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Quest for the Origin of Particles and the Universe cover
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The Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI) was founded at Nagoya University in 2010 under the directorship of T Maskawa, in celebration of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics for M Kobayashi and T Maskawa, both who are alumni of Nagoya University. In commemoration of the new KMI building in 2011, the KMI Inauguration Conference (KMIIN) was organized to discuss perspectives of various fields — both theoretical and experimental studies of particle physics and astrophysics — as the main objectives of the KMI activity.

This proceedings contains a welcome address by T Maskawa conveying his hopes for KMI to create new revolutionary directions in the spirit of Shoichi Sakata, a great mentor of both Maskawa and Kobayashi. Invited speakers, world-leading scientists in the fields, and the young scientists at KMI contributed to this volume containing theoretical studies of strongly coupled gauge theories in view of LHC phenomenology, string theory approach and lattice studies as well as hot/dense QCD system, and also super-symmetric GUT models, etc., together with experimental studies of LHC physics, B physics, neutrino physics and the related astrophysics and cosmology.

The volume yields a unique synergy of particle physics and astrophysics, closely related to the main activity of KMI encompassing particle theory (including lattice computer simulations), particle physics experiments, cosmology, and astrophysics observations.

Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Relativistic Signatures of Accreting Black Holes (645 KB)

  • Relativistic Signatures of Accreting Black Holes (A C Fabian)
  • X-Ray Observations of Dark Particle Accelerators (H Matsumoto)
  • Standard Model CP and Baryon Number Violation in Cold Electroweak Cosmology (E Shuryak)
  • The QCD Phase Diagram in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (C Nonaka)
  • Problems with the MSSM: Mu and Proton Decay (S Raby)
  • Origin of Kobayashi–Maskawa Theory in E6 GUT with Family Symmetry (N Maekawa)
  • Results and Prospects of the T2K Neutrino Experiment (T Nakaya)
  • Equation of State for Dark Energy in Modified Gravity Theories (K Bamba)
  • Cosmology with the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (T Matsubara)
  • Quarks and the Cosmos (M S Turner)
  • Top Quark and Higgs Boson Physics at LHC-ATLAS (M Tomoto)
  • LHCf, Connecting Collider with Astroparticle Physics (T Sako for the LHCf Collaboration)
  • Quantum Hall Effect: What can be Learned from Curved Space (C Hoyos and D T Son)
  • QCD and Gauge/String Duality (T Sakai)
  • Belle II and SuperKEKB (P Križan)
  • The KMI Lattice Project — Exploring for Technicolor from QCD (Y Aoki, T Aoyama, M Kurachi, T Maskawa, K-i Nagai, H Ohki, A Shibata, K Yamawaki and T Yamazaki)
  • Direct WIMP Dark Matter Searches and XMASS Experiment (Y Suzuki)
  • LHC Now and its Future Prospect (K Tokushuku)
  • Particle Physics and Astrophysics by Cosmic Gamma-Ray Observations (H Tajima)
  • Technicolor in the LHC Era (R S Chivukula, P Ittisamai, J Ren and E H Simmons)
  • Topcolor in the LHC Era (E H Simmons, R S Chivukula, B Coleppa, H E Logan and A Martin)
  • and other papers

Readership: Graduate students, researchers and professionals in the fields of particle theory, particle experiment and astrophysics/cosmology.