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Nuclear Structure Problems cover
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The book contains the papers presented in the French–Japan Symposium on Nuclear Structure Problems, held in January 2011 at RIKEN Wako Campus with 100 participants.

Based on the long history of collaboration between France and Japan in the field of nuclear physics, various problems in recent and future studies are discussed. Emphasis is on the structure of nuclei far from the stability, reactions involving stable and unstable nuclei, nuclear processes and properties of astrophysical interest, synthesis of super-heavy elements, and instrumentation and accelerator projects.

Sample Chapter(s)

  • GANIL-SPIRAL2: A New ERA (S Gales)
  • Nuclear Physics in Japan and RIKEN Nishina Center (H En'yo)
  • Nuclear Physics Programs at RIBF (H Sakurai)
  • Unbound States of the Drip-Line Nucleus 24O (V Lapoux, S Boissinot, E C Pollacco, F Flavigny, C Louchart, L Nalpas, A Obertelli, H Otsu, H Baba, R J Chen, N Fukuda, N Inabe, D Kameda, M Matsushita, T Motobayashi, T Onishi, E Y Nikolskii, M Nishimura, H Sakurai, M Takechi, S Takeuchi, Y Togano, K Yoneda, A Yoshida, K Yoshida, A Matta, Y Blumenfeld, S Franchoo, F Hammache, Ph Rosier, E Rindel, P Gangnant, Ch Houarner, J F Libin and F Saillant)
  • High-Resolution Ion-Optical Analysis of RI-Beams with the Sharaq Spectrometer (T Uesaka, S Michimasa, H Tokieda, S Shimoura, S Ota, Y Sasamoto, H Miya, S Kawase, Y Kikuchi, K Kisamori, M Takaki, H Matsubara, M Dozono, S Noji, K Miki, K Yako, H Sakai, H Takeda, D Kameda, T Ohnishi, Y Yanagisawa, T Kubo, H Baba, T Kawabata, P Roussel-Chomaz, M Sasano and G P A Berg)
  • Nuclear Moments of μ-Second Isomeric Fragments at BigRIPS (R Chevrier, J M Daugas, L Gaudefroy, M Hass, H Haas, H Ueno, N Aoi, N Fukuda, Y Ichikawa, N Inabe, M Ishihara, D Kameda, T Kubo, T Ohnishi, H Takeda, H Watanabe, A Yoshimi, K Asahi, T Furukawa, H Hayashi, H Iijima, T Inoue, Y Ishii, T Nanao, K Suzuki, M Tsuchiya, D L Balabanski, G Georgiev, S Cootenier, G Neyens and M Rajabali)
  • Production of Spin-Aligned RI Beams via the Two-Step Fragmentation Reaction (H Ueno, Y Ichikawa, Y Ishii, T Furukawa, A Yoshimi, D Kameda, H Watanabe, N Aoi, K Asahi, D L Balabanski, R Chevrier, J M Daugas, N Fukuda, G Georgiev, H Hayashi, H Iijima, N Inabe, T Inoue, M Ishihara, T Kubo, T Nanao, T Ohnishi, K Suzuki, M Tsuchiya, H Takeda and M M Rajabali)
  • Recent Studies of Transfer Reactions with MUST2 at GANIL and RIKEN (D Beaumel)
  • Lifetime Measurement of 2+1 State in 74Zn by Recoil-Distance Doppler-Shift Method (M Niikura, B Mouginot, F Azaiez, S Franchoo, I Matea, I Stefan, D Verney, M Assie, P Bednarczyk, C Borcea, A Burger, G Burgunder, A Buta, L Càceres, E Cléement, L Coquard, G de Angelis, G de France, F de Oliveira Santos, A Dewald, A Dijon, Z Dombradi, E Fiori, C Fransen, G Friessner, L Gaudefroy, G Georgiev, S Grévy, M Hackstein, M N Harakeh, F Ibrahim, O Kamalou, M Kmiecik, R Lozeva, A Maj, C Mihai, O Möller, S Myalski, F Negoita, D Pantelica, L Perrot, Th Pissula, F Rotaru, W Rother, J A Scarpaci, C Stodel, J C Thomas and P Ujic)
  • Recent Progress of Nuclear Density Functional Calculations: Toward to Next-Generation Supercomputer (T Inakura)
  • Tensor Correlations on Spin-Orbit Splittings and Spin Dependent Excitations (H Sagawa, L-G Cao, C L Bai and G Colò)
  • Systematic Study of Many-Particle and Many-Hole States in and Around the “Island of Inversion” (M Kimura)
  • Coexistence of Various Deformed States and α Clustering in 42Ca (Y Taniguchi)
  • Tops-on-Top Model for Triaxial Strongly Deformed Bands in Even-A Nuclei (K Sugawara-Tanabe and K Tanabe)
  • Structure Beyond the Neutron Drip-Line: 9He (T Al Kalanee, J Gibelin, P Roussel-Chomaz, D Beaumel, Y Blumenfeld, B Fernandez-Dominguez, C Force, L Gaudefroy, A Gillibert, J Guillot, H Iwasaki, N Keeley, S Krupko, V Lapoux, W Mittig, X Mougeot, L Nalpas, N A Orr, E Pollacco, K Rusek, T Roger, H Savajols, N de Séréville, S Sidorchuk, D Suzuki and I Strojek)
  • Tensor Correlation in Light Nuclei Studied with Tensor Optimized Shell Model (T Myo, A Umeya, H Toki and K Ikeda)
  • Symmetry Energy, Pairing Correlations in Nuclear Matter and Giant Resonances in Tin Isotopes (M-K Cheoun, E Ha and C Y Ryu)
  • Systematic Study of E1 Mode Using Canonical-Basis TDHFB (S Ebata, T Nakatsukasa, T Inakura, K Yoshida, Y Hashimoto and K Yabana)
  • Studies of Light Neutron-Excess Nuclei from Bounds to Continuum (M Ito)
  • Triaxial Nuclear Molecule 28Si – 28Si in Resonances (E Uegaki and Y Abe)
  • Black-Sphere Approximation to Nuclei and Its Application to Reactions with Neutron-Rich Nuclei (A Kohama, K Iida and K Oyamatsu)
  • Beyond-Mean-Field Models for Correlated Nucleons. Applications of Second Random-Phase Approximation to 16O and 48Ca (M Grasso, D Gambacurta and F Catara)
  • Derivation of the Interacting Boson Model from Mean-Field Theory (K Nomura)
  • Large-Amplitude Quadrupole Collective Dynamics in Neutron-Rich Mg and Cr Isotopes (N Hiniohara, K Sato, K Yoshida, T Nakatsukasa, M Matsuo and K Matsuyanagi)
  • Microscopic Description of Large-Amplitude Collective Motions with Local QRPA Inertial Masses (K Sato, N Hinohara, T Nakatsukasa, M Matsuo and K Matsuyanagi)
  • Two-Proton Radioactivity as a Tool for Nuclear Structure (B Blank, P Ascher, L Audirac, J Giovinazzo, N Adimi, G Canchel, F Delalee, C E Demonchy, C Dossat, S Grévy, L Hay, J Huikari, T Kurtukian-Nieto, S Leblanc, I Matea, J-L Pedroza, J Pibernat, L Serani, F de Oliveira Santos, L Perrot, P C Srivastava, C Stodel, J-C Thomas, C Borcea, I Companis, B A Brown and L V Grigorenko)
  • 14Be(P,N)13B Reaction at 69 MeV and Proportionality Relationship Between Forward Angle (P,N) Cross Section and B(GT) (Y Satou, T Nakamura, Y Kondo, N Matsui, Y Hashimoto, T Nakabayashi, T Okumura, M Shinohara, N Fukuda, T Sugimoto, H Otsu, Y Togano, T Motobayashi, H Sakurai, Y Yanagisawa, N Aoi, S Takeuchi, T Gomi, M Ishihara, S Kawai, H J Ong, T K Onishi, S Shimoura, M Tamaki, T Kobayashi, Y Matsuda, N Endo and M Kitayama)
  • Exploring Mg Isotope Structures through Beta-Delayed Decay of Spin-Polarized Na Isotopes (T Shimoda, K Tajiri, K Kura, A Odahara, T Hori, M Kazato, T Masue, M Suga, A Takashima, T Suzuki, T Fukuchi, Y Hirayama, N Imai, H Miyatake, M Pearson, C D P Levy and K P Jackson)
  • A New Method to Explore High-Spin States by RI Beam Induced Fusion Reaction (A Odahara, T Shimoda, Y Ito, H Nishibata, K Tajiri, J Takatsu, N Hamatani, R Yokoyama, C Petrache, R Leguillon, T Suzuki, E Ideguchi, H Watanabe, Y Wakabayashi, K Yoshinaga, D Beaumel, P Desesquelles, D Curien, D Guinet and G Lehaut)
  • The Super-Allowed Fermi Type Charge Exchange Reaction for Studies of Isovector Non-Spin-Flip Monopole Resonance (Y Sasamoto, T Uesaka, S Shimoura, S Michimasa, S Ota, H Tokieda, H Miya, S Kawase, Y Kikuchi, K Kisamori, M Takaki, M Dozono, H Mathubara, K Yako, S Noji, K Miki, H Sakai, T Kubo, Y Yanagisawa, H Takeda, K Yoshida, T Ohnishi, N Fukuda, D Kameda, N Inabe, N Aoi, S Takeuchi, T Ichihara, H Baba, S Sakaguchi, P Doornenbal, H Wang, R Chen, Y Shimizu, T Kawahara, T Kawabata, N Yokota, Y Maeda, H Miyasako and G P A Berg)
  • Invariant-Mass Spectroscopy of the Unbound Nucleus 13Be (Y Kondo, T Nakamura, Y Satou, Y Hashimoto, N Matsui, T Nakabayashi, T Okumura, M Shinohara, T Matsumoto, N Aoi, N Fukuda, T Gomi, M Ishihara, H Otsu, H Sakurai, T Sugimoto, S Takeuchi, Y Yanagisawa, N Endo, M Kitayama, T Kobayashi, Y Matsuda, S Kawai, Y Togano, H J Ong, T K Onishi, K Ogata, S Shimoura and M Tamaki)
  • Gamow-Teller Transitions in Proton Rich Nuclei Deduced from the Combined Study of β-Decay and Charge-Exchange Reactions (Y Fujita, B Rubio, B Blank, W Gelletly, T Adachi, J Agramunt, A Algora, P Ascher, B Bilgier, L Cáceres, R B Cakirli, E Ganioğlu, M Gerbaux, J Giovinazzo, S Grévy, H Fujita, O Kamalou, H C Kozer, L Kucuk, T Kurtukian-Nieto, F Molina, S E A Orrigo, L Popescu, A M Rogers, G Susoy, C Stodel, T Suzuki, A Tamii and J-C Thomas)
  • Supernova Nucleosynthesis, Neutrino Mass and Oscillation, and Nuclear Weak Interactions (T Kajino, K Nakamura, K Sato, K Shaku, T Yoshida, T Hayakawa, S Chiba, D Yamazaki, M-K Cheoun and G J Mathews)
  • KEK Isotope Separation System for β Decay Spectroscopy of R-Process Nuclei (Y X Watanabe, H Miyatake, S C Jeong, H Ishiyama, N Imai, Y Hirayama, M Oyaizu, K Niki, M Okada, M Wada and T Sonoda)
  • Spin Modes in Nuclei and Applications to Astrophysical Processes (T Suzuki)
  • Proton-Capture Nucleosynthesis in Neutrino-Driven Supernova Explosions (S Wanajo, H-T Janka and S Kubono)
  • Momentum-Dependent Spin-Current Tensor Contribution in Collision Dynamics (Y Iwata)
  • Strong Nuclear Couplings as a Source of Coulomb Rainbow and Near Barrier Fusion Suppression (N Alamanos and N Keeley)
  • Analytic Study of the Hindered Fusion A La Recherche D'une Formule Analytique Pour La Fusion Entravee (Y Abe, C Shen, D Boilley and B B Giraud)
  • Studies of Fission-Yield Models (P Möller and J Randrup)
  • Digital Electronics for γ-Ray Spectroscopy — The Path to Low Cross-Sections: First Evidence of a Rotational Band in 246Fm (J Piot for the JR83 Experiment Collaborators)
  • MINOS: A Vertex Tracker for In-Beam γ Spectroscopy at Relativistic Energies (A Obertelli on behalf of the MINOS Collaboration)
  • Elastic Scattering of Protons with Radioactive Ion Beams: Overview of ESPRI Project (J Zenihiro, Y Matsuda, H Sakaguchi, S Terashima, H Otsu, H Takeda, K Ozeki, K Yoneda, K Tanaka, T Ohnishi, T Kobayashi, T Murakami, Y Maeda, Y Sato, I Tanihata, O H Jing, M Takechi and M Kanazawa)
  • Studies of Spin-Dependent Interactions in Unstable Nuclei with Solid Polarized Proton Target (S Sakaguchi, T Wakui and T Uesaka)
  • The DESIR Facility at SPIRAL2 (J-C Thomas and B Blank)
  • Electron Scattering (T Suda)
  • Pushing the Limits of Spectroscopy with S3 (B J P Gall, O Dorvaux, K Hauschild, A Khouaja, M Lamberti, A Lopez-Martens, R L Lozeva, J Pancin and J Piot, for the S3 Collaboration)
  • SAMURAI: A Large-Acceptance Spectrometer in RIBF (K Yoneda)
  • VAMOS: Hot News and Perspectives (C Schmitt for the VAMOS Collaboration)
  • Final Remarks (T Otsuka)

Readership: Researchers and professionals in nuclear physics.