Confinement and manipulation of photons using microcavities have triggered intense research interest in both basic and applied physics for more than a decade. Prominent examples are whispering gallery microcavities which confine photons by means of continuous total internal reflection along a curved and smooth surface. The long photon lifetime, strong field confinement, and in-plane emission characteristics make them promising candidates for enhancing light-matter interactions on a chip. In this book, we will introduce different ultra-high-Q whispering gallery microcavities, and focus on their applications in enhancing light-matter interaction, such as ultralow-threshold microlasing, highly sensitive optical biosensing, nonlinear optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics and cavity optomechanics.
- High-Q Lithium Niobate Microcavities and Their Applications (Cheng Wang, Mian Zhang and Marko Lončar)
- Second-order Nonlinear Effects and Photon Scattering in Ultra-high-Q Crystalline WGMRs (Guoping Lin and Yanne K Chembo)
- Dissipated Kerr Solitons in Optical Microresonators (Xu Yi and Kerry Vahala)
- Non-reciprocity in Optomechanical Resonators (Zhen Shen, Yuan Chen, Chang-Ling Zou and Chun-Hua Dong)
- Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and Chiral Quantum Optics (Michael Scheucher, Jürgen Volz and Arno Rauschenbeutel)
- Organic Self-assembled Microcavities and Microlasers (Chuang Zhang and Yong Sheng Zhao)
- Microdisk Lasers: Fundamental Physics and Practical Applications (Qinghai Song)
- Non-Hermitian Physics and Exceptional Points in High-quality Optical Microresonators (Weijian Chen, Changqing Wang, Bo Peng and Lan Yang)
- Resonance-assisted Tunneling in Weakly Deformed Microdisk Cavities (Julius Kullig, Chang-Hwan Yi and Jan Wiersig)
- Ultra-high-Q Asymmetric Microcavity (Yu-Zhong Gu, Li-Kun Chen, Qi-Tao Cao, Qihuang Gong and Yun-Feng Xiao)
Readership: Student of all levels, undergraduate to research fellows, as well as professors and professionals in Optics and Laser Physics studies and field; students/professionals in quantum mechanics, nanomaterials, nanostructures, applied physics with interests in optics and laser physics.