This book expands on issues like fiscal sustainability, state enterprises and the variety of subsidies, with a multi-country focus. Drawing examples from numerous countries, it presents issues in contemporary finance and especially fiscal policy that can benefit researchers and civil servants from both developed, as well as developing worlds and emerging market economies.
Written in a simple and accessible manner, this book will be of interest to civil servants and practitioners. It also serves as a reference source for students and academics, and can be used as a textbook for advanced courses on public finance.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 2: How Fiscal Policy Affects the National Economy (435 KB)
Chapter 5: Fiscal (Public Debt) Sustainability (1,455 KB)
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- The Role of Government in a Modern Market Economy:
- The Economic Justification for Government Activity
- Specific Activities for Governments
- Summary
- How Fiscal Policy Affects the National Economy:
- Fiscal Policy: An Introduction
- Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand
- Fiscal Policy and the Supply Side
- Fiscal Policy and the Balance of Payments
- The Interaction between Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- Using Fiscal Policy for Macroeconomic Management
- Limitations on Fiscal Policy
- Summary
- How the National Economy Affects the Fiscal Sector:
- Business Cycles and the Government Budget
- How the Stage of Economic Development
- Is Fiscal Policy Pro- or Counter-Cyclical?
- Making Policy More Counter-Cyclical
- Summary
- Fiscal Accounts, Analysis, and Forecasting:
- Coverage of the Fiscal Sector
- Fiscal Accounts
- Fiscal Analysis: Key Indicators
- Fiscal Forecasting
- Summary
- Fiscal (Public Debt) Sustainability:
- Assessing Sustainability: Basic Considerations
- Analysis of Fiscal Solvency
- Sustainability: Going Beyond the Basics
- Fiscal Sustainability and the Financial Crisis of 2007–09
- Summary
- Revenue Policy:
- Selected Data on Government Revenue
- Purposes of Taxation
- Principles for an Effective Revenue System
- Major Revenue Sources
- Other Tax Policy Issues
- Tax Administration
- Summary
- Expenditure Policy and Reform:
- Rationales for Government Expenditure: A Brief Review
- Expenditure Levels and Composition — An International Comparison
- Main Categories of Government Expenditure
- Issues Affecting Specific Categories of Expenditure
- Special Expenditure Issues
- Tools for Controlling Expenditure
- Summary
- State Enterprises:
- Justifications for State Enterprises
- Economic Implications of State Ownership
- Reforming State Enterprises
- Privatization
- Summary
- Fiscal Aspects of Responding to Financial Crisis and Bank Restructuring:
- Background: What Triggers Bank Failures and the Need for Restructuring
- Justification for Public Sector Response to Bank
- Policy Options to Support Failing Banks
- Summary
- Fiscal Federalism and Decentralization:
- Assigning Expenditure Responsibilities to Different Levels of Government — General Principles
- Assigning Revenue Sources to Different Levels of Government — General Principles
- Intergovernmental Transfers in Federal Systems
- Achieving Fiscal Control in Federal Systems
- Fiscal Federalism in Practice
- Summary
- Fiscal Policy for Promoting Growth and Alleviating Poverty:
- Using Fiscal Policy to Promote Growth
- Using Fiscal Policy to Alleviate Poverty and Unemployment
- Summary
- Fiscal Policy and Aging: Public Pension Programs:
- Justifications for Public Pension Programs
- Types of Public Pension Programs
- Advantages and Risks
- National Pension Programs: Illustrative Examples
- Population Aging and the Outlook for Public Pension Programs
- Reforming Public Pension Programs: A General Approach
- Summary
- Fiscal Policy and Health Care:
- Basic Characteristics of Health Care
- The Role of Government in Health Care
- Trends in Health Expenditures
- Singapore: Avoiding the Rise in Health Care Expenditures as a Percentage of GDP
- Strategies for Containing Fiscal Costs for Health Care
- Summary
- Fiscal Rules:
- Kinds of Fiscal Rules and Their Implications
- Effectiveness of Fiscal Rules
- Fiscal Rules as Part of the Framework for Fiscal Policymaking
- Developing Effective Fiscal Rules
- Recent Experience with Fiscal Rules
- Summary
- Fiscal Reforms:
- Goals of Fiscal Reform Programs
- Potential Revenue Reforms
- Potential Expenditure Reforms
- Potential Reforms for State Enterprises
- Potential Reforms in Tax Administration
- Achieving Fiscal Reform
- Case Studies of Fiscal Reform
- Conclusions
Readership: Students, researchers and academics studying or teaching public finance and fiscal policy; civil servants; practitioners.
Dr. Joshua Greene is a macroeconomist with a specialization in public finance, who has worked in both national and international organizations since 1976. Recently retired from the International Monetary Fund, where he served for 28 years, most recently as Deputy Director of the IMF-Singapore Regional Training Institute in Singapore, he has led a variety of courses in macroeconomics and public finance, both for university students and for officials from countries in Asia and the Pacific. Dr. Greene has served periodically as an adjunct or visiting professor at Singapore Management University in the Master's Program for Applied Economics and as a consultant for the Asian Development Bank and Bank Negara Malaysia. He has also taught macroeconomics at George Mason University in the United States. Dr. Greene has done research on a variety of subjects, including African debt, factors affecting private investment in developing countries, and the U.S. balance of payments. His work has been published in IMF Staff Papers, World Development, the Journal of African Finance and Economic Development, and other journals. He has a Ph.D. in economics and a law degree from the University of Michigan and an undergraduate degree from Princeton University.