms
- Particles and Waves — An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- The Special Theory of Relativity
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Readership: Advanced high school students, beginning college students and all individuals interested in transition school physics.