The aim of this third edition is to give an accessible and essentially self-contained account of pseudo-differential operators based on the previous edition. New chapters notwithstanding, the elementary and detailed style of earlier editions is maintained in order to appeal to the largest possible group of readers. The focus of this book is on the global theory of elliptic pseudo-differential operators on Lp(Rn).
The main prerequisite for a complete understanding of the book is a basic course in functional analysis up to the level of compact operators. It is an ideal introduction for graduate students in mathematics and mathematicians who aspire to do research in pseudo-differential operators and related topics.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction, Notation and Preliminaries (295 KB)
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- Introduction, Notation and Preliminaries
- Differentiation of Integrals Depending on Parameters
- The Convolution
- The Fourier Transform
- Tempered Distributions
- Symbols, Pseudo-Differential Operators and Asymptotic Expansions
- A Partition of Unity and Taylor's Formula
- The Product of Two Pseudo-Differential Operators
- The Formal Adjoint of a Pseudo-Differential Operator
- The Parametrix of an Elliptic Pseudo-Differential Operator
- Lp-Boundedness of Pseudo-Differential Operators
- The Sobolev Spaces Hs,p, -∞<s<∞, 1≤p<∞
- Closed Linear Operators
- Minimal and Maximal Pseudo-Differential Operators
- Global Regularity of Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
- Weak Solutions of Pseudo-Differential Equations
- Gårding's Inequality
- Strong Solutions of Pseudo-Differential Equations
- One-Parameter Semigroups Generated by Pseudo-Differential Operators
- Fredholm Operators
- Fredholm Pseudo-Differential Operators
- Symmetrically Global Pseudo-Differential Operators
- Spectral Invariance of Symmetrically Global Pseudo-Differential Operators
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the fields of analysis and differential equations.
“The third edition of this book contains improvements of some of the contents and additional exercises to the 15 chapters of the second edition but also 7 new chapters, namely Chapters 17-23. It remains a nice, accessible and self-adjoint introduction to the theory of pseudodifferential operators. The book is well written and equipped with many exercises.”
Zentralblatt MATH